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View Full Version : What should I do - advice

22nd Jul 2007, 02:01
Hello all,

New to the forum. And please accept my amatuer standing here.

38 yrs old. Just back from FTE. Fabulous introduction, fabulous place, passed the tests, passed the interviews, age was (is) a major concern.

Married, 2 kids, live in UK, lifelong dream, but I have found myself in a position financially (after all these years) where I can fund it. It would mean a drop in salary (significant), and no guarentee, worse, less chance of a job with a 1st tier airline. How far should one push their aspirations to pursue their dreams?

My concerns are ... age, does it mean I can't rekindle the studious nature required? Will I be ignored by the majors (or anyone for that matter)? What are the salary expectations over the first 5 years? and What will I be saying to myself on my death bed if I dont!!!!

Feedback most welcome,

By the way, thanks to all the cadets/folks at FTE for showing so much hospitality and a good time.


Vee One...Rotate
22nd Jul 2007, 03:26
If you scroll down a bit on the page below you'll find three threads on age and professional training:-




22nd Jul 2007, 09:21
Im in the same boat mate, missus (not happy, never see her because always flying, reading or drinking), kid, mortgage, dog etc etc and will be taking a pay cut for first job. But i've said it before and probably will again, you gotta live the dream!!!



24th Jul 2007, 13:00

Thanks very much, this is exactly what I needed to hear. Although I am a bit younger I would be unlikely to finish until I am aorund 31 and I was getting pretty worried about being unemployable (actually, I am petrified!). This just shows that I need to harden up and get on with it.

Good luck to everyone. Hopefully we can buy eachother a beer down route one day.


Dash Decent
25th Jul 2007, 14:26
I know the feeling

Im just starting and it's a dream come true
Cant believe I'm actually doing it

I finish flights and then want to go straight back up again!