View Full Version : Multi/IR before CPL

21st Aug 2007, 09:08
Whilst at groundschool, was advised by an instructor that this is a decent route to take. I know that some do this as they do not meet hours requirement for CPL issue, but is this the only advantage and is the learning curve too steep? Any thoughts gratefully accepted.

21st Aug 2007, 11:50
I did my MEIR before CPL and never had any issue's doing it that way. Worked fine for me. Quite enjoyed doing the CPL after, a bit of relief from the IR!

21st Aug 2007, 15:53
I would not say the learning curve is to steep if you do your IR before the cpl. The cpl is just a spiced up ppl, nothing to it. The IR takes a litle bit more consentration. The ir stuff in the cpl is very basic, but you spent 10 -15 hrs in the aircraft to learn it while when you do your IR first it will take you about half that time to learn it in the simulator.
I did my IR first because I did not have the hours required to start the cpl course.

21st Aug 2007, 18:21
Hi there - I did my IR first (at BFC) and I don't think it really made much of a difference. The things you learn on your CPL will help you with the IR flying but the same is true of the reverse. By the time you get done with your IR you will be a bit more relaxed about the CPL knowing that the most difficult and expensive part is out of the way. Your flying will be sharper and your ability to fly accurate headings and maintain altitude will help you.

I also found that my confidence increased when the IR was over which definately helped my in the CPL. Also it can work out cheaper although I went over hours on my CPL to make sure I was ready and I didn't really save anything!

The learning curve wasn't too steep - it is all about the instrument flying and flying a twin - being super current VFR only single engine flying wouldn't have really helped me I reckon.

21st Aug 2007, 19:10
Cheers for the replies, more I read into it the more I think its a good idea.. this appears contrary to a lot of opinion of flying schools. Still the proof will be in the Skills test I suppose!!