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View Full Version : TTMRA - Instructor conversion

16th Aug 2007, 07:56
Yes I know TTMRA has been done to death here, but a solid search here and on www.caa.govt.nz gives nothing useful and maybe someone has done this before.

I'm looking to convert Oz Grade 1 Instructor to NZ A Cat. The TTMRA docs say that there are additional requirements related to spinning, aerobatics and night instruction, and say that AC 61 has more information. But that document doesn't mention spinning and aerobatics in the A Cat requirements (sigh).

So, before I get tied up in knots by some bureaucrat, does anyone know what's actually required ?
Thanks !

16th Aug 2007, 19:28
Check ur PM's:)

R.J.de Montalk
16th Aug 2007, 19:29
Hello Unhinged
Check out AC 61-18 Rev 5 on the CAA web site
On page 35 there is a section called Non-compulsory flight excercises.
You will find the information there (spinning, aerobatics and night, non-compulsory for C or B cats. Compulsory for A cats.)
In NZ for the issue of an A cat you do three flight tests with the associated briefings; standard manoeuvers, spinning and aerobatics, and night flying.
I hope this helps.