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View Full Version : Rostering software

23rd Jul 2007, 08:26

I be havin' me one of them wee charter businesses, flyin' them wee hairyplanes, and we be pillagin' the high seas with a few safe harbours spread far an' wide across the land. We be gettin' pretty busy these days, an' I be needin' to be communicatin' me rosters to me wee pirates who be livin' in these harbours far from home. It be a cursed bother havin' all me wee pirates telephonin' evry night to find out what they be doin' the next day, or me be phonin' them back late into the night when only the bo'sun be awake, and me carrier pigeons all be gettin' the scurvy and dyin', so I be needin' to use this new-fangled interweb to be doin' my communicatin'.

I be askin' ye're thoughts on how all ye other pirates out there be puttin' ye're rosters on the interweb for ye're wee pirates to check fer themselves. The big commercial programs available be costin' too much treasure fer what the're worth, and by me understandin' they be mainly useful for RPT operators who be havin' far less changes to they're schedules at the last minute.

Basically I be needin' me wee pirates to be able to see what I be writin' on the big board I be havin' here in me big office, wit'out me havin' to be contactin' each one all the time.

What do ye all think?


23rd Jul 2007, 10:05
did ya hear the one about the cabin boy? :}

23rd Jul 2007, 10:30
Have a look at "flightschedulepro.com". It's web based but might suit your needs as it can be accessed from any where.

24th Jul 2007, 05:38

I be thankin' ye all fer yer help. Ye've given me much to work with. Now if only I could get me pigeons t' eat sauerkraut.


SM4 Pirate
24th Jul 2007, 06:15
oi, there be room only for one damn scurvy dog on this ere forum; off t'end a ye old wobbly plank with ya.

Where's me buccaneers? either side of me buccan head.


24th Jul 2007, 06:20
hmmmm... perhaps a bit lo-tech, but I'm wondering if a digital photo of your office whiteboard posted on a discreet web-page might turn the trick... save your treasure for when your scurvy wee pirates ding their cutlasses :)

25th Jul 2007, 01:51

SM4, are they not under ye'r buccanheadset?

I'llbe takin' a look at this Intelliroster gizmo, but the ol' photograph mey just well do th' trick.
