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View Full Version : Aer Lingus Priority Pool

FO JimmieJames
16th Aug 2007, 14:38
I'm in the priority pool for AL. Anyone out there who is also in the Pool?

1.What are your views on the situation with AL? (Pilots strike, Belfast and Shannon)
2.Do you think that this situation is going to adversely effect the recruitment requirements for next year?
3.Do you think they may use the pool for Belfast?

Visual Calls
16th Aug 2007, 23:15
1. You can only have 1 view: it's that this fight is to protect the future of the career. When the shine has worn off the job in a couple of years, you'll be damn glad we did so.
SNN will huff and puff and be gone in a few weeks. Won't affect recruitment.
There's an IFALPA recruitment ban on BFS, so you won't be applying for it. Right?
You are highly advised not to undercut your own future or that of your future colleagues by applying to BFS.

2. The recruitment is affected as the company have cancelled a 330 for next year.

3. No. The pool is for DUB/ORK. BFS is a different process - at the moment. If the pilots win, the pool will be used.
In case you're think of by-passing the pool, refer to the IFALPA recruitment ban.

chec tunset
17th Aug 2007, 00:39
and if you use the pool for BFS or send all the new capts to BFS, you will have the Fair Employment Commission breathing down EI's neck. The Rules are different in NI. Whatever way this is resolved the FEC will be involved too. Not negotiable..ask Bombardier, H&W or any other NI employer :rolleyes: