View Full Version : My Future

15th Aug 2007, 21:58
Hello everyone, I am new too this forum and thought I would start off by informing you about my situation. I am currently doing a course on Aeronautical engineering in which I plan too get 2 A levels. I would really like to look into getting into too CTC as I have herd it seems too be my best possibilty. Please post any tips or suggestions on for what I can do as an 18 year old that will be applying for a job as a pilot in the aviation industry.

Thank you

Brandon Hadley

17th Aug 2007, 23:39
Hey there, I'm kind of new to this forum also, however I thought I would just share my experiences and findings. Basically, I was in your exact posistion, infact probably worse, I found myself with 3 A levels, Maths, Physics and Design at grades C C C. This really wasn't too helpful regardless what the various places say. Seriously, if you are really serious, make sure you get the best possible grades you can at this stage. I retook the subjects in my own time and took the exams externally in order to boost my grades up. The RAF loved it, it showed them that this is really what I wanted to do at the end of the day.

Anyway, I researched the CTC similarly to you, and well I realised that although the course seemed great and all, in order to become a successful pilot (I presume your aiming to become a commercial airline pilot) and utilmately a captain, your really going to need to consider what you have going for yourself over everyone else. It was at this point I thought, well maybe I best go to university, afterall more and more people are coming out with degrees at the moment, and in order to really boost yourself into the career you need to have the edge over the others.

To cut a long story short, I decided that my best option was to apply to get an RAF scholarship for University, so they payed for my fundings and more! It is really a great deal, and it garuntees your training by the end of it (free too, which is really a HUGE bonus!). While at University join the UAF, it's another great help to begin to learn how to fly, and improve your skills. Remember however, you will be contracted to work for 3 years, and the only way to get out of this is to simply buy your way out, and trust me, it really is NOT worth it! But at the end of the day, if you really aren't the military kind of person, then do not go for it, during these 3 years you will be expected to serve like the other pilots (you will recieve 0 special treatment what so ever regardless of your circumstances).

I appreciate that you probs aren't even considering university what so ever, and I was in your shoes too. Think about it, and if you do decide to continue with the CTC scheme, to get in, really try and do some external stuff to prove that you are the person for them. They will put you through various interviews and tasks and it's kind of costly at the moment too to even go to the interviews! You will NEED to stand out from others, as you could well be up agaisnt Degree candidates who already have basic training behind them. Whatever you decide to do I wish you luck! If you have any questions about my experiences or wish to ask anything, please just ask :) happy to help, I know how it feels to be sorta in the dark about everything!