View Full Version : Wizz Air

18th Jul 2007, 17:15
Any one.
I woud apreshiate any informations on Captain position with Wizz Air.
Mony , flying blocks, days off, living expenses in Poland and styl as well.
Planing to yoin but there are no informations on net.
Any info is wery welcomed.

18th Jul 2007, 17:54
As a long time lurker here, I have resisted registering as I only did a few hours as a trainee for my PPL...then ran out of cash...but visited every country on earth except China and New Zealand as SLF.

I will not forthwith pollute the Forum with dumb comments, but offer this ...prompted by the post by a Polish person asking for advice...I speak fluent Italian, my German is acceptable, my French can get me to a toilet, and my Arabic is a source of fun to Egyptians.

But I cannot WRITE very well in these languages...as slf I found the question from the poster completely understandable...and was disappointed at the reaction.

Shame on you!


This post referred to comments later removed by either smart Moderators or embarrased smart arse pedants.

18th Jul 2007, 18:16
Any one.
I wood appreciate any information’s on Captain position with Wizz Air.
Money , flying blocks, days off, living expenses in Poland and style as well.
Planning to join but there are no information’s on net.
Any info is wary welcomed.

Thanks for your remark on spelling I do speak 5 language but my written English is not the best with out spelling check:ugh:

Matt35 Thanks for understanding and support

Bad Robot
18th Jul 2007, 18:40
40000 euro pa + 60 per sector if experienced on type.
36000 euro pa, as inexperienced on type for first 6 months.

6 days on, 4 days off, flexible if you are commuting;
basically they try to give you the days you request but FTL's say max of 6 on.
You can work for example 6 + 1, 6 + 10, 6 + 1 or something similar. Max is normally 12 days off a month.

Poland quite cheap to live in. Beer's good, so is the food.
All the Girls are pretty.;)

My Polish, Hungarian and Romanian is crap but hey I'm having fun learning!

So far a good outfit to work for.:ok:


Salutari BR.

18th Jul 2007, 19:12
No sweat pal...thanks for your countries' help when I was born in Scotland in 1940.


Fly safe...


18th Jul 2007, 19:13
Thanks Bad Robot

Are you flying with Wizz

30th Aug 2007, 12:03
And whats the tax situation for the wizz guys then? Kind of important thing whith this rather low basic pay.....Anyone?

23rd Jan 2008, 22:25
just did the interview with Wizz as a direct entry captain... never seen before a so rude and arrogant attitude among the Human Resource (polish lady:*) and the chief training captain (swiss-hungarian young guy :*...)

-they'll TRY to give you a roster on 6/4 but IS NOT SURE you'll get it.
-if they call you on your day off they'll pay you only the sector pay (they ARE NOT BUYING your day off) and will be better not to move any trouble.
-they need captains (better if already type rated) for the Gdansk, Katowice and Poznan bases untill next december... so almost no chance to have Warsaw or Budapest base.
-for those capts. without A320 expect a bond for 5 years!!, around 23.500 euros and reduced salary, of course, untill the final line check - expect up to 4 months to complete everything.
-expect to commute between the polish bases at least twice per week (by train or minibus!!! - the road in Poland are a complete disaster and is very dangerous to drive - fast and drunky).
The distance between Warsaw, Katowice, Poznan and Gdansk is around 4 hours by car and 2.40/3.20 by train and is not clear if are computed in the duty hours.
-flight time up to 14 hours daily (upon permission from Hungarian JAA).
-need to obtain a validation for your JAR ATPL (Hungary is NOT JAA member yet)...takes 4/5 weeks.
-those pilots outside of bilateral Hungarian work agreement (i.e. Belgium:=) need to obtain a work permit - 4 weeks at least.

During the personal interview I asked the HR lady to clarify some points of the contract but she didn't reply :oh: correctly to the questions :confused:.

- be ready to provide a full references from your previous company (they like to be ACCURATE;)).

personal opinion: generally I've got a bad impression from them and I'll not attend their sim check in LGW:=.

stay cool guys:ok:

Bad Robot
25th Jan 2008, 11:41
Wow! Sounds completely the opposite of my Interview.
Tech Guys were great, made you feel relaxed, not too many type specific questions. HR lady was OK But as with All HR types, I guess you should take the Bull by the Horns, this will enable you to "Control" the Interview. Be Proactive.

I did not seem to have any problems with the roads around Katowice???? No Sim Check either.


18th Mar 2008, 13:11
My interview was also very relaxed,very friendly people,sometimes it seems to be a big family.Very happy with Wizz although salary is a bit low.:{

pilot415 may I ask you where you have the information from?
never had any problems with my roster,sometimes even 6on 5off,you`ll get one day additional off on your birthday!!!:ok:

Looking now for crews in BUD.
It`s true they sometimes call you on your day off,BUT they ask you if you can fly(and I really mean ask...),I often told them that I am not available,never had any problems.:}

..,but pilot415 I fully agree,the streets in Poland are like hell,it`s relly very dangerous,there were already accidents.Imagine being in the crewbus at 4 am on Saturday,it is easier to count the people who are not drunk!!!:bored::bored::bored:

18th Mar 2008, 13:38
Hahaha, thats funny and so true. One of the greater aspects of PL...

19th Mar 2008, 10:29

Are you sure that they are looking for pilots in BUD. On theyr web page its only for Romania, Bulgaria, Poland and Ukraine, (new?!:confused:).
Anyone with an impression about the base in Bucharest?


19th Mar 2008, 19:13
Maybe not now,but in near future,an additional airbus will be based in BUD this summer,because Sky Europe moved to VIE.

20th Mar 2008, 15:37
Hi everybody,

i should have an interview soon with Wizz...i know from you salary are not really the best...company is not bad....but what the latest about type rating?i heard rumors about a possible way to have an off shore contract...let me know please !tks:ok:

26th Mar 2008, 16:54

31st Mar 2008, 17:04
does 40k euro and 60 sector/month at 80 hrs equal $98,000/year dollars at current exchange rate?

1st Apr 2008, 17:15
Hi Hamilton,

Contact Romy at Confair:
www.confairrecruitment.com or [email protected]

Good luck!

3rd Apr 2008, 11:45
How many sectors do you usualy do, around 60? That would mean around 6400€ gross for a CPT, what about taxes and per diem, what is more or less the monthly net for a CPT?


8th Apr 2008, 07:42
Thanks 74,i will!:cool:

Bad Robot
8th Apr 2008, 10:16
Depends on where you are based. If BBU it will typically be about 28 sectors, in CLJ, BUD or WAW probably less.

You look after your own tax, if you are from the UK(resident) then any time in UK airspace or LTN night stops will count against you for UK residency purposes.:(


9th Apr 2008, 11:40
wow, 28 sectors, thats not very much, so you are flying a max of 2 sectors per day!? That would make about 5K per month gross, if you have to pay about 30-40% Tax like in most EU states, that would give less than 3500€ for a CPT, I am surprised they find pilots for this salary.

10th Apr 2008, 14:52
..well...for what i know in romania for example tax are around 16%...doesn t make much difference...i know:suspect:..

10th Apr 2008, 15:53
my 2 cents worth, nice bunch, great looking cabin crew :) and a pleasure to work with, random rostering, expats 6 on 4 off free positioning on network. pay sucks. ex-pat guys through confair and locals i think on local contracts, a/c a little old HPA/HPB but some new ones coming in, although i do worry for them in the current climate whether they will survive as rumour tells me that they are not actually making a profit and they are certainly not meeting their expansion plans.

11th Apr 2008, 23:54
Know they were briefly talking with company in Turks to get pilots - dont know why theybacked away from each other but do know that the pay is TOO low and they have a rep for being kinda rinky dink operation - maybe because they are relatively new.

Bad Robot
12th Apr 2008, 08:58
Most of the aircraft are brand new, there are only a few older ones. All the flights from BBU have good loads.......unlike My Air ! ;)


12th Apr 2008, 09:29
Bad Robot,have you any infos about subject for tech interview in wizz...i mean...normal staff...performances,meteo so on...written multiple choice...open questions....
thanks a lot.:ok:

12th Apr 2008, 17:36
Can any of the Wizzair pilots please post what working for Wizzair is like?
Company culture, how are the pilots treated,are there opportunities for advancement,where is Wizzair headed in regards to expansion,is the company making a profit and do you feel the future of Wizzair as being secure for the moment?

Any replies to the above are greatly appreciated.

13th Apr 2008, 18:41
Quite good enviroment, I mean the pilots are friendly and qualified, but alot of the pilots want more in salary as the package is not the worlds best see ppjn.com. Therefore exchange of crew in a normal flow.

Insurance is provided, that means LOL only.

All bases are more or less available, if you are a captain =)

Bad Robot
14th Apr 2008, 08:32
BBU is best for Hours building, long sectors.
KTW is best for most, shorter sectors.
TAX depends on where you are resident.
Salary increments are every 1000 hrs, applied to basic and sector pay. Extra 1200 euro a year if you do the Bulgarian routes and fly LZ-WZA.


14th Apr 2008, 08:52
Hi Robot,

what means salary increament every 1000h hours? How much, starting from where? According ppjn the anual gross is 40K.
What would be a typical gross for a CPT out of KTW?

Still waiting for some infos from Confair, but they seem a little bit unorganized.

14th Apr 2008, 10:21
There are quite a few variations on contract, depending on if you are a contract pilot or direct with Wizz. If you had a 320 rating/current/Instructor etc etc. If it is Confair ask them direct (in print) & then you will not be fed any duff (but well meaning) info from someone who was on a different set of terms!

2nd Jun 2008, 17:09
Would anyone be able to provide information about Wizz F/O take home/month?


3rd Jun 2008, 11:03
The cost of accomodation in BBU is very expensive for none Romanians ! As soon as you open your mouth the price doubles. Having said that, the company are aware of how expensive it can be to live in BBU and so have introduced a 1200 euro housing allowance on top of normal salary. This means a complete reversal !! You can now live effectively for free !
La Revedere !

3rd Jun 2008, 15:32
La Revedere !

La Revedere, JB :ok:

6th Jun 2008, 17:25
that extra 1200 is absolutely a good offer.
On top of the fact that BBU is a very busy base (what I heard from the base boss) and that the monthly income can be very good for a starter when based there.

1000 standard, 30, 33 or 36 per sector (about 45 average per month) and then the 1200 on top.

7th Jun 2008, 16:52
1000 standard

Ummm. the minimun base salary is 1600


8th Jun 2008, 20:39
Even better then!
I just post what I actually saw when the interview was going. It's what they showed me.
Not so bad pay after all.

12th Jun 2008, 02:04
What is the average take home per month for an F/O at Wizz?

8th Sep 2008, 20:49
Time to give this thread a kick.

Anyone got inside information about waiting time/ waiting list for new flight crew? Is there still a list at this time?

9th Sep 2008, 14:10
Anyone any idea how Wizz are doing financially, I understand Sky Europe are still struggling with their share price?

Wizz seem to cutting alot of routes, but then again other airlines are doing the same I suppose.


10th Sep 2008, 11:53
Cutting routes but opening new routes and bases.
Another expensive engine deal was also on their site so I think that they have backup funds, but are trying to keep costs even lower.
Flight crew is still beeing hired...

19th Sep 2008, 21:33
There was recruitment day at Gatwick today and there is one in Warsaw next week.

6th Oct 2008, 22:50
and still hiring pilots.... afaik anyway.
Still on the waiting list...
But still expanding in Romania.

7th Oct 2008, 22:15
I am Hungarian living in the USA. I was working for Spirit (I guess parent company of Wizzair) not so long ago but I am furloughed since September. So I am playing with the idea of applying but all my stuff is FAA from the USA including my A320 type. Do they take folks with USA licenses? I only meet FO mins.

Thanks! Koszi!

7th Oct 2008, 22:17
Any up to date info on the takehome pay of an FO based in Poland?

8th Oct 2008, 20:50
Figures on PPJN are very accurate.
Does anyone know the length of wait in holding pool for recently recruited pilots?

8th Oct 2008, 22:44
I thought aviation job market is temporary better in Europe but this reverse exodus makes me wonder. Now West is going East? That's funny.

9th Oct 2008, 04:10
Wow so the basic is still 20,000 Euro gross!
How do these guys survive, a second job???

9th Oct 2008, 07:55
20K plus sector pay

9th Oct 2008, 19:43
So what do you come out with each month?

10th Oct 2008, 07:15
hours and hopes :E