View Full Version : JAL Cargo first 767F photo

14th Jun 2007, 15:26
Partial image in baremetal scheme http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=515300246&size=o so the baremetal look is only for brand new freighters and not converted aircraft that have previosuly sported paint and are scartchy looking if stripped like some of Cathay Pacific Cargo's.

24th Jun 2007, 11:42
Side pic http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=549663742&size=o

Buster Hyman
24th Jun 2007, 13:27
Did they forget the MD door...or are my eyes just rubbish?;) Hard to see it.

24th Jun 2007, 16:48
The door seems to be missing in both images, dont understand why do they have to retain cream paint on the engines and on the winglets of the 744F, just let it grey.

Buster Hyman
24th Jun 2007, 23:28
Well, I'd say the winglets are composite, so it'd be hard to get a shine on them, and for the cowlings, well, they'd want them to be compatible with the rest of the fleet if they had to swap them I guess.

Perhaps (he says, answering his own question) Boeing use a third party to do the cargo door?:confused:

25th Jun 2007, 18:18
The winglets could be left just unpainted grey same as the bottom portion on the tails on the 767 and 744F they are not polished either if you look again.

Could be right about the cowlings and door.