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View Full Version : Cabin Crew Diploma's

trap one
13th Jul 2007, 16:06
Ladies and Gents please help!
My daughter is almost 22 and is looking to go for cabin crew, she is currently based in Edinburgh and is desperately looking for a job as Cabin Crew. She is looking at one of these diploma's to help get her foot in the door, as they guarantee an interview with 2 companies.
The question is, are these diploma's worth the money or is there a better way to approach/get a foot in the door for at least an interview.
Thanks for any help
Trap One

13th Jul 2007, 16:14
There are no diplomas needed in most airlines, how ever the course could be worth doing it so that she can have an understanding of the requirements of the job, some people thinks that this is a glamurous life but it's really hard work and waaayyyy much more that just tea and coffee.

She can do an interview with any airline and the couse will be provided by the airline specific for those aircrafts in use and with safety and procedures that belongs to the airline.

There is no harm doing a first aid course either, always good to know the basics there.

Many airlines nowadays are looking for people and I'm sure that she won't have trouble finding one, she could do some research in google for airline jobs and a big list will show up, it all depends where does she want to be based.

Good luck and I hope that this has helped !!


14th Jul 2007, 00:53
Trap ONe - my opinion is that these are often very expensive, and not highly regarded by the interview teams, however, they may give her some understanding of the job of cabin crew, but no more than talking to a current crew member. I'm in Australia, and would be happy to talk with her about the job if that would help, just PM me. Usually (for Australian airlines) a first aid certificate, responsible service of alcohol certificate are the required docs, as well as customer service experience.

The guarantee of 2 interviews might need to be articulated more specifically - does that mean 2 open days? If it does, ANYONE can walk in to those interviews. Just check it out fully would be my advice.

Good luck,


14th Jul 2007, 07:06
These courses are really more about learning interview techniques rather than the actual job. The diploma itself is not very useful but the things she might learn may come in handy when it comes to applying. They teach you how to submit a decent CV, how to dress for the interview, body language techniques, interview strategies, etc. Often these places have arrangements with airlines where they may receive a payment from an airline that employs one of their students, which explains the guaranteed interviews.

17th Jul 2007, 09:10
I work for an airline as crew and I am also on the interviewing panel. I have been crew for over 5 years now and have never seen one of these diploma's yet. My cousin is taking one of these diplomas but its a two year course. I think it is more for the younger ones that cant apply yet for an airline job and want more experience.

Providing your daughter has had some customer service and sales experience and holds a first aid cetificate with a good level of GCSE results then she shouldnt have a problem.

One thing I did was attend a cabin crew training day, you can most likely find these on google and will be a heck of alot cheaper. Where does your daughter wish to be based? Does she have the qualifications mentioned above?

P.M me back with answers and more questions should you have any.

kind regards.:ok:

17th Jul 2007, 11:33
Like crib08 im also a recruiter for the airline that i work for and can categorically say that i personally think that these courses are a fat old waste of time and money. You can usually tell the candidates that have been on these courses as they turn up to interviews dressed like clones reciting the script that they have been told to say in the interview. Trust me when i say we can spot these people a mile off. We would much rather people turn up and give truthful answers while being themselves, rather than giving us the standard responses that they have had drilled into them. If i have to hear one more story of when they help a little old lady or a disabled person. Its actually insulting that the tutors on these courses think we will not figure this out.
Also alot of these coures run for almost a year and i dont want to state the obvious but we teach our crew what they need to know in five to six weeks. Everything else they then go and learn on the line flying with experienced crew. In my role as a trainer i have supervised some of these courses when they come and use our facilities in our training center and have to say i have very rarely been impressed with the lecturers or the contents of their training.

17th Jul 2007, 15:52
I just recently got a job as cabin crew, and i have never done one of these courses, however another person who had an interview the same time as me did do a one year cabin crew course, however was not successful so it does'nt guarantee a job. The main thing is to have customer service experience, and being able to interact well with customers, and possess the qualities like the above post stated, and this is something you gain in real life, not in a classroom.

All the course really does is teach you about the role of cabin crew, which you can learn just browsing the net, or speaking to cabin crew, its not really worth the money....or ONE YEAR.

18th Jul 2007, 23:23
i totally agree with Scorpio88. (http://www.pprune.org/forums/member.php?u=182288)

I have just got hired by one of the the major airlines, and some of the people who are atteding these courses didnt make it to the final interview. I think there are a few really good books which u can find out about the job and about the interview.

I think it is better to spend a year to gain some work expereince in customer service related jobs, as well as trying to learn/improve the foreign laguage sklls that she has.

all the best!

trap one
19th Jul 2007, 15:05
Ladies and Gents thank you for your constructive postings, I know my daughter has read and in some cases has responded to individuals. Please keep the good information coming, it is certainly giving her pointers in the right direction and places/courses not to do.:D:ok:
Trap one