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View Full Version : DHL Caravan crash

5th Sep 2001, 18:09
In mid August a DHL caravan had an engine failure and forced lobed it on the beach somewhere. Does anybody have anymore hot gen. on what happend there. Apparantly everyone got out fairly OK but the aircraft is a write off. I'm surprised it hasen't been on prune yet. :confused: :confused:

5th Sep 2001, 23:45
It was a King Air Services C208 operated by Solenta.
They had an engine failure in IMC and luckily found a hole in the clouds. After attempted restarts they wanted to land on a dirt road but low level saw powerlines and pulled into a field next to the road.
The Captain did extremely well but the nose wheel hit a rock or something and the van landed on its back! Both pilots were slightly injured and SA doctors from a near by mine helped out!!!
Apparently this aircraft was poorly maintained (faulty fuel gauges , many hot starts 850-900 ITT- poor batteries etc etc)
Rumour has it that Solenta are under investigation from SA and Ghana CAA.
Anyway make your own conclusions...
Well done to the pilots!!!!!

9th Sep 2001, 02:10
Have now got three friends working for them, sounded like a great deal in the beginning, but now what.
One of my buddies' girlfriend is working for them as well, and he is extremely concerned, it was apparently the Solenta flagship that went down! :eek:

10th Sep 2001, 11:00
Skaz,I did not know they had a FLAGSHIP????Especially if it was a KAS aircraft and I believe Solenta have their own owned Aircraft!?????

10th Sep 2001, 19:00
Hey Airforce1!!! :) :) :)
Haven't heard from you in a while mate...when we watching some ruggers together again?
You in CT in december?
Anyways, it doesn't matter if it was the flagship or not, an aircraft went down and if i were flying those routes with aircraft maintained poorly i would be a little concerned! :eek:
It may be a KAS aircraft but they are maintained by Solenta and their engineers!

:eek: :eek: :eek:

11th Sep 2001, 16:55
Hey Waggawagga,Hoe lyk dit.Have you not pulled any 10's out of the hat lately?Good to hear from you.Check your email.

16th Sep 2001, 00:10
I've been hearing about Solenta here and there.
Curious to know.
Who exactly owns/operates this company ?
Do they own these caravans and if so are they ZS-registered, and how many ?
When did operations start ?

Any ideas...

16th Sep 2001, 01:06
The main peanut there , i think , is Bruce Jonsen. He used to work for Rossair but leaft them to start his own thing. The aircraft are ZS- regesterd but i'm not to sure who owns them. I do know that he takes in low time pilots who have a rating on the aircraft , wich is great ! :D They do a 100 hrs then with a seniour capt. 2 Crew at all times. Pay is lousy though $500 to start of with , then up to a $1000 or $ 1500 , i'm not to sure.

I also heard from an x caa inspector that the cause of the engine failure was the failure of the no. 1 bearing. The aircraft was due to go in for maintanance after that flight.

1st Nov 2001, 15:30
The DHL van that went down was owned and maintained by KAS. Apparently Solenta now own 6 of the vans they use in West Africa. I have heard that DHL now plays a more active role in the operations of Solenta and that all the standards wrt maintenance and general operations have been improved. Make no mistake, this is a great way for a junior comm pilot to build hours and experience. And the USD500 is a basic - on contract is much closer to USD1500-2000 per month... :rolleyes:

Strangely Brown
1st Nov 2001, 19:55
Does anyone have an e-mail contact for Solenta ? Replies gratefully received.

3rd Nov 2001, 00:50
You can check out there website , www.solenta.co.za (http://www.solenta.co.za) I hear you can even apply on line..... :D

17th Dec 2001, 02:04
Bruce Johnstone (the owner) can be contacted at [email protected] ... you did NOT get it from me though ... :D

B Sousa
17th Dec 2001, 02:29
Went to the website, just for Jollies. It looks like a company that exploits youngsters so that they can get their turbine time and go away...If Im correct they pay $500 USD/MO?? Wow.....If any of you play Piano, you can make more money here in Nevada at a few places like the "Shady Lady", "Chicken Ranch", "Mustang Ranch" etc.. Wont get much turbine time though,its all stick and rudder....

wheels up
17th Dec 2001, 05:44
Got any contact details for the "Shady Lady?" I do a mean rendition of chopstix.

17th Dec 2001, 08:46
I thought that Mustang Ranch was shut down after my extended stay in NV in -99.
Say Sousa. You a Canyon runner?? I used to do Blue1, Blue2 and Blue directs with a tribe of Nava-Joes from KVGT to KGCN. :D

B Sousa
17th Dec 2001, 17:20
No Canyon running for me. I did do Nickel rides out at the Dam this year for a few Months in a B206L. Lots of Air Traffic until 9/11. Now lots of starving Pilots.
I did many years ago get a fun ride down the Ditch in a T-29 (Convair) with some Air Force guys. That was before they had rules.......I think

[ 17 December 2001: Message edited by: B Sousa ]

17th Dec 2001, 18:38
Starving, Indeed. If salaries where bad before, they are now absolutely disgusting. Friend of mine is still flying there and he tells me that his last 2 weeks paycheck was 36USD. Seems that some of the tour companies are going out of business.
This was a good way to build hours. Especially beforereally strict regulations where introduced starting summer 2000.

Bad pay, old airplanes, nasty companies. But I made good friends and a lot of Multi P1.

And Las Vegas... New year 99-00 now that was fun. One could call it wet.