View Full Version : MUC-MAN via LHR - connection? Abandon MAN-LHR segment?

2nd Jul 2007, 08:12

I don't have much experience of flying - especially of making connections between flights - and I've never been to LHR before.

I'd be grateful for any advice people could offer about a trip I have planned in the near future. Sorry the questions are no doubt completely idiotic:

I have a flight booked from MUC-MAN via LHR, with a connection - Lufthansa flight from MUC arrives at T2 at 1410, BMI flight to MAN departs T1 at 1700.

Is that a short/reasonable/ridiculously long time for the connection?

Will I have to clear security again at LHR?

Will/might I have to collect my checked baggage at LHR and re-check it on to the flight to MAN?

I'm especially interested in the latter because I'm considering not making the flight to MAN, but staying in London instead. This would be easier if I know I'll be able to retrieve my bag at LHR. If it's going to be hassle then I'll think about whether I could get away with just a carry-on.

Might I get in to any kind of trouble with the airline for not taking my LHR-MAN flight?

Thanks in advance for any help.

2nd Jul 2007, 08:27
Your connection time is fine, you will have no problems at all as your connection is T2-T1.

LH will automatically check your luggage into MAN, and you won't need to pick it up.

However if you really want to stop your journey in London it is possible, although probably technically violates the terms of your ticket. As long as you don't do it too regularly you will be OK doing it just the once though.

The trick to get your bag tagged as far as London is merely to ask the LH agents in MUC to NOT tag it to MAN. Bags misconnect at LHR all the time, so if you just say you are worried about a possible misconnection of your bag they should be fine with it.

This gives you the option of rechecking your bag at LHR if you do in fact wish to continue to MAN at a late stage.

2nd Jul 2007, 11:59
Brilliant - many thanks - that's exactly what I wanted to know & means I can plan my weekend now. Cheers.

2nd Jul 2007, 13:28
spanishflea is correct and the connect time is fine. BUT if your ticket is a full return MUC~LHR~MAN~LHR~MUC then bear in mind that not making the connection at LHR will (99% certain) cause the rest of the sectors to be forfeit.

2nd Jul 2007, 13:46
PAXboy is as ever correct also. "Throw Away Ticketing" only works if it is the final sector of an itinerary that is being thrown away