View Full Version : Georgia and Russia problems.

5th Aug 2007, 18:02
I would appreciate any references to the inability for any flights between Teblisi and Russia.

It would appear that there is a ban on any direct flights of any sort between Georgia and Russia.

We were turned round recently after almost one hour in Russian Airspace.

We had a valid flight plan, and we beleived a valid FAS overflight number.

Any help to find any references to this problem in pre flight documentation would be apprecitiated.

We are an American aircraft, was this a relevence......?????

Many thanks,


Green Guard
5th Aug 2007, 19:35
If I were you I would phone up George W

6th Aug 2007, 00:38
They hate each other at the moment - take a little browse through some Economist articles for reference on their website. Most galling for the Georgians is the "protection"/"occupation" of their land in a breakaway republic run by pseudo-criminals in the north of the country.

6th Aug 2007, 11:28
Loads of Russia-based Georgians being shipped out to their motherland on order of Putin. Georgian restaurants e.g. in Moscow are being closed or being "camouflaged" as e.g. Kazach places etc.

Georgian wines and other products banned in Russia.

To be continued...

6th Aug 2007, 12:25
Georgian restaurants, Georgian food overall, and Georgian wine are some of the few high spots of ex-Soviet cuisine. Always a place to take visitors to, and all Russian cities used to have a good selection of them. Yes, it is sad to see them go.