View Full Version : euro accounts netjets

4th Jul 2007, 10:42
i will shortly join netjets and will be based from Scotland.
I have been told that I will need an euro account for the daily allowances...is this correct?
If it is any suggestion on wich bank account to open and with wich bank?
thank you

4th Jul 2007, 12:54
Unfortunately, i can't help you in your case, but propably you can help me in mine.
I've a appointment with Netjets at LeBourget this month, and i'd like to know how could i prepare myself for this interview.
Appreciate any information concerning that case.


4th Jul 2007, 13:12
For UK based pilots, yes, salary can go into a £ account but per diems (allowances) must be paid into a Euro account. I use Lloyds TSB. Need €2000 to kick it off though.

4th Jul 2007, 14:15
try nationwide or citi bank


might help

Miserable Old Git
8th Jul 2007, 20:41
I’ve gone for the Lloyds International Account. 100 Euro deposit to open and 90 Euro a year to run. If you take a Sterling (international) account with them, I think you get the Euro account included in the price.


9th Jul 2007, 10:44
thank you for the usefull info


Miserable Old Git
9th Jul 2007, 17:47
No probs.

Based in Scotland eh; not a Nimrod QFI by any chance? I hear there are none left. :)

I hope you enjoy the new job.


14th Jul 2007, 01:58
I hope I'll have the same question as you in another month or so... I have a netjets interview coming up and am in full prep mode for the moment. I would really appreciate any guidance from people who completed the interview recently.
I have searched the forum so I've seen many of the old posts, but are looking for more current ones!
If anyone feel like sharing their experience, I would be extremely happy!:)

Appreciate it!


5th Nov 2007, 09:49
I'm getting prepaired for an interview at Le Bourget early december. Would really appreciate some RECENT information about technical questions, sim ride, type of a/c, ...
big thx!

5th Nov 2007, 10:55
I suggest www.postfinance.ch

6th Nov 2007, 17:34
re having salary paid in GBP. What/whose fx rate do NJE use ? Having shopped around a bit I can see that simply paying into a euro account and transferring to a GBP account is not the most cost effective way of doing things.

Transferring your euros to a third party who specialize in fx and have them convert it and send it back to your GBP a/c can add £100's to your salary.

7th Nov 2007, 08:02
Nothing has changed.
I was there in october and the old post are still valid.
Make sure you read a few times the book "ace the technical pilot interview", for the board interview, there is nothing to prepare for.
Same for the sim, make sure you USE the other pilot as much as possible.
Good luck.