View Full Version : ATPL Theory

10th Jun 2007, 13:08
I have finished my PPL a little while ago and have decided that I would like to persue aviation as a profession. Can someone tell me if you can go straight ahead and do ATPL theory and use that to get your CPL, or do you have to do both sets of theory??:8

10th Jun 2007, 13:26
Cheers DA, I thought that might be the case, never mind, just trying to save time/money

10th Jun 2007, 13:48
Which is the best place to do ATPL theory in sydney region, particularly in bankstown???

Heard about secombe aviation and UNSW??

Which is the best bet..

10th Jun 2007, 23:16
Get some textbooks and read them. Then do some trial exams - you may find you don't have to spend a bunch of dollars on doing a course at all.:ok:

None of it is really very difficult.

11th Jun 2007, 01:00
i think you can go and do them, but if your aiming at the 150-hr course you wont be eligable, thus not saving you money with the extra 50 hours of flying youll need!

11th Jun 2007, 06:12
"i think you can go and do them, but if your aiming at the 150-hr course you wont be eligable, thus not saving you money with the extra 50 hours of flying youll need!"

What eligibility did you mean?

training wheels
11th Jun 2007, 06:26
i think you can go and do them

I don't think this is correct. Check the CASA website for the pre-requisites for each exams here. http://www.casa.gov.au/fcl/exams/cyber/prequal.htm

Passes in the CPL exams (or a CPL license) is a pre-requisite to sitting the ATPL exams. Furthermore, the online booking system won't allow you to book an ATPL exam if you don't have the pre-requisites.

19th Jun 2007, 04:54
I just completed my CPL. You DO have to complete all 7 CPL theory exams before you start the 7 ATPL theory exams. However, you do not have to complete the CPL flight test before moving on to the ATPL theory conducted by aslexam.com

19th Jun 2007, 09:50
Though not a requirment i have heard that the IREX exam 'should' be done before atempting the ATPL's as it is assumed knowledge? Is this true? Also is there a prefered order to do them in?


Eight Ball
19th Jun 2007, 11:00
Yes you need to have taken up the IREX. Part of the ATPL is the Avionics and Flight Management Systems talking about IFR procedures.

CPL is a must as well.