View Full Version : Apec- R902

Zap Brannigan
29th Aug 2007, 03:15
So how are we all going with R902....... everyone have their requests in?!
Any problems so far?

29th Aug 2007, 04:27
Noticed (hard not to really) an F18 tooling around the harbour at about 1500' a few hours ago.

Now where did I write that ADC number down!?? quickly now...

Howard Hughes
29th Aug 2007, 04:40
Out for my morning ride this morning down wollongong way, saw the Police Citation running up the coast at around 500ft!:eek:

29th Aug 2007, 04:57
That's an essential security service there HH, there might be some sights of national interest on the beaches, :E

Islander Jock
29th Aug 2007, 09:33
So how are the training and charter flights going to get on? Did you have to get prior permission for all your planned flights in advance? What do you do when Joe or joelene Bloggs comes in off the street and wants to do a TIF or a quick charter somewhere? Do you just have to say, "Sorry, George Dubya's in town - come back in 10 days" ?

das Uber Soldat
29th Aug 2007, 12:40
its a nightmare, all the flight schools had to put in schedules for every single flight we intend to do during the period, even circuits. Once everything was submitted, forms have to be faxed at least 24 hours prior to the flight and you get a clearance sent to you. After that you pretty much operate ops normal as no special radio calls are required. However if you plan to divert etc then im told not to go near the HDTZ.

Overall, its a bit of a cluster**** of a system and I anticipate problems.

Loved the F18 overhead today, wouldn't quite call that east of the bridge and north of the southern shore though!

29th Aug 2007, 12:50
So how do we know they are actually authorised fighter jets? What if they are Royal Terrorist Air Force F-18s? Shouldnt someone call the Fridge-Magnet Hotline and report these potentially dangerous armed aircraft flying around INSIDE the restricted area???

29th Aug 2007, 12:57
Go on Las..... I dare ya! :E

A couple of years ago an Ag-Cat was reported stolen up in St George or Dirranbandi or somewhere... a nice old bloke I know hit the panic button and rang up telling 'em how much explosive a "big" aircraft like that could carry in its hopper :ugh::rolleyes:

29th Aug 2007, 13:03
I wonder.... are white Ford Transits and enclosed semi-trailers permitted to enter R902 without prior approval? :ugh:

Like This - Do That
30th Aug 2007, 02:37

They'd be allowed within R902 alright .... but the CIVPOL equivalent to the GSA & DA (see SECT 51 of the Defence Act) around the Opera House might be a little more difficult for your white Transit van.

I take your point, though.

31st Aug 2007, 12:32
'I wonder.... are white Ford Transits and enclosed semi-trailers permitted to enter R902 without prior approval? '

Yeah, course they are, as long as they have their transponder on!

31st Aug 2007, 21:22
I don't know much about military aviation, but don't pointy jets usually come in pairs? Lead/wingman and all that, so one can protect the other?

Is this an artifact of WWII movies that my brain has retained, and have modern systems made this practice obsolete? Or is this a cost-saving measure?

If we're just putting on a show anyway ("Resistance is futile, citizens!") then two F/A-18s over the harbour would sure work better.

Avid Aviator
1st Sep 2007, 13:25
don't pointy jets usually come in pairs .. so one can protect the other?
True, when said jets feel they require protection. Circling high overhead looking for stray civvy aircraft to intercept probably doesn't require a wingman to watch your six.
The F-18s we've seen over the harbour have been enjoying a scenic break from their task. The vast majority of the CAP operation has been conducted out of sight, at high altitude or on the end of nearby runways.
By the way, can someone at BK answer the question - how much has this impacted your (flying school/charter/bankrun) operation?

1st Sep 2007, 13:58
'By the way, can someone at BK answer the question - how much has this impacted your (flying school/charter/bankrun) operation?'

Nope - but Camden was quiet although a few were out and about - Guess they all went to the briefing and did the 'right' things. No good just ringing or turning up and saying let's go flying though! Guess this probably means flying school business is well down.

Poor old Wedderburn did not have a movement all day - and just to make sure there were regular patrols by a Citation and a chopper - and just to make even more sure, there were a couple of 'officials' from DOTARS(?) struting around!!! Guess they see those guys at Wedderburn as a serious risk to national security! No comment.

1st Sep 2007, 13:58
Commercial chopper scenics out of YSSY are somewhat more difficult - using a 'modified north and south harbour sector' arrangement by which they're restricted to the area east of approx the Zoo. Bring it to a hover and hand the pax binoculars...
Not too many dramas getting approval numbers, after the shenanigans involved with getting registered in the first place.
Effectively grounded for majority of next weekend though.

2nd Sep 2007, 03:40
Guess they see those guys at Wedderburn as a serious risk to national security!

I heard there was a guy plotting a very elaborate attack from Wedderburn.

He got about 50 percent done, then kind of lost interest.

6th Sep 2007, 04:07
Avid aviator Are there actually any caps being flown? or only when someone important[I] is on the move?
I heard that the ADIZ is so big so as to give them time to scramble a Hornet in the event of a [I]real threat appearing. I have seen the Citations around quite a bit, even 500ft northbound over Hornsby railway station last night. I have been flying as usual this week- just aeros in the T/A and a quick trip to the 'gong without being questioned. All with at least 24 hrs PN.

Except for airliners and enforcers:rolleyes:, everyone else seems to be resigned to staying on the ground, skies are very quiet.