View Full Version : School Leaver Options

21st Jun 2007, 08:53
Hey All...

This is a question from my Brother to you all. He want to get into Aviation/Aircraft Engineering. It can be with an Airline or an Aerospace company or flight school, etc...

He is in year 10, going into year 11 this year so he has a year before he leaves, but learning from experience, i told him that its always best to get a head start on the others...

So the question is, are there, and where do you find school leaver jobs, apprenterships and the likes?

Is it wise to go an do A-Levels or is it best to get right in there? I am aware that there are exams/training that needs to be done, PARTXX?

Just looking for a little help really so i can push him in the right direction whilst he is enthusiastic and before he goes the direction of a fair few of his mates.

Thanks in advance for any help...

22nd Jun 2007, 17:30
If he is looking at an apprenticeship there are two types, a craft apprenticeship which usually requires a couple of GCSEs, and a technician apprenticeship which usually require GCSEs/ALevels.

I am currently doing a technician apprenticeship at Marshall Aerospace in cambridge.

A good place to look for more information is the Royal Aeronautical Society, i reccomend this (http://www.raes.org.uk/cmspage.asp?cmsitemid=Careers_StudyAps_Apprenticeships) page for more information

24th Jun 2007, 08:10
Thanks for that, forgot about RAeS, have been a member for some time...

Does anyone know if the Airlines offer much? Its A.Craft Engineering he's into.

Thanks again for the replys

24th Jun 2007, 11:30
Monarch do an apprenticeship, as do virgin, flybe. Im sure others do too but they are the ones i know of