View Full Version : Birdsville Races-Equine Flu.

29th Aug 2007, 02:54
The bad news is the Birdsville Races are off.The good news is the Birdsville Drink is definitely on!

29th Aug 2007, 03:13
There was a horse race....?? :}:}

29th Aug 2007, 03:26

Bring in some camels?

Just the Jockeys?

Sheep for the Kiwi's...:uhoh:

some speedway cars?

If CASA are not watching, a YBDV version of the RedBull in various classes, C172/C182/C206 and so on:ooh:

Cane Toads perhaps?


29th Aug 2007, 04:16
If CASA are not watching, a YBDV version of the RedBull in various classes, C172/C182/C206 and so on

That is the BEST idea ever. :ok:

29th Aug 2007, 04:27
^^ It is almost like the Red Bull races each year anyway isn't it!?- trying to get some spacing between yourself and the weekend warriors.

*This is not a generalised statement at all PPL holders who make it their annual fly, but at the few who have no idea where they are at any given time.

Roger Standby
30th Aug 2007, 07:36
Went to Birdsville a few years back (one of my oldest aviaion ambitions) and never made it to the track let alone see a horse. Would love to do it all again.:}

31st Aug 2007, 14:51
Now there is something to remember, did the gig 5 years without a break in the late 80's and into the big 90.
Fond memories abound,

Desert Duck
2nd Sep 2007, 04:26
Just returned - great weekend, approx 3500 - 4000 attended.