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17th Jul 2007, 21:23
I was just wondering if Easy Jet will hire me while I'm on a holiday visa working and living in London? Is that possible? I'm a U.S. citizen looking to live abroad over there for a year or so. Thanks in advance!

Cdn F/A
17th Jul 2007, 22:19
Been wondering the same myself...I have tried to enquire about this but to no avail...If someone had any info about Easyjet or any other airline that would allow this, that would be greatly appreciated!

Canadian F/A

17th Jul 2007, 22:54
Err, I could be wrong, indeed I usually am, but surely a holiday Visa allows you to do just that?....

I'd suggest that rather than asking here and possibly dropping yourself in the p*** why not ring the Authorities ( i.e. whoever issued the Visa) and tactfully ask them - and don't mention you've been working :ok:

18th Jul 2007, 11:49
Hi guys,

Firstly, are you speaking about a holiday visa or about a working holiday visa?

If it's a pure holiday visa you want be able to work anywhere with anybody as it's only a visa for an extended holiday and you don't have the right to work. You might find cash-in-hand job but they are illegal and you don't have any insurance or protection whatsoever if things go wrong.

If it's a working holiday visa your chances look much better. I know easyjet hires Australians on their working holiday visa for a years contract but easyjet does Assessment/interview days in Australia so they can be hired before they actually come and live over here. I personally don't see why they shouldn't do the same for US and Canadian citizens as long as they are no strange visa restrictions e.g. you are not permitted to work longer than three months for the same employer. They definitely don't do assessment days/interviews in the US/Canada so you would have to go through the whole process over here...which might make it a worthless exercise as the process can easily take between 3 and 6 months.

Try to contact the recruitment department. PM me if you need further help.
Good luck!

Cdn F/A
18th Jul 2007, 19:21
Hi gang,

Thanks for the responses and the extra info Dolley! I personally was referring to the Working Holiday Visa that the UK offers which gives you the right to stay in Britain for 2 years, however, you can only work for 12 months of this time...would any airline bother to hire you, put you in training and then have you work for only a few months? Plan B may be to find a cute Brit to marry...love the accents...LOL! (I'm only kidding ;))


18th Jul 2007, 19:38
Cdn F/A,

Hi with the working holiday visa. You may find they will take you on as a temp. However, if a UK resident or citizen comes along they will be more favourable as they have the right to work for as long as they wish.

Are you interested in working and living in the UK for longer than the WHV allows? It is difficult unless you come in as a Highly Skilled Migrant. Anyway, I think most airlines will favour perm workers rather than temp.

18th Jul 2007, 21:39

That's the same visa conditions the Australians working for easyjet are under so yes, easyjet does employ people with this kind of visa. Can't see why not Canadians...especially as that would be discrimination i guess....like I say as long as it is exactly the same visa.
Once more, get in touch with recruitment.
A couple of Australians working from my base absolutely love it as the money is quite good and you get the staff travel benefit which they make lots of use of on their days off and therefore get to see a lot of Europe whilst they are over here. It's definitely worth investigating. Good luck!

19th Jul 2007, 02:53
So I would only be able to fly in the UK for 3 months?

19th Jul 2007, 20:52
fly guy:

No company will hire you for three months dude.

If you've got the right visa you can stay for two years and are allowed to work for one of it. Minus one months training makes 11 months flying.

BUT: You've got to look at your visa...and the restrictions. If your particular visa only allows you to work for three months don't even bother applying for flying jobs as you won't get hired....One months training, two months flying....no company is going to invest that in you.

Really, sounds to me you shouldn't be researching here but on a government website about the visas available first before job hunting....not the other way around.