View Full Version : Baghdad

22nd Aug 2007, 10:33
Anybody had any recent experience of flying heavies to Baghdad ? If so would appreciate a security assessment. Thank u.

22nd Aug 2007, 15:57
Arrival: The ATC gives an approach radial to the point, then descent clearance down to 7000', then spiral descent within a radius of 3.5 NM (it's mentioned in NOTAMs as well). Then Baghdad APP handovers you to the Tower.
Departure: Spiral climb over the airfield, then you follow the assigned outbound radial until 20NM, then direct to the fix which leads you to your airway.
Night time ops: Keep all your lights off until at least 7000'. Though, that An-12 was at around 9000' over BIAP when they got their homing missile in 2004 (though it was day time flight).
Hope, it'll help you. Take care.