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27th Aug 2007, 23:01
I was contacted the other day by a recruiting officer from the RAAF (or the tri-services intake) saying that the Defence Force(s) would be happy to reconsider my application. Please see details of history below.

I was wondering what the situation was at the moment to have such a forward approach to contacting applicants? Is there a mass exodus with the current pilot shortage, do they need pilots that badly as to reverse stated policy (re below)? :confused:

I underwent initial flight screening at the introduction of OZBAT testing and was selected 2nd in the national pool for the course I attended. I was very young both in age and maturity looking in retrospect, and opted for the option of DEO over the ADFA scheme. 14 yr ROSO in comparrison to whatever else plus one year for a degree placement... urghhhh scary though for an 18YO that just wanted to fly.

Since then though a lot of water has passed under the bridge. I have got my CPL self funded, an aviation job. 2 degrees, travelled and worked overseas. I am not a lot older than before, and I still believe I have the abilty and moreover the dedication to become a RAAF pilot. But what are the circumstances are behind this reconsideration?

As it was point blank stated to me some years ago, *if you fail flight screening you are not allowed to re-apply*. Considering it is around $15,000 per applicant I guess the process was not on the cheap but the best fun an 18yo could have had.

I did not fail by a lot, but underperformed on my last Mil check ride... and as a consequence had conflicting pass rate estimates from the testing officers and selection panel.

What now is the go with intakes and selections into the RAAF????.... I am currently based overseas but am returning within the month and would like to have any heads up as to the motives of this reconsideration... please feel free to PM or post here. I am not looking for answers or a short cut into what should only be for people who are smart enough to make the grade... just a heads up on the processes and evaluations that have now been put in place, not all information I would like is available on the recrieting website...

Cheers again in advance.....

The 'wanabe' mil pilot, civi.... AH :eek:

28th Aug 2007, 03:10
Did you fail the actual flight component or did you not get recommended by the OSB?

From what I remember if you fail the flight component that is the end of the game. However if you don't get recommended then there still may be a chance, especially if you got a Not Yet 12 or Not Yet 24.


28th Aug 2007, 04:23

From what I remember it was a fail. :ouch: But that was nearly five years ago. So maybe they did not pass me based on a whole (personality, maturity, adaptabilty etc). I personaly think that people do grow develop and mature with time from their teens to young adulthood, but what was stated to me at the time was that your help and interest is no longer desired in this field of The Forces. :sad:

I am keen to try my hand again although I have been told it is not the norm to accept a second application like this. But from what I can think the numbers are in my favor in terms of what I have achieved in my time since this fateful day, and now. I am nearly 23 and have a solid and more well rounded knowledge now of what is required not only for an employer but for the Australian Government... := my youth and stupidity *tsk tsk tsk*....

Who knows... I might mlike it so much I could end up like Bruce B, working for my favorite government administration CASA... :O

If you have any info on the current status of the pilots out there or knowledge of how the OZBATs or screening selections have been introduced or changed please do feel free to PM me.

Cheers for the reply...

Runaway Gun
28th Aug 2007, 09:50
Just follow your heart. If you really want to be a military pilot bad enough, and they have indicated an interest, then consider taking them up. You'll never know unless you give it a go.

Surely the RAAF people that contacted you should know the answers to your questions...

28th Aug 2007, 10:17
G'day Mr Pilot,

I always wanted to be a pilot and did it a little differently to you, but the burning desire was always there. I did lessons on weekends when I was still at school but the GA industry was dead when I left school so I did a few years of engineering and finished off my PPL at the same time. Then I sat down and had a serious think about what I really wanted to do with my life. Flying it was, so I applied to the RAAF, and must've done everything right first time because I pretty much walked straight in a couple of months later. Like you I was a bit daunted by the 12 year ROSO if I'd gone to the academy so I went DEO and ended up staying with the RAAF for nearly 14 years anyhow. It didn't seem to take that long really. I was the same age as you when I signed up.

Great training, great bunch of guys to fly with and a good lifestyle. The money will never compete with airline money, though it's getting closer with the advent of LCCs, but it's a rewarding life.

Many years ago while still in the RAAF, I was threatened with promotion away from flying and ended up in a major airline where I have now been for around six years longer than I was in the RAAF. The flying now is still fun and rewarding but I think it was more fun and more rewarding in my previous life.

I had a great time in the RAAF and don't regret any of it, so if you're really keen go for it mate, you won't be sorry you did.


2nd Sep 2007, 12:38
As I recall it FSPs policy is that you can only do the flight component once. Period. It is said that there is nothing gained by letting someone do it again no matter how long ago it was.

What you would have to do is the OSB and the group activities. If your interested hit them up for some hard facts, good luck with that however.

(IF you really are interested PM me and can I can put you in contact with someone in uniform in DFR, albiet for a not much longer, who happens to be on this board, sometimes.)

4th Sep 2007, 00:01
Runaway gun,

Thanks for replying. The problem has been a lack of communication on their behalf. I have contacted them a couple of time but being overseas in a remote location is not the best for clear and concise communication.
Via e-mail there must be some person that has put the scare into them, as the questions can not be answered even if proposed repeatedly.

Bullet head,

Thanks for the encouragement.... I am not a stuff up by any means and have achieved a lot with my life. But the passion not only for flying but for the ADF has always been there. It is something that I want to do and would happily accept the ROSO.

Be sure to check your pm's, as hard fact are often hard to come by, I would love those contacts!

Thanks all again who have chipped in thier 2 cents worth :ok: :D

Runaway Gun
4th Sep 2007, 00:07
Mr P,

If you are dealing with recruiting there's a fair chance that you are quite possibly dealing with a non-aviator who does not know the answers.

"I'm just the cook" line from that Steven Seagal movie springs to mind... :hmm:

Be patient, and politely ask your questions again, perhaps with a request that it be passed up the chain to the person's senior officer (if they can't help). Someone will help you eventually - since they are asking alot of you.

Cheers, RG.

6th Sep 2007, 03:17
In short
RAAF looking to INCREASE number of students for the next few years.
Many RAAF pilots leaving at the mo for the airlines, and Ronnie making no effort to keep them (check out the thread on this in Downunder).
Many good new aircraft (well new for the RAAF)coming on line C17, KC30B, 737, Superhornets, C27J?not so good now but in 2 years they should all be on line or close to it.
In short
Given your age now, this is your last BEST chance to get in.
Its better than working for a living and there is no such thing as a bad flying job, its up to you to duck and weave the ground jobs!

6th Sep 2007, 11:33

Yeah the renetion rates are there for a reason, don't get me wring I love my country, but I dont think I would want to become a careerist over it:oh:. The simple fact of it is that I am young still and want to have a crack.

I think there is a used by date on all things in life. Being 23 and having the opportunity to move out in my mid thirties to a relatively stable airline job with my 2.3 kids and blue heeler or wife (which ever sticks around after the strategic BS repositions) does not sound at all bad to me!

Extracts better said by others that have been there and done that...

"enjoy the young & naive years while you're having fun and don't know any better, then exit before you wake up and lose your sanity!"

"Extract the maximum training, experience and enjoyment out of military aviation then POQ. Then you can make some serious money out of the airline business before you become too old."

For me... I am happy to say I am naive :O , I just didn't know the reasons to this sudden *change* in policy of re-recruiting. And being overseas and out of the loop in not getting the answers to my questions from rucriting I thought I would ask you old know it alls....

Cheers again. :D

10th Sep 2007, 00:39
Mr P
I would explore the oppurtunity, Find out who called you and where your file is, Doubltful that you would be able to do FSP again but proabably get a chance at another board. RAAF pilot is still very competitive but if you want to consider Army or NAvy then your chances increase substantially.

I got in at the grand old age of 27 so don't close any doors, most of the guys on my course are 22-23. If you want something badly enough you will get it but don't go into it thinking that its an easy way to an airline job you should want to be a military pilot above everything else.

24th Sep 2007, 02:35
Thanks all for the amount of time and effort you put into your replies. :D

Basically after touching down it was all a bit of PR, that being said the door has not closed to me, but I would have to endure everything again, and although there is no way I would be able to sit the flight screening stuff again (as per the original stated policy) I would have to endure all the other BS again. :rolleyes:

After speaking to someone a little more in the know there is little to know chance of me doing it either as the case was I know I bombed out on my second check ride and that stands in black and white against my name. Good things for the aviation world now though, and many jobs jumping out at me. I wish all of you the best in your respective career paths, and thanks again.

MP out. :ok:

25th Sep 2007, 15:29
I feel your pain mate. I was there only a few short months ago, got a bit of a bum deal i reckon as well. Ended up with terrible weather for the 2 weeks and had to pack all 10 flights into 4 days, was not impressed at all. Especially considering it was my first time in a cockpit!! Last 2 flights were done with winds that were about 2kts below the max that a Cap-10 was said to take according to the Mass Brief notes we were given. Ended up scoring about 6.71/9 and there was another guy who got about 6.9/9 and just got in so i know i wasn't far off at all!!

All in all i loved the 2 weeks, great bunch of blokes and its something i'll never forget but to be perfectly honest, i think it'll always sorta haunt me wondering what would happened if we were given slightly better weather!!

12th Oct 2007, 09:13
Thanks to all that had the time and energy to look over this thread, and give it your attention. :ok:

But with the current environment of Aviation and the amount of clerical BS I would have to endure in going back down the Military pathway - as said by the training officer handeling my file - again with no guarantees of flying, I have taken up a well paid and placed 'civi' job that in fact pays more than what I would get in the RAAF (first year training).

I in no term criticise the longing to get in, and wish each and everyone of you there the best. I would happily trade jobs. But being realistic, I have the opportunity now to fly for a living and that is what I have always wanted...

Maybe in another life!

Blue skies Ladies & Gents.