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View Full Version : Spanish law: Upgrade contract

Mach trim
28th Jun 2007, 09:12
I had to sign a Captain upgrade contract for two years for a Spanish company.

Does anyone have any experience with settling or getting out of these types of contracts in Spain.

As I was an FO being upgraded I am not sure of the legality of the contract.

Wondering if I will have to pay it as I plan to stay in Spain long term


28th Jun 2007, 11:36
Mach trim,

depends on some details...If you are going to be based in Spain, and move here, probably you´ll sign some standard contract...( all employment contracts must be registered at Local Employement Office, so there shouldn´t be any trix ( and this way deductions and taxation of your income will be made).
Anyway, you can always ask your future employer to send you a contract "draft" , and I would definitely show it to he some lawyer..just to be sure..

I don´t know if you can some spanish, there is lots of information about all different types of contracts available on www.mtas.es (http://www.mtas.es)...

I just find out that they do have some info in english!! :-)
Here it comes: http://info.mtas.es/Guiaingles2006/texto/index.htm
In Part IV are described all contracts ...
Hope this will help..


Mach trim
28th Jun 2007, 17:04
Gracias Estoy basado y vivo en Spain.

Estoy trabajando por este empresa por hace 2 years.

I signed a standard contract and capt upgrade was an annex ammendement.

They want 11000 Euros
for capt training costs

Always Moving
29th Jun 2007, 02:51
Dieles que de que van, que si te necesitan de capitan que seria ellos los que paguen, como mucho deberias tener un "bond" pues asi no te vas despues de que ellos se gasten el dinero, eso es razonable.

Menudo bodorrio de compañia que debes ser.

Podrias dar nombres y asi se sabemos quien son esa gentuza.


29th Jun 2007, 07:22
Si te entiendo bien Match trim,
el anexo recogía la promoción a capitán a precio de 11 000 Euros/ o que tu te hacias cargo de los costes de entrenamiento.

Si has firmado, es valido. Lo unico que podrias hacer, si no quieres desembolsar ese dinero de golpe, negociar la forma de pago ( mensual, anual o bond como sugiere Always).

Valora si te merece la pena pagar ese dinero por pasar a comandante, ( la subida posterior quizás lo justifique). Tampoco estás obligado pasar a comandante, digo yo.

Y en cuanto a comentario de " pagar por trabajar"...es el cuento de siempre. Todos en algun punto de la vida, hemos tenido que invertir dinero en nuestro futuro ( o en su defecto nuestros padres). Haz lo que parezca mejor a tí..


30th Jun 2007, 03:19
Hi Mach Trim!

Would you mind to tell us which one is the company that is proposing you to pay 11.000 euros for the upgrading?Is it cargo or passenger?Charter?Which fleet?You can PM me if you wish some privacy. Cheers and thanks for the info.

2nd Jul 2007, 07:37
Nobody pays for an upgrade to captain on any spanish airline, it´s illegal by law, get a good labour layer or talk with SEPLA (Pilot union), not that I like them at all but there lawers are good at this. If you want send me a copy of your contract and I will have someone to take a look at it. By no means sign that contract, it looks like Vueling, trying to **** everybody.

Mach trim
3rd Jul 2007, 09:40
It's a Capt training bond you pay if you leave before two years.

You have to sign it before getting upgraded.