View Full Version : NPPL Daytime VFR

15th Aug 2007, 17:17
Hi there

I have a feq questios regrading he NPPL. I have searched the archive but haven't found a definitive answer.

Firstly, what is meant by daytime VFR, obviously daytime but what are VFR conditons? I had a lesson at the weekend and although it was oand rainy there was a good 20-30km visibility at about 2500 feet.

Secondly, you can obviously only fly in the uk but say if you take of from an airport, do you have to stay within a certan distance of the airfield or can you go any distance so long as it is still in the uk?



15th Aug 2007, 17:32
Your question would be better in the private flying section..
Which is basically when you fly you must adhere to certain conditions. Namely have the ground in sight at all times, remain clear of cloud and have visibilty of at least 10km, although this can be reduced depending on the airspace flown in. Most PPL's will fly under VMC ( Visual Meteorlogic Conditions ) unless they have taken an IMC ( Instrument Meteorlogical Conditions ) rating then they can fly in worse conditions but this is not be confused with an IR rating ( instrument rating )
Hope this helps.