View Full Version : " Psychological Aptitude test" : Any precise infos ?

1st Sep 2007, 07:16
Good morning everyone,

So in the academy i wish to enter, various tests are up.
One of them is a psychological aptitude test.
Can anyone please tell more about what that is exacty?

Is it some kind of personality test?
How long is it?

Good day

1st Sep 2007, 15:10
Hi Bclouds,
Yes a personality test is exactly what it is, takes about 30 minutes approximately. The only advice anyone can give you is to be honest with your answers and dont give answers that you think the examier wants to hear.
The same question can be asked in different ways throughout the paper and if you have not answered truthfully the chances are you will end up contradicting yourself.
Good luck.

1st Sep 2007, 18:38
As above, really. They are designed to catch you out so answer honestly, anything else will tie you in knots and probably have a negative effect on the outcome.

3rd Sep 2007, 11:04
I have just completed one for an airline slection. I had to answer true or false to statements - one of which was;

I would not care to watch a motion picture about the life of an otter.

This is obviously no help to you and a little "off topic" but I just had to share it.

3rd Sep 2007, 11:37
Could you pls pm an example if anyone of you has any or in which web site can you find one?

3rd Sep 2007, 12:33
'I would not care to watch a motion picture about the life of an otter.'

I would! I dont know if its the right or wrong answer, but I would. Tarka, you out there?:}