View Full Version : TOM FCA Seniority

31st Aug 2007, 16:38
Where did the TOM FCA thred go?:confused:

Boeing B'Stard
31st Aug 2007, 17:40
It was getting a little fractious:cool:.
I believe that it was removed - by whom I'm not sure. although..........one of the FCA contributors is also a moderator.....:rolleyes:
All pointless anyway, CC will decide, and I have every faith that God is still on the side of the big battalions. Roll on the joint forum.:D


BB2;) - I think I'm still a Captain, would someone please tell me whose rules I'm working to?

PS - Maybe we'll get our caps back.:}

31st Aug 2007, 18:13
To all on both sides.

I requested that the thread be put into storage for the time being as it was getting out of hand.

Once the new joint forum is open then it will be reinstated. At that point we can hopefully be free of any 'outside influence'.

See you there BB2?


31st Aug 2007, 19:29
"God is still on the side of the big battalions":)


zero-lash valve lifter
31st Aug 2007, 19:41
God is not on the side of the big battalions, but on the side of those who shoot best.

Boeing B'Stard
31st Aug 2007, 20:36
God is not on the side of the big battalions, but on the side of those who shoot best. :)

Tell that to the marines! Or the Pope. Or Josef Vissarionovitch.

See you there indeed BB1, and the beers will be on me downroute in the Caribbean.;)


BB2;) - I think I'm still a Captain, would someone please tell me whose rules I'm working to? (But present company looks like good fun!)

31st Aug 2007, 21:24
So let me get this straight – somebody doesn’t like what has been written so following the best traditions of political gerrymandering the thread is pulled.

Long live free speech, ideas, thoughts, views, beliefs and different opinions.

1st Sep 2007, 05:54
No Nacud. Nothing to do with restricting speach. Just keeping the subject inhouse to those employed by both companies. Also one or two legal issues to resolve.

I will not enter into further debate on this thread as I am downroute and short on IT time until the 24th of next month.


Dave BB

1st Sep 2007, 09:49
NACUD - A high percentage of your short posting history appears to involve telling off others, (including moderators and Danny himself) for perceived undemocratic behaviour. In order to save valuable time (yours and ours) please take your views as being an accepted constant from this point onwards, thereby saving yourself the trouble of re-stating your position.

Presumably your interest in the thread stems from your direct personal involvement in the TUI/FCA merger process, and therefore we look forward to a resumption of your valued input as a member of the new combined forum. Access to the new forum will be enabled on production of proof of employment in either company.

1st Sep 2007, 16:15
A wee bit sensitive are we Tightslot? Please don’t tell me that the moderators and those that run this web site are above being criticised or having the odd dart sent their way. From time to time we all have to take a bit of stick.

It just seems that when topics become a little bit hot and certain companies or individuals are involved the threads are either pulled or removed to a backwater forum.

The main point that comes from this, now removed thread, the thread on seniority and the discussions on the MYT/TCX is that the Balpa NEC is remiss not to have in place a policy document for the guidance of CCs on how the merger of seniority lists should take place.

For what it is worth I think that whenever airlines merge that use a seniority system then date of joining (DOJ) should be the platform from which a list is constructed. Any factoring, other than DOJ, that is used to amalgamate a pilot workforce will produce major problems down track. A fudged seniority list will most probably be at odds with the new age discrimination legislation and would certainly not conform to the principle of LIFO, when compulsory redundancies are required.

As I am not employed by either FCA or TUI I will remain an interested outsider, especially if an announcement should come of a reduced fleet size.

1st Sep 2007, 16:28
Nobody is above criticism and it is valued when appropriate - We simply reserve the right to find tedious those who make a secondary career out of levelling it. If you really cannot find anything better to do with your time than to bait the mods and owner of the site then eventually sanctions on your ability to post will be applied.

The thread will re-open in the new forum.

We'll miss you.

1st Sep 2007, 23:28

Well Said.

Cheers, :ok: