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27th Jun 2007, 14:27
Well here we o again with rosters issue just a couple of days before the end of month - what happens to GCAA rule on at least 7 days notice for day off? And of course, are they fair again? Like hell. The usual B767 crew (sorry to new recruits that you now have to do this) are lucky to get lay overs among the constant Indian and Pakistan flights whilest of course the non B767 crew get most of their life abroad where this new allowance is so much better. When do we get balanced roster? When do we get roster on time? When do we get a roster manager that will actually talk to crew and not just push away to hs secretary? Maybe i turnaround flight got pay by hour at least pay would be more balanced.

Now what about the crew notice regarding so call rumours regarding the difference in payment of duty day allowances? Not true acording our management. True says many of the crew who have got their contracts and payslips so THANK YOU VERY MUCH ETIHAD FOR REWARDING NEW JOINERS MORE THAN THE SENIORS who hae done all the hard work for you in the start. Good luck to you new crew, but next time a more senior one seems a lillte off with you, now you know why - you're being paid more for less experience.

VISA days now for new crew too. After the more senior crew were sent to get visa in their own time and told they would be suspended if they didn't comply the new ones are being given a duty day for it - and even get transport. A good luck for the new ones but nothing back in recognition for the existing crew. Could it be that yet again managers ealized that planning things in this way by NB was AGAIN something illegal?!

Crew numbers being cut as well on all of the turnaround flights to give priority to long haul Euroepan routes. Lucky to make service standards now on short haul and according to what i hear it will be September before we have enough crew to cope with expansion.

Now what about these crew comming from GF. Apparently over 100 FA plus a load of direct entry CM. I thought the idea was that EY wouldnt become another GF? ANd how well are all of these crew going to be treated compared to existing EY I wonder? Surely its very bad to take so many people from one copany unless you are actually trying to create a mafia?! Good to move forward and get people in of course but things need to be kept FAIR.

Report time to 1:40 soon as well. Apparently to improve on time departures. Never mind the fact that the bigest problem is AUH ground in the fisrt place and te standards of training and experience that they receive. Who has to pay now - cabin crew.

Maybe I sound bitter but to those on the outside who think that we must be great with our IFE and brand new planes, there is a lot of frustration on the inside. Think carefully before comming and for those already here- think about a move to EK where youre still safer and paid more.

27th Jun 2007, 15:44
Rambo why aren't you leaving? You seem so unhappy. From whatever I could understand out of it all....where you drunk when you wrote this?

30th Jun 2007, 19:36
I guess that the reason that he is not leaving is called "PASSION" and when you have passion for what you do then they are things that p**s you off, if he wouldn't care then he would have gone, but he does and he has the right to be upset and p**s off.

On the other hand don't take it too personal or else it will affect your health.

4th Sep 2007, 09:30
Yeh very true Rambo. I agree. Things do get alil to much to handle sometimes. Just dont loose sight of the reason why your their.
Goodluck. xoxo

18th Sep 2007, 21:09
I dont want to put anyone off but I have had a horrendous time at ey and have decided enough is enough.... I am still in my probation but want to get out asap.

Is there anyone who has done it????

I was thinking of trying to get sacked but To be honest I think they are so desperate for crew they'd let me off with anything I do

If I didnt get back on a flight to AUH can they persue me internationally for the monies owed for the training???

I know loads of people jump but I dont want Interpol on my back for a few thousand Dirhams

20th Sep 2007, 02:57
Why would you want to do a runner when you can probably just quit? Does anyone know if EY has been financially penalizing quitters who decide to resign during their probationary period? Seems to me that if you are so unhappy, you should just submit a resignation letter. I imagine others have done it. Any ex-EYers reading this forum?

If you do decide to do a runner, I kind of doubt if you have to worry about any action outside of the UAE. EY will have to inform immigration to cancel your visa but that doesn't sound like it would matter to you. Other than that, I don't think you should worry.

23rd Sep 2007, 09:40
Thanks in probabtion you have to pay back all training expenses and on the salary they had given that was never going to happen in 6 months, I'm home just now contemplating whether to step back on the flight.

I dont want to put people off as I am sure its a great company for some but I am living in al fardan :confused: Its awful and not enjoying the job.

Fingers crossed I dont have interpol after me lol

23rd Sep 2007, 10:10
Hey hatingey, hope your well. I'm sure if you did do a runner you would NOT have interpol on your door step. I had a mate that worked for EK & she did a runner within a few months of joining. All EK did was try & call her by phone to see if she was okay. I sorry to hear that your not liking it. It's very different lifestyle i know..
At the end of the day you must do what makes you happy hey..


24th Sep 2007, 11:13
Thanks Flight04 it was just not what I was told it would be I had awful apartment, seems to be getting a lot if minimum rest too.

Home now so all is good not getting back on the flight tomorrow!

24th Sep 2007, 13:58
It's good to hear your home safe... Keep us posted as to what happens with Etihad... Keen to know if they call.. or do come after you for the money... (i dont think they will) :)


24th Sep 2007, 19:18
Do you really have to pay back the money you get while youre in training??!!

Im supposed to be coming next month.. and I had NO IDEA about this. Ofcourse you cant get ANY information from these people, its seems like there is only one person managing this all.

do they really expect people to move many continents away from home when they dont get any information about the job!!!:mad:

24th Sep 2007, 22:07
EYiceland its all on the contract when you receive it..Its about 7 pages long..read through it when received..

Its your call to sign it or not once your pleased with the terms and conditions...

24th Sep 2007, 23:41
yes ofcourse. but wouldnt it be nice to receive some information before spending enormous amounts of money on these medicals and resign from your job?

It is still really exciting!! ;)And I am coming. But it is impossible to get a hold of the management.


see you in Abu Dhabi

26th Sep 2007, 14:31
Speaking of opaque management, here's a good one. Evidently, an email has been sent to pilots telling them not to give permission for ID ticket jump seats to Phils and Thais. According to talk going around the galleys, someone from one of these countries forged a captain's signature for a jump seat back home. So now management's action in response is to punish entire nationalities for the misbehavior of one. Seems like a rather silly, discriminatory way to deal with it but it does give some interesting insight into the way EY management thinks. Of course, this is a perk and I suppose they can do whatever they want. Still it is something to think about......:rolleyes:

30th Sep 2007, 06:38
Gee that's harsh. Hope it's not true. If it is, that's pritty slack.

2nd Oct 2007, 19:49
Well guys been home over a week no calls no emails nothing.

I havent used my du sim since I got home but they have my home contact details and email address

All seems well but who knows with Etihad,

To the newbies please do not be put off by my experience I am the only one in my batch who left But be 100% about giving up a good life in a new country.

I am very lucky my previous employer took me back and life is back to normal already but some arent so lucky.

I should add this was my dream job and dream life I even won star trainee for my batch in training so please be very careful in your decisions..

Best of luck all x

6th Oct 2007, 15:13
It would be great to hear how the newbie GFers are doing with EY. Seems like 500-600 have joined in the last few months. Some say EY crews lack teamwork. It also seems like mgmt is in a flux. Policies and regulations change everyday. One day wear jackets, the next day don't. And what's with the grooming patrol? They seem to be busy these days. Are these all normal growing pains as EY learns how to be a quality airline?

6th Oct 2007, 22:57
Hey, its not clear to me, did you do a runner whilst on layover on your home city or completed the trip and left the company as any professional person would do?

6th Oct 2007, 23:57
11111,the rumour about jumpseats is not true.
As far as morale goes, we need to get away from the reporting culture, they want us to turn on each other.

11th Oct 2007, 15:53
What is the general feeling about the 70 (I think that was the number on the website) direct entry Pursers that are to be hired?

- Are there a great deal of folks that are going to have their' noses out of
joint when some slot in above them?
- What happened to the last batch of Pursers that were hired?
- Did they actually fly as Pursers or get tossed into every position onboard?
- Do they actually get the single occupancy housing?

Looking for some insight!

Thanks in advance and keep your heads up!

13th Oct 2007, 08:18
Leito , I didnt do a runner on a layover I booked a flight home not with EY.
I wouldnt do that to the other crew.

13th Oct 2007, 11:29
Good to hear that, after all your colleagues dont deserve the extra load.
I asked you that because it's not surprise to hear that some people do a runner simply because they hate so much the company and just don't care about their colleagues either and I think that it's very unprofessional.

I wish you all the best in your new life and hope that you are happier there. :ok:

3rd Nov 2007, 18:16
Hey Guys, how you all doing? Just a quick note to let you all know that i've been over in abu dhabi for just under a month now.. & i'm really liking it!
Thing have run quite smooth with the odd hickup ofcourse. Abu dhabi itself is not the most happening place on earth but i dont mind. Still a nice city & it's very cheap too. I have a big group of friends here (some from back home too) & we hangout alot. Training has been very full on! But again i love the challenge & am looking forward to getting back into the air again.
Some of the crew i have met have been stuck up lil mole's yet other's have just been so lovely! The wage while training is not very good at all, around $400 a week AUS. I came over with alot of saved money from home & all of my bills taken care of.. Around your 3rd pay month money will improve alot.
I came over with no expectaions & it really helped. Good luck with anyone attending interview's.

Cheers.. Matt

3rd Nov 2007, 21:35
Im currently CC for a UK airline and have been acepted for an interview at EY. Was wondering if there are any crew from the Uk who work for EY, if so how does it compare to airlines in the UK ie money, rosters, days off.
I work for a good airline BA, but im board of life in the UK and its just so expensive to live now with commuting, rent and everything on top.
I know that EY give you a free furnished apartment and transport to and from work.

4th Nov 2007, 15:49
for those of u taking the easy way out.... just remember not to take the way through dxb or auh anytime soon

5th Nov 2007, 04:25
Hi everyone,

I am due to join EY end of November.
I was wondering: if we start training, how long does it take before we get the uniform (one week or what) ?? just to know how many sets of business attire I have to bring : )
does the company provide us also with stockings?

5th Nov 2007, 17:05
hello everybody !

Anybody is having the training on the 16th of December ? I will be taking this badge ! well reply if any is present that date !


8th Nov 2007, 08:01
Hello everybody,

I´ve been invited for an interview as Cabin Manager with EY. Can anyone tell me what the interview is like? What is it like to work as a Purser with EY (good and bad experiences...) Any other information? Thanks!

9th Nov 2007, 20:40
If your nice and human then dont apply CM at EY are some of the biggest arses I've met

One of the many reasons I left

9th Nov 2007, 22:34
hatingey: ... meaning?

10th Nov 2007, 08:28
if that's your opinion isn't that the best reason TO apply??

13th Nov 2007, 15:07
Hey Guys, some of the CM's are very full on sometimes. Remember your going to be dealing with people like this in every job.
Most of them tho are great people. Get to know them outside of breifing & you'd befriend them in a sec. FYI I'm not a cm.. ;)


13th Nov 2007, 15:28
Hatingey you made up your mind that you didn't like Etihad very early on. I can see that from your previous posts.
Yes the first few months are a bit ****ty. Your full salary takes a while to come through and it can take a while to get into an apartment.
But to say that all of the CMs in Etihad are arses just makes you look silly. You were on line for all of 2 months so you would have met a very small percentage of the 250 cabin managers. Yes as in any company some of them are arseholes. But for the most part they are fine.

15th Nov 2007, 06:35
As per Eddie's post..

If you dont like it..then leave. No one is stopping you. I have a friend who did the runner back to the UK. Shes happy she back home.

This job is not for everyone. You really need tough skin to push through and handle the job.

Sorry to say this. But many of our new crew, this is their first ever job or in the early 20's. Some been away from home for the first time. Coming here be prepared to be treated like an adult. No sympathy or anything like that here. Just do your job and youll be sweet.

15th Nov 2007, 19:48
Couldn't agree more, many people come to this part of the world and expect to be treated just like at home but they are not mentally prepared for the job and the place, the job is a job and it's not that different than any other airline but what is a completely different story is the base, ( AUH, DOH, DXB, etc ), and when they recruit children this is what you get.

All companies have rules and regulations and as long as you follow them and do your job correctly then you'll have a great time and noone will be picking on you.

Guys, GROW UP !!!! if you want to be treated like adults, this is a job and not a kinder garden summer camp !!!! :=

16th Nov 2007, 06:25
Hi all,
I was wandering what are the SYD and BNE layovers like? Are they 24 hours much like EK?


16th Nov 2007, 07:55
SYD is daily so 24 hours but apparently they will increase the frequency next year which means there will be 24 and 48 hour trips.

BNE is a really nice trip you do AUH- SIN - BNE - SIN -AUH with at least 48 hours in each. It will eventually be daily though

I have heard rumours we will open MEL next year too and I very much doubt it would be a daily flight to start with.

17th Nov 2007, 01:28
Thats awesome coming from MEL I really want EY to start here and with QR starting next year EY has to give them a run for their money. The route is popular as EK flights are full .


19th Nov 2007, 03:01
Hi guys

I'm currently a long haul FA out of Australia and am thinking of giving EY or Qatar a try. Have read a few things and was wondering if any of your guys working there could tell me about the realities of the job. Do you guys get long slips in Europe and New York or is it mainly short slips and lots of flying within the the middle east? Also, what's the yearly base salary and are the allowances good?

Thanks for yoru help guys!


19th Nov 2007, 18:15
Hey Nick!

Yeah I am the crew who done a runner back to the uk lol It wasnt for me but I do have to say some CMS are very hard going but god only knows what pressure they are under from there management.

Crew lifestyle is not for some people myself being one but I am glad I tried and made some great friends some where even cms lol!

If you do this job make sure you can work hard wont get homesick and let things roll off your back I couldnt but doesnt mean I have failed I would have failed if I didnt have the guts to do it.

Safe Flight always guys!

26th Nov 2007, 19:13
I looked at the requirements for In-flight F+B managers and chefs can apply. Do you actually have former chefs as in-flight managers?
Cabin crew experience is a plus (not a must it seems!!!)
It's something that really disturbs me about Ethiad.
I attended hotel management school and have a hotel and service background and really can't see a chef manage cabin crew and look after crew and pax on long-haul.
The chefs I met were good behind the stove, but it sure is better they just cook! Jelling around to "manage" and "organize", really not the kind of diplomat and psychologist a good cabin purser should be.

Does management have a bully-U-in-the-mold approach or motivational and intercultural awareness approach?

27th Nov 2007, 17:11

Just to answer your question quicly ...
Etihad also want chef onboard aswell Manager F&B

22nd Dec 2007, 10:26
heya, of any of you guys know or have heard of any ways of getting out of the 320 training?? Ive just been put on it, and REALLYdo not want to do 3 months of turn arounds after :( Thanks.

30th Dec 2007, 19:35
Does anyone know anything about the new Etihad uniform.. what it will look like, when it will be launched..?

Personally I like the charcoal colour they already have..

8th Sep 2008, 22:51
seems this is been quite for a while ... any thing new ?

15th Sep 2008, 18:43
Hey Guys, thing have been going great guns at Etihad. Although this ramadan month is killing me.

Any news on the new position due to come out soon called "Cabin Senior".
Cabin senior will be looking after the economy class cabin.
Any news on requirements & pay???

Cheers, xo ;)

15th Sep 2008, 18:47
Also forgot to mention that as soon as NEXT MONTH (oct) Etihad are due to change the way in which they pay there crew. They are thinking of scrapping the 250Dhrm per day duty pay & paying us per HOUR. Sort of like Emirates.
This has both good & bad aspects. I think for most of us this could mean a pay DECREASE.

What do you think???

19th Sep 2008, 07:57
EZsmile, F&B Managers are not in charge of the crew. They take care of the pax in First Class. Chain of command is still the same, as I know it. They have an additional position, no equipment to be responsible of. But they have to be able to answer safety and aviation health related questions.

19th Sep 2008, 08:02
Flight04, being one of the crew that suffered the worst of the 320 flights, with lots of turnarounds, minimum rest, and sh...y lay-overs, I think this idea comes too late. Our salaries were miserable compared to people that had only lay-overs, and they were newcomers. And that would've balanced a little the salary.
And I think it means a salary decrease. It will be better to do turn-arounds than lay-overs.
Anyway, we'll have to live and see!

24th Sep 2008, 13:31
I'm currently flying in Oz and am just about to pack my bags to take up an F&B Mgr position with Etihad.

Do know how are the crew transitioning with this new role in place?

I understand it's mostly a quality control / public relations position.

Any 'inside' info would be appreciated. :)

Hobart RockStarr
2nd Oct 2008, 06:37
Anyone have any more word on whether this pay structure change is being explored?
How do the other crew feel about the idea of a per hour pay? Any idea of how much per hour it will be??? EK is around the 50dhs mark for GR2 Economy crew. How about layover allowances? Any change there?

14th Oct 2008, 20:27
With that childish beheaviour I'm not surprised it gets deleted, do you need to write it 3 times? :=

15th Oct 2008, 11:54
Just a reminder - this thread is for existing Cabin Crew on Etihad - wannabes use the wannabe forum please.

29th Oct 2008, 20:14
hi guys!

i'll be flying on EY from AUH to CDG between the 2nd and 4th of November, could anybody tell me how the loads are?
I've already checked on flyzed and seatcounter.com , however they are not always accurate!

Thanks for any help :ok: