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View Full Version : Problem viewing threads

23rd Aug 2007, 10:05
Having a strange problem viewing some threads. For example, the conghonas thread, which is 99 pages long. From the forum front page I click on the icon for the last page, but it takes me instead to page 95 of that thread. No matter what page number i then click on, eg 96, 97 or last, i always get taken back to the start og page 95.


Any one else having problems? Have tried clearing cache, loggingout/in again.

IE6, Win2K

Saab Dastard
23rd Aug 2007, 14:07
Works fine for me - 48 pages, last page goes to p 48.

Have you deleted the pprune cookie?


23rd Aug 2007, 15:29
I've had the same problem on a few threads, clicked on last page and landed a few pages before.

Not a massive problem really.

23rd Aug 2007, 15:51
Having looked a bit further there is a minor problem with the board software. On the forum frontpage there is a count of the number of replies. This is used to generate the number of pages, but this count is not being decremented when a post is deleted (presumably by a mod). Thus the page count goes out beyond the number of replies available to fill up those pages.

23rd Aug 2007, 15:55
Works fine for me - 48 pages, last page goes to p 48.

Have you deleted the pprune cookie?


Check again SD, the system says there are 50 pages, but only 48 display. Yes, have deleted cookies.

24th Aug 2007, 10:25
I have passed this to 'the technical department'.

Saab Dastard
24th Aug 2007, 16:46
Check again SD, the system says there are 50 pages, but only 48 display

Nope, system says Page 48 of 48. This is true both in Firefox and IE6.


24th Aug 2007, 18:19
Please be aware that 'pages' are decided by the settings you have made in User CP/options and one man's page numbers will not necessarily match another's. EG I see 95 pages at 'Forum default' setting. Firefox, however, sees 99, but only 95 'active'.

The problem lies, I'm sure, with the enormous number of rubbish posts deleted and the software is not keeping up with that. Waiting for senior mechanic to come back on this.

24th Aug 2007, 23:56
Go to the front page of the forum, where all the thread titles are. Look at the column labelled replies. As i type is is currently showing 1963 replies, with the last by walter mitty.

divide 1963 by the number of posts per page (40 in my case) This gives 49 with a bit over, so the system thinks it will need 50 pages to display. To check this, hover your mouse over the last page link, it shows http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?t=284415&page=50
Click on that link, and you actually go to page 48

Pages 49 and 50 are shown in the upper right display area as available page numbers, but clicking on them only takes you back to page 48.

Go to the end and find Walter Mitty's post - it is post number 1896, so there is a discrepancy of 67 posts

Does this make it clearer SD? Does your system also show the same figures?

Saab Dastard
25th Aug 2007, 00:26

I do not see any reference to pages 49 or 50, except I do see http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthr...284415&page=50, on the last page link in the forum, but that is the only reference to 50.

Pages 49 and 50 are shown in the upper right display area as available page numbers

Not on either of my PCs they don't! Not in FF nor in IE6.

Try logging in - it does appear to be a problem if you are not logged in.


25th Aug 2007, 00:45
SD - I am logged in. Need to be so to do this reply, and I never logout.

Whjat happens on your system if you click on that link that says go to last post?


Saab Dastard
25th Aug 2007, 01:08
What happens on your system if you click on that link that says go to last post?

It goes to last post, on the last page, being page 48.


25th Aug 2007, 07:29
'Man with spanners' says there was a bug, which is now fixed. It will NOT correct the current mismatch of page/posts on the relevant threads but he is confident that future threads will behave normally. Thanks to all for PMs/reports etc.

Mad (Flt) Scientist
25th Aug 2007, 18:51
I thought I was going mad when this started happening.

26th Aug 2007, 07:54
We all thought you already were...................

26th Aug 2007, 21:58
As mentioned, there was a slight buggette but it has been fixed. The problem only showed up with certain browsers and not others. Running a thread/post count update takes a lot of time and is not something that is done very often so the problem may still appear until the next thread/post count update is run.

Clicking on the "last page" link should take you to the last page even if the numbers don't add up properly so please use this for the time being.

kiwi chick
29th Aug 2007, 23:18
Hi there... um, anyone?! ;)

I'm having problems seeing both my "User CP" and my list of "Suscribed Threads", it keeps coming up with a blank Internet Explorer page.

Is this cos I've done something wrong, or made too many nautie posts?! :ooh:

thanks for any help!

Kiwi Chick