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Finger Poking
22nd Jun 2007, 07:01
How much money is it costing? :=

It is not sad the Jag has been taken out of service. It is part French and OLD. It is a piece of metal.... GET LIVES & GET OVER IT.

My point though, is this. How much Money is being wasted on Fuel & Maintenance of retired Aircraft so they can KEEP ON syaing Goodbye? A new Paint job for one this week.... that will be another Married Quarter renovation budget GONE. :ugh:

Stop wasting money, stop saying goodbye and let 11 Have the HAS Site.

(Oh and someone give a map of the site to Any Buffon-Pilot thinking of leading {badly} a Flypast)

22nd Jun 2007, 08:16
Oooooohhh. Someone got out the wrong side of bed this morning!

22nd Jun 2007, 08:34
Has a point though...

22nd Jun 2007, 08:52
While we are at it, let's close all the museums and release some much needed building sites. We could then do some real recycling and recover some valuable aluminium to sell to the Chinese. Remember, if it isn't earning money, it isn't earning its keep.

22nd Jun 2007, 08:58
Are you my Wife? Thats more or less what shes been saying after my Jaguar was withdrawn from service late last year due to running costs.

22nd Jun 2007, 09:13
What's a Buffon-Pilot? I try to keep up with the RAF's inventory and trades/specialisations but that one has escaped me.

3 bladed beast
22nd Jun 2007, 09:20

Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon (September 7, 1707 – April 16, 1788) was a French naturalist, mathematician, biologist, cosmologist and author. Buffon's views influenced the next two generations of naturalists, including Jean-Baptiste Lamarck and Charles Darwin.

Hope this helps......

22nd Jun 2007, 09:31
Helpful after a fashion, but what did he fly?

22nd Jun 2007, 09:50
The word that springs to mind is 'killjoy'. I have never flown the Jaguar nor been stationed at Colt/CGY but i dont begrudge them their farewells. If the various swansong events and activities had not been allowed to take place I dont think it would have made ANY noticeable difference to the rest of the budget (be it Families Quarter renovation budgets, ammunition or equipment for current ops or anything else for that matter).

Door Slider
22nd Jun 2007, 10:06
"""It is part French and OLD. It is a piece of metal.... """"""

As are the Gazelle and Puma, when we getting rid of those?? At least the Puma has an Operational output!

22nd Jun 2007, 11:51
I thought the Puma was plastic...... ;)

22nd Jun 2007, 12:04
1) The special colour scheme to which you refer has had No impact on the public purse, since it was paid for by Jaguar Cars/Aircraft Illustrated.

Redecorating a married quarter might be essential and laudable, but I'd be astonished if you could find a sponsor willing to pay for the entire process.

2) Continued flying: You will be aware that (like those pilots who haven't yet been posted) these ageing jets benefit from being flown, while the need to deliver them to Cosford does require pilots to retain currency.

There really has not been much flying, and the Jag is not an expensive asset to operate.

The PR and recruiting value has been pretty significant, too.

3) Look up 'morale', 'pride', 'esprit de corps', 'elan', 'dash' and 'squadron spirit' in the dictionary.

4) Also look up 'envious', 'killjoy' and 'bell end' and read Professor Plum's treatise on "Trying harder at school and its effect on career outcomes". You really should have read it years ago, I suspect, and applied its lessons.

5) And finally, it is sad. Not just for the blokes who flew and maintained it, and who have been treated with almost superhuman levels of shabbiness, but also for the Harrier and Tornado blokes, whose workload and operational tempo will now increase, and who will suffer progressively greater over-stretch, and to the taxpayer, who will have to fork out billions on Harrier rear fuselages when we find that they will not last until JSF arrives, but would have done had a squadron or two of Jags been retained.

It's also sad that the RAF now lacks a CAS platform with a helmet sight, IDM, etc. etc.

I'm a dab hand with these computers, and here's one I just photo-shopped yesterday..... ;)


22nd Jun 2007, 12:06
Seeing as its get at Jaguars day.......

The withdrawal from service ruined the trial of using the Jaguar in conjunction with the Sea Harrier Ski-Jump. They were going to start the Jaguar at the top of the ramp then roll it down to get enough speed to carry a proper payload...:}

22nd Jun 2007, 13:06
Jackoniko - well said - especially at block 4. I nearly chocked on my coffee at that point. :ok:

22nd Jun 2007, 13:57
It does sound like Finger Poking didn't get a single seat recommend (although he may have been happier - and safer - on his own), or maybe he couldn't download the Jag for his Flight Sim.

Jackonicko - add to your list vs the GR9 "and doesn't have a gun";)

Jaguar Pilot
22nd Jun 2007, 15:19

Nicely put.


Same. I too use Photoshop & Illustrator professionally. Tell me please - how do you attach an image from personal computer file to a post? Every time I try it a box appears requiring the URL from which the image is to be extracted.

Kind regards whoever you both are.


22nd Jun 2007, 15:29
You need to use an image hosting site such as photobucket, and to upload from there.

Thus, using my photbucket account:

1. Click on the insert image icon in the message tool bar (one in from the speech bubble on the very right hand side of the bottom row of icons)

2. When the script prompt box appears, enter the URL for your image - on photobucket, and I assume other sites, you simply cut and paste the URL link into the line in the script prompt box - in the case below, I'm pasting in the following http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v443/Terrier24/DigiCamera1VC1012-11-03067b.jpg

3. Then press 'OK'

4. Et voila!

I apologising for lowering the tone with an F3, I've not yet uploaded the shot of the 54 Sqn Jag refuelling that I have...:}

Photobucket is found at http://photobucket.com/

22nd Jun 2007, 16:07
3) Look up 'morale', 'pride', 'esprit de corps', 'elan', 'dash' and 'squadron spirit' in the dictionary.

4) Also look up 'envious', 'killjoy' and 'bell end' and read Professor Plum's treatise on "Trying harder at school and its effect on career outcomes". You really should have read it years ago, I suspect, and applied its lessons.

5) And finally, it is sad. Not just for the blokes who flew and maintained it, and who have been treated with almost superhuman levels of shabbiness, but also for...the taxpayer, who will have to fork out billions on Harrier rear fuselages when we find that they will not last until JSF arrives, but would have done had a squadron or two of Jags been retained.


Tartan Stazi
22nd Jun 2007, 17:10
My God!!!!:eek:

Is that an F3 with a Map in it!!!! :}

Jaguar Pilot
22nd Jun 2007, 17:42

Thank you very kindly.



Duncan D'Sorderlee
22nd Jun 2007, 17:46

Is a map in an F3 potential FOD?


Jaguar Pilot
22nd Jun 2007, 17:49
Finger Poking,

You have gone silent and deep - I wonder why.
Please stay that way :mad:.

Duncan D'Sorderlee,

No, but anyone in the back seat is.....

JP (hunlightjag)

22nd Jun 2007, 18:00
Yes it's a 'Map'. I suspect it is either a hasty 'Sun Shade' or contains Cod n Chips. :E


Jaguar Pilot
22nd Jun 2007, 18:18
"or contains Cod n Chips"

.....bratwurtz or canelloni more likely!

22nd Jun 2007, 20:42
Nah it's a butty box!

22nd Jun 2007, 20:51
Also seems there are a lot of Jag pilots reading/posting here. Maybe they've got nothing better to do. After all the typhoon OCU ain't that big!!!!!

flipflopman RB199
22nd Jun 2007, 21:58

Switch on Old Chap,

Lets hope the average age of the Sqn Typhoon pilot isn't 61 :sad:


Finger Poking
23rd Jun 2007, 11:25
Not Hidden.... or even bothered about what some over inflated Ego's think.

I stated Facts.

Flying JAGUAR is a waste of the TAX PAYERS money as it has no Operational Role. How many times do they need to say Goodbye to a piece of metal?

Probably as many as the amount of 'Farewell' Bash's they are having.

Pointless & pathetic. Get your posting, get a grip and move on !!

23rd Jun 2007, 11:43
Flying JAGUAR is a waste of the TAX PAYERS money as it has no Operational Role.

Sea Fury
Sea Hawk
Red Arrows

Not exactly operational either. So when would you like these got rid of.

Personaly, I think Illegal immigrants are a bigger waste of tax payers money.

So please FP, remove your head from your backside, and get a life.

23rd Jun 2007, 11:46
Why are YOU shouting in BIZARRE places, you POINTLESS little ****?

23rd Jun 2007, 12:38
'as many as the amount of 'Farewell' Bash's they are having'

Er...one Disbandment Parade (to lay-up the Sqn Standard for the very first time - not unreasonable) and one weekend of events at the end of June, to include a Happy Hour, a Families Day and a Ball. And just 2 months from flash to bang. Which bit of this is excessive?

It's all funded privately so I don't understand where the waste of money accusation comes from. The jets have been delivered to Cosford as quickly as it has been safe to do so. The pilots need to be current to land safely on a runway that is only about a third of the length of the NATO standard.

FP - if you have never been a part of something that you want to celebrate, then I pity you.

23rd Jun 2007, 13:11
Not Hidden.... or even bothered about what some over inflated Ego's think.

I stated Facts.

Flying JAGUAR is a waste of the TAX PAYERS money as it has no Operational Role. How many times do they need to say Goodbye to a piece of metal?

Probably as many as the amount of 'Farewell' Bash's they are having.

Pointless & pathetic. Get your posting, get a grip and move on !!

What is your major malfunction chap? The RAF has a long history and tradition of doing things 'the right way' and that includes standing on ceremony where necessary, it goes with the territory. Whilst the modern service has to be cost concious, IMHO we'd all be that little bit worse off if a long serving icon of the RAF that occupies a place in the hearts and minds of a good number of personnel were simply parked up and the keys handed over to the scrappy without some sort of recognition of the event. Did you not feel even a twang of regret when you got rid of your first car?
As for the money being spent, I'm sure you realise that pointing to something you believe to be a waste of money, and offering up how many of something else (you deem worthy) that money could buy is a pointless exercise. Things just don't work like that - otherwise you and I wouldn't be in a job. How many life saving cancer drugs could the MOD's budget buy for example...:E
I speak not as someone who actually worked on the Jag in service, but as someone who recognises the place such things have in the grand scheme. Maybe you are totally dispassionate towards such things, but fortuntaley others still maintain a some soul.

Jaguar Pilot
23rd Jun 2007, 14:21
The average age of Jaguar pilots is not 61 - it's 59. Lightning pilots are even older because we go back all the way to the early 60's.

Now then Finger Poking, one major advantage of advancing years is that it becomes easier to identify individuals who exude the same substances from both ends of their bodies.


23rd Jun 2007, 17:55
The RAF has a long tradition of doing pointless things to a very high standard!
The Jaguar's long overdue retirement has to many become of a symbol of the establishment cutting short something they think should go on for ever.
Whilst our NATO partners are busy retiring early F-16's and F-18's we worry about an aircraft that should have been replaced by Typhoon years ago!

23rd Jun 2007, 20:11
Hi All

Does anyone know who Finger Poking is? He might like to join us next weekend so that we could all do some "FINGER POKING"

23rd Jun 2007, 22:15
Riley Dove,

That would be all well and good if Typhoon had the capabilities to be able to replace the Jaguar. It will do, one day.

And if we were getting enough of them....

24th Jun 2007, 05:37
.....or had enough people.

.....or had enough aerodromes.


Jaguar Pilot
24th Jun 2007, 11:19
Hey Newt,

You don't want Finger Poking at the party - everyone there will be good trustworthy people.

"square peg in a round hole" comes to mind.


Double Zero
24th Jun 2007, 11:38
'Good trustworthy people' - ye gods !

I presume there's a Jaguar 'funny handshake' too ?

Exactly what payload did the Jaguar carry ?

Thought so.

It was a poor man's substitute for TSR2, just as the Harrier was a substitute for P1154; the difference is, the Harrier works.

As for being overworked in 'Stan, there are plenty more, it's down to the deployment types.

The aft fuselage issue was dealt with long ago on the 2+, it's again a matter of money & wrenching it from the hands of clueless B****rds...

Two's in
24th Jun 2007, 13:21
I suspect someone forgot to invite Finger Poking to a Squadron bash, or maybe even put him on duty over the weekend. Both understandable things to do.

Jaguar Pilot
24th Jun 2007, 15:42
Double Zero,

What the :mad: are you talking about?

Double Zero
24th Jun 2007, 16:07
If you need it explained, you won't get it anyway...:ugh:

24th Jun 2007, 21:50
If you need it explained, you won't get it anyway...:ugh:

I'm with JP on this one. The Jaguar works, or at least it did until last month. Pound for pound, there was nothing better and, in the last few years, it was the perfect answer for everything apart from really hot and high ops, with a minimal footprint, epic serviceability and a force-wide ability to get on with the job without banging on about how hard it is/was. And before some weiner rolls out the old gag about the Jag only being able to carry one or 2 bombs, the days of self-des TIALD and IPGB suggest that you would need little else to do the job, and there is always the gun and CRV-7.

As for the Har Force's ability to sustain ops in 'stan, it's probably best not to pursue that route too far on t'interweb!

Captain Kirk
24th Jun 2007, 22:07
...and a gun.

Jaguar Pilot
25th Jun 2007, 07:11

25th Jun 2007, 09:45
Seriously impressive flash-fishing FP.

25th Jun 2007, 10:49
Whilst I understand the rhetoric here I think the idea that the Jaguar was not a useful weapon in our armoury right to the end is wrong and shows a deal of ignorance of modern air power.

We have only a pitiful number of weapons systems capable of deployment of air-to-ground weapons - such a small number in fact that we should really abandon all global ambitions of projecting power. The loss of even one of these aircraft is lamentable but to lose the last squadron from a force so capable and professional should cause us all to worry seriously about a government that refuses to put its' money where its' mouth is.

25th Jun 2007, 11:36
well said!

25th Jun 2007, 12:51
Quite so.

Absolutely outrageous that the Jag has been taken out of service so prematurely, given that the EuropHoon is some way off achieving anything like the Jaguar's present day air-to-ground capability.

We have a morally bankrupt government which continues to demand more and more from less and less, yet refuses adequate funding to support its own 'interventionist' aspirations.

When will it all implode?

25th Jun 2007, 12:55
Even if one were willing to accept the 'capability holiday' caused by retiring three Jaguar squadrons before the Typhoon can shoulder the burden, there's still the worry about the longer term. Four Harrier squadrons are supposed to serve on until at least 2017, when JSF will START to replace them on the frontline.

The Harrier's can't last that long without spending billions. Using the same pool of Harrier airframes, and hours, to support two or three squadrons would have made it possible, using the Harriers where only a Harrier would do.

Jaguars would have provided a useful means of saving wear and tear on the Harrier, and of spreading the load and overstretch.

The Indians are still building Jaguars and they're estimating a cost of $24 m per jet, with the latest avionics, etc.

25th Jun 2007, 14:36
Well there has been some complete horse**** written on this one - I suspect lots of the anti stuff by people that have never had any contact with the jet. It was a most capable platform which went on to become a superb test bed for lots of the 'new' kit...HMS, IDM, AMLCD etc etc. Considering the French input it was remarkably simple to work on with some highly reliable systems.
This was initially designed and built as a fast jet trainer ac - which went on to become one of the RAFs most 'loved' by those of us lucky enough to work with it.

25th Jun 2007, 16:46

The only problem is that the Jag can't do the job that the Harrier is doing. I don't know where you get these figures of "billions" of pounds to keep the Harriers flying either, especially as these days you could buy the entire RAF for a billion or two.......................

Sad to see the Jag go though, it really was the last gentleman's flying club we had :(

25th Jun 2007, 17:46
I can't believe that Finger Poking is actually on a Sqn.

I suspect that he (or she, brother) might well reside at Coningsby (but, I'll wager, has never accepted the Sqn's open invite to make the arduous trip around the peri track and stop by for a coffee) and just plain hates to see people have the sort pride in themselves and their unit that he (must be a he - too unbalanced to be a girl) has obviously never encountered.

How close am I FP?:E

25th Jun 2007, 18:03
Late Arm Live,

Of course.

The Jaguar could not do some of what a Harrier could. It was never suggested that it should REPLACE the Harrier.

The Jag was:

Never going to go on a boat.
Never going to carry some of the weapons.
Never going to be as good hot and high.

But it was able to do enough to allow it to have been a useful relief for the Harrier and to keep the Harrier going.

Years ago, before the present unpleasantness, and before the present operational tempo and utilisation, and when JFH hours were being spread over FA2 as well as GR7, the IPT estimated a huge number of rear fuselage replacements would be required to see the jet through to its planned OSD.

With other age and fatigue related programmes you're looking at vast amounts of money.

Maple 01
25th Jun 2007, 19:44
Never going to go on a boat.

Point of order Jacko, I think those Frenchie chaps tried with the Jaguar M

25th Jun 2007, 20:32
They certainly did:


But that was on the Clemenceau - a proper sized aircraft carrier. Not one of those little 'through deck cruisers' of the RN.....

25th Jun 2007, 20:45
and rejected it because they were concerned about performance with one engine out......

..... then selected the Super Etendard, which only had one engine to begin with!

Jaguar Pilot
25th Jun 2007, 20:59
Double Zero:

"Exactly what payload did the Jaguar carry ?"

with drop tanks - 4 x 1000lb HE bombs, equivalent roughly to 8 x 500lb as carried by a lot of US stuff. An underwing picture of, say, an F18 with 8 x 500lb bombs looks impressive, if it could carry them


with drop tanks - 1 x LGB centreline station


minus drop tanks 2 x LGB inboard wing pylons + 1 centreline


minus drop tanks and with inboard wing tandem beam carriers, 8 x 1000lb HE, which roughly equals 16 x 500 pounders - how many aeroplanes apart from big bombers can carry 16 x 500 pounders?


two drop tanks and one nameless centreline weapon


always two guns

Avoid flak - don't post any more silly quesions. There are many people here who have either flown it or worked on it.


26th Jun 2007, 01:09
You can always buy your own for posterity...
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ex-RAF-Jaguar-GR3-Fighter-Jet_W0QQitemZ330139655617QQihZ014QQcategoryZ32635QQrdZ1QQcmd ZViewItem

26th Jun 2007, 06:24
What utter wanquerre came up with the stupid term 'capability holiday'?

In the last year or so, the UK has lost:

Sea Harrier (radar equipped naval fighter) - replaced by.....nothing

PR9 (high/low level photo recce platform) - replaced by.....nothing

Jaguar (strike fighter/bomber) - replaced by.....nothing

Who on earth is in charge of such lunacy? It's not as though we're living in particularly peaceful times and can afford to lose such assets.


26th Jun 2007, 07:18
gentleman's flying club

Obviously never met Birchy.:E:)

26th Jun 2007, 07:37

Wot - no mention of the recce pods??

Jaguar Pilot
26th Jun 2007, 11:22
Sorry snapper41.

I was only addressing weapons - could have mentioned other things like BL755 (x8 if the need arose).

...and yes I have flown with the recce pod - during a trappers visit to 2(AC) when the boss lent me a recce jet in return for using my T-bird.

Nobody told me that height was recorded on the pics.....


26th Jun 2007, 11:40
No apologies necessary; just wanted to make sure Finger Poking had the full measure of the Jag's capabilities! Height recorded on pics?? Funny - I recall only ever seeing 250' being quoted... :E

26th Jun 2007, 16:15
Hunter recce Sqns at Gut had competitions which included photo of the biggest ie nearest to, a cow and a clock face and somebody took a picture of a train going along an embankment, from below. Perhaps this was the train that was stolen, was it by Ces Crook?

Jaguar Pilot
26th Jun 2007, 16:28
Ah, no radalt......;)


26th Jun 2007, 19:20
Jackonicko - Whilst we could have kept the Jaguar going for a few more years - there must have been some of the airframes getting seriously on in terms of fatigue life. Replacing them with new Indian production machines woouldn't have been the answer. What the RAF needed to do back in the late eighties was to buy some F-16s to fill some of the gaps which existed from a number of types being amalgamated at the same time.

26th Jun 2007, 19:52
I wonder if all these articulate and accurate counter arguments have actually made an impression on Finger Poking?

Sadly, I suspect he is too bigoted to entertain the notion that he may have been wrong. Prove us wrong FP!

With the notable exceptions of FP and Double Zero (appropriate), comments here have clearly demonstrated the Jag Force spirit - something that others can only regard with envy.

But spirit is about people, not aeroplanes alone. The Jag Force has a reputation for getting the job done, without drawing attention to itself and often despite the odds. The Jag had its limitations and we don't need anyone else to point them out to us, but we learned to work through or around them and still perform better than many who seemingly had better equipment.

We have been withdrawn before our time and in a disgraceful fashion but there is no sense crying over spilt milk (sorry!).

Better to go a little before our time than way too late. Enjoy the weekend!

Double Zero
26th Jun 2007, 23:00
" Can't do the job the Harriers are doing" - rest my case.

No, I've never flown a Jaguar but I've never heard anything good about it.

As for "Billions to support, & then sort the aft fuselage" well I have personal experience of said aft fuselage among other updates, but if you're keen for someone to spend billions, please count me in on shares, we should both retire very happily if surprisingly.

I am not a Harrier pilot but have covered most development of it ( 1 & 2 , RAF & some Navies ) & systems, so have seen the good bits & failings - gun could be sorted in a real ( er ) war, - I agree why not now - care for any ACM if you had the chance ?


flipflopman RB199
27th Jun 2007, 06:46
I am not a Harrier pilot but have covered most development of it ( 1 & 2 , RAF & some Navies ) & systems, so have seen the good bits & failings - gun could be sorted in a real ( er ) war, - I agree why not now - care for any ACM if you had the chance

Utter rubbish. If the Harrier GR7/9's could have effectively carried guns, then they would be by now. I speak with some experience on this matter also, having been a part of the original cannon fit trials to the Harrier GR7. A more comedy set up, you never did see. Bloated Gun pods, barely inches from the ground, barrels extending over a 1.5' from the pods, like discarded broom handles, and difficult to maintain and operate. Not without throwing an awful lot of money at the problem, would you get a British Harrier GR with guns.


27th Jun 2007, 07:44
Double Zero- so by your argument, since the Harrier cannot do the job of F15E (or Tornado for that matter - TFR) it is useless?

And every time I have fought Harrier in ACM, Jags have come out on top! IDL (= better SA) + HMS = game over!

I don't want to bash the Harrier though, or the boys. They are doing a superb job and it is a capable platform. I just want to illustrate what complete tosh you are spouting, Double Loser.

Think I'll rest my case.

27th Jun 2007, 14:53
Ner nerner nerner Ner!:p:p:p:p:E

27th Jun 2007, 17:46
Joker1 - What about fighting a Harrier ABOVE 250 ft? Haven't seen a Jag up there in all my days :ok:

I've never lost to a Jag pilot..................;) Would love an HMS and datalink though:ouch:

AND my dad's bigger than yours!

27th Jun 2007, 19:33
Wasn't the Jag supposed to retire in October anyway? Why so much bother over 12 or so weeks early?

27th Jun 2007, 21:26
Wasn't the Jag supposed to retire in October anyway? Why so much bother over 12 or so weeks early?

By my reckoning 6 months early. The fuss really is about the shabby way 6 were treated, the guys only relocated April last year and I understand that that was a c*$k up in terms of family life, quarters as far away as Cranwell being used as CGY didn't have any ready, on top of which as several posts here have alluded to, the aircraft had a potential life of a few more years life (certainly sufficient to maintain two squadrons at full strength) if the maintenance programme had continued instead of being chopped at its original MOB and DARA St Athan. The aircraft could also have provided relief for the hardworked Harrier team at least during the winter months and given very effective CAS cover. The decisions made for this aircraft have been short sighted in the extreme (or for the conspiracy theorists amongst us part of a long term plan to reduce the UK armed forces to a glorified militia!).

27th Jun 2007, 22:03
Hey Late Arm - Martini!

Thought you boys were all too busy though? Don't see many in the UKLFS these days that's for sure. We did meet a pair in the Lichfield a while back - could almost see the look on their faces when they were told there were 13 Jags coming the other way!:ok:

28th Jun 2007, 16:05
No, I've never flown a Jaguar but I've never heard anything good about it.

Apart from everything said on this thread, of course

28th Jun 2007, 18:35
It can only be in the RAF that we retain so much attachment to out of date equipment! We are fighting on two fronts in conditions that have no respect for an aircraft that can not perform in "hot n high", surely we have a right as tax payers to expect our airships to spend our money on aircraft that can perform in the environment that is required. Yes the "jag" was a wonderful over the north German plain but time has moved on! Can we be radical and consider that a squadron of chinooks or other capable helicopter would be a better and more useful buy than two squadrons of typhoon. But what do I know! Answers on the back of a F252!

28th Jun 2007, 21:43
er...was one of those fronts where the Jag served with distinction in 1991. With no losses. Before the engines were upgraded.
Thought so.

28th Jun 2007, 21:57
Err, just to go off topic for mo, if you'll pardon me, since GW I has been mentioned.

I have one of Rondot's GW I Jag prints, wot I won as the second or third prizes in the Xmas Draw in the Colt Mess that year. It's signed by all the pilots wot took part.

Any one know if that was a one off for the draw or, if not, many signed copies were made?

Ta, sorry to interrupt.....

29th Jun 2007, 01:15
I think that this has shown exactly the problems with the RAF as a whole at the moment, NO ONE has listened to the people that know thier jobs and know thier aircraft. :ugh: We have been torn to pieces by beaurocrats and lean teams and civilian contracting, I barely recognise the RAF I joined 8 years ago, how some of the long timers must feel is beyond comprehension... :ugh:
At least the Jag force have the good sense to honour one of the RAF's best and most successful assets that has served for years without complaint, and the SQN's that have been treated in a disgusting manner :mad:... Unfortunatly the same thing is going to happen across the whole RAF soon :(.... Enjoy it while you can chaps :(

29th Jun 2007, 08:20
If its 'Desert Cats' it is part of a limited edition run

29th Jun 2007, 13:47
I cannot confirm as I am working abroad away from home, but IIRC, It's The Longest Minute.

29th Jun 2007, 16:57
yes also a limited edition print run of 500 usually

Jaguar Pilot
29th Jun 2007, 17:54

I barely recognise the RAF I joined 8 years ago, how some of the long timers must feel is beyond comprehension... :ugh:

Nicely put fella.

'kinell, I joined the RAF in 1965 - at least I became a member of the Royal Air Force, not the Royal Air Farce.

Confuscious he say:
"he who laughs last only just seen joke"


29th Jun 2007, 17:59
Kengineer, a similar thing happened to the last non-TWU Hunter squadrons.

I arrived (as the last JP ever posted to an operational Hunter squadron) to join 58 Sqn at Wittering on 16 May 1976. Only to find out that the disbandment had been brought forward by 6 months, so back I went to TWU Brawdy on 28 June 1976. After a very enjoyable few weeks, even if I didn't get to fly the RAF's best-kept Hunter F(GA)Mk9s....:{ Well, not until the aircraft were handed over to join the rest of the barely-serviceable and very tatty jets at Brawdy.

I should have spotted the signs then......:rolleyes:

The way the last Jaguars have been treated is despicable.

11th Jul 2007, 11:33
I'm still not completely over it.....

