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View Full Version : RAF Parachute Team in Hove?

4th Jul 2007, 09:09
Good old youtube, found this today. Would there be an enquiry into this incident? Does anyone know if the poor buggers were injured?


R 21
4th Jul 2007, 09:19
Thats going to hurt in the morning ! :ouch:

4th Jul 2007, 09:24

RAF Parachute Team in Hove

No, old boy, I think you'll find it's RAF Parachute Team in Eastbourne:E

Maybe Mr Jervis had organised it...

And I think the bloke with the camera should take up commentating full time. Priceless.:D

Colonal Mustard
4th Jul 2007, 10:08
Thats what happens when you dont get the red devils to do it :E

the only time the raf should be on a chute is when they pull the black/yellow cord :}

4th Jul 2007, 10:11
The jump was just before the Sussex vs Essex 20/20 cricket match in Hove. According to the commentator one landed in a tree and one on a bus, but they all appeared on the pitch 10 minutes after landing to prove all was well!

4th Jul 2007, 10:20
Once again I find myself unable to 'join in' due to certain surfing restrictions in place. So as not to feel left out, can anyone talk me through it?

Background Noise
4th Jul 2007, 10:32
The Local Paper (http://www.theargus.co.uk/mostpopular.var.1517170.mostviewed.raf_parachutists_crash_af ter_freak_wind.php)

4th Jul 2007, 10:35
Certainly looks like Sussex County Ground in Hove, where the Falcons were scheduled to drop yesterday. And looking back at yesterday's Shoreham weather, wind was gusting around 30 knots from mid afternoon to early evening.
DZSO pressonitis yet again perhaps, or just plain unlucky?

Hope there were no serious injuries (DZSO behind bicycle shed excluded!).

See Shoreham (5 miles away) weather here...


Colonal Mustard
4th Jul 2007, 10:44
Stunned passer-by Mike Evans, 40, of Cromwell Road, was walking home from work when he saw the parachutists land all around him,he said "F*** me look at that, F****** hell,f*** me, oh f****** hell no, blimey they were f****** lucky...!!!!!!

(for those that think i`m being rude just check out the clip again with sound,on low if you have children)

Background Noise
4th Jul 2007, 10:46
He was not necessarily the filmer though.

4th Jul 2007, 11:02
http://www.theargus.co.uk/mostpopular.var.1517170.mostviewed.raf_parachutists_crash_af ter_freak_wind.php

The experienced group of eight ex-military men [aka the Falling Fools] had just completed an aerial display over Sussex County Cricket Ground in Eaton Road, Hove, before a 20:20 match tonight and at 300ft in the air were getting ready to land.


Stunned passer-by Mike Evans, 40, of Cromwell Road, . . . said: "The unfortunate parachutists landed sporadically in trees, gardens, in the road and one was seen to hit hard with a tall building. Pandemonium followed as traffic came to an abrupt stop and pedestrians, ground stewards and St. John's Ambulance staff came to the rescue."

however Colonal Mustard said he said [quote] "F*** me look at that, F****** hell,f*** me, oh f****** hell no, blimey they were f****** lucky...!!!!!! /[quote]

Now come come Colonal, are you sure you heard right as Kayta Mira could surely not have distorted her report.

4th Jul 2007, 11:05
Thank You.

4th Jul 2007, 15:19
Does anyone know whether all the Team were not injured? Apparently, they all landed in streets, roofs and trees, as there is no Parks, schools, etc in the area.


Talking Radalt
4th Jul 2007, 16:10
Stunned passer-by Mike Evans, 40, of Cromwell Road, was walking home from work when he saw the parachutists land all around him,he said "F*** me look at that, F****** hell,f*** me, oh f****** hell no, blimey they were f****** lucky...!!!!!!

....on the other hand Cpl "Lucky" Smiff, one of the jumpers that day, was heard simply to say "F***! F***! F***! F***! OWWW!"

horny thorny
4th Jul 2007, 22:14
They were all fine. It's just unfortunate that there was a strong gust at 200' as can be seen in the video. I shouldn't think that requires an enquiry. We all know the vaguries of the weather.

4th Jul 2007, 22:33
Great to hear they are all OK.

Whats the deal with "airmanship" in parachuting? Looks like they were pushing their luck from the outset. Shoreham is just down the road and they reported high winds and gusts.

In civiy street, the Squardon Leaders head would roll over this "display". But I guess thats why they don't employ civilians to get into harms way.

P.S - Do not put in for a transfer to the Red Arrows!

horny thorny
4th Jul 2007, 22:53
They take accurate wind profile information at the display location however, it is very difficult to anticipate wind effects in built up areas where, much like Gibraltar, a small change in wind direction can markedly change the windshear.

4th Jul 2007, 23:42
On a related topic, I remember the RAF Falcons doing a practice drop into the Officers Mess Car Park at EGVN in the mid 80s. We had all been told to clear our cars from the car park and were given a 3 line whip to attend the drop. However, a certain 101 Sqn F/O who went by the nickname of "Bisto" had not moved his nice shiny Citroen. A quick inspection by the DZSO and the car was declared as not being a hazard.

Well, it had to happen didn't it. One of the Falcons landed fair and square on the bonnet just as "Bisto" appears on the scene to witness the intrepid parachutist picking himself up and dusting himself down. Bisto rushes over and the Falcon (thinking that help was about to be offered) says something like "Thanks for coming to my assistance but I am quite OK" only to hear words to the effect of "Well you soon f$%^ing won't be unless you agree to pay for the damage to my car." A true Mastercard moment!