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View Full Version : Qantas and APEC

B A Lert
23rd Aug 2007, 02:37
In a recent advice to staff, Qantas advised that some aircraft from 'APEC economies' would be parked at its Jet Base during APRC in Sydney. Qantas has said that staff cannot 'take photos or video footage of the aircraft.'

I can understand why (unauthorised) staff do not access etc these aircraft but to put a blanket ban on photos and video is surely over the top. Don't these boffins realise that it's also easy to take photos etc from many other points around the airport? Why are we allowing knuckle-heads and goons limit our freedoms? :E:E

23rd Aug 2007, 03:44
Why? Because if you look closely enough at some of these aircraft, you may photograph things that are not meant to be noticed and that don't belong on websites where the nasties can see them.

...And yes, I'm speculating, and if you don't already know what these "features" might be, I'm not going to tell you.

Atlas Shrugged
23rd Aug 2007, 04:11
you may photograph things that are not meant to be noticed and that don't belong on websites where the nasties can see them.

What a load of hogwash!

If the "nasties" want to see them then they will see them. They probably have already seen them or they can go themselves to the many other points around the field that B A Lert was suggesting or indeed to the many other places around the world where this travelling clusterfeck goes, and take their own photos, make their own drawings or do whatever. Rest assured that the "things that aren't meant to be noticed" have already been noticed and are on countless websites already.

training wheels
23rd Aug 2007, 04:38
...And yes, I'm speculating, and if you don't already know what these "features" might be, I'm not going to tell you.

Like you really know! :rolleyes:

Anyway, what's the big deal? If Mr Nasty wanted a pic of Airforce One, they can just go to Airliners.Net!


23rd Aug 2007, 10:04
Those that tell don't know and those that know don't tell.

Nice photo of Airforce one.

23rd Aug 2007, 10:36
Because the gov't bends over for the wishes of the sly fcukers, of whom there are many out there, in whose countries it is illegal to look around or take photos on an air base or even a civvy airport.

Because in these places anyone with a camera or an opinion is a threat.

This is the way we are all headed.

Sunfish I thought you were banned? You and lowerlubed...

In your case, is it:

Those who've been caught out talking ****e and don't know, don't tell?




Atlas Shrugged
24th Aug 2007, 00:03
Those that tell don't know and those that know don't tell.

24th Aug 2007, 00:06
I was "interviewed" for over two hours for taking photographs of aircraft (types that I'd never seen before) from outside the fence at Sharjah (sp), in the sand pit. Never got my photographs back... but they do know where I live!!!

training wheels
9th Sep 2007, 08:35
Well, looks like this one slipped through ;)

http://www.airliners.net/open.file/1261998/L/ :ok:

9th Sep 2007, 08:45
That plane should go see a skin specialist, looks like a skin cancer on its nose:eek:


9th Sep 2007, 21:20
Can anyone guess what the protrusions from the rear top section of the engine nacelles are? In the second photo they look like a long tubular section.:E Have a close look you won't see anything like them on any other 747.

10th Sep 2007, 01:14
No need to guess its been publicly stated by the USAF that they are infared anti missile defence systems.


Capt Fathom
10th Sep 2007, 02:31
Flare dispenser, anti-missile device or some such thing.

I have seen a similar device fitted to the BAE146 operated by the Royal Flight.

10th Sep 2007, 05:11
Ahh yes; but that photo, training wheels, was taken from OUTSIDE the fence. Believe it or not!! :E

10th Sep 2007, 06:22
Hmm, dunno for sure but years ago in LLBG I noticed a El Al B747 with what appeared to be IR jammers on the rear of each engine strut. Maybe AF1s got them also.


10th Sep 2007, 07:04
I would say bullethead is the closest. A number of years ago, while working for unnamed national airline, I managed to get right up to AF1 while it was sitting on the tarmac (underneath the tail section). These small pods on all the struts have a flat face that is gold in colour and has a honeycomb pattern.
Of course none of the CIA boys would tell me, they probably had no idea anyway, they just told me in the politest way to get lost.
Anyway I must say it is the best maintained and cleanest aircraft I have ever seen.:ok:

10th Sep 2007, 07:21
While trying to have a closer look at an unusual USAF Herc in CHC a while back, I was in RAAF flying kit on a military ramp, I was 'politely moved on' like this.

Sound from adjacent hangar,

"click click"

and a big voice said,

"I wouldn't go there if I were you sir!"

About faced and quick marched off with a distinct feeling of X hairs on my back. Those guys take it seriously.


Launchpad McQuack
10th Sep 2007, 08:03
I've noticed in various pics of the President's pimped 747s that the engine nacelles appear to be a bit longer than usual for those donks...no idea why myself, any takers?


Bullethead - I spent time during my younger years visiting that base when on Vacation to the south in NZCH, the Navy VXE-6 blokes were top guys but the USAF personal were always super-serious and edgy.

There have been some interesting odd-ball USAF aircraft (mostly C-130 variants) visit NZ on the sly and stories abound as to what they were up to, however I won't post any I've heard for fear of talking cr*p but perhaps there are some ATCs out there who may have some ideas? Apparently the NZ government cooperates with the US military more than the general population realize.