View Full Version : Airline Interviews Success rate in Australia.

Tee Emm
1st Jul 2007, 13:49
In view of the plethora of interviews taking place for the major airlines Qantas, Virgin, Jetstar, I wondered what percentage of candidates in Australia who have completed the interview and simulator assessments, actually are offered a job at the end of it all?

1st Jul 2007, 19:42
I was fortunate enough to have interviews with Rex,J* and VB. Was successful with the 1st 2, haven't had the latter and will now be passing. I also know of at least 3 other people that have had interviews with the above and been successful. So I'd say that the percentage of people having interviews and getting in is pretty good.

Tee Emm
2nd Jul 2007, 13:06
Thanks for the info, H369C.