View Full Version : How to convert JAA CPL(A) to CPL(A)?

9th Jun 2007, 16:25

Is there a bridging course to convert JAA frozen ATPL on fixed wing with CPL and 450 hours into a frozen ATPL on helicopters and CPL(H) ?

Also if one holds CPL on fixed wing is it a good option to continue on to get the IR on a fixed wing and then try to convert the lot to CPL(H) with IR.

I am looking to make a move towards a North Sea helicopter role.

Thanks for the help.

10th Jun 2007, 13:22
To convert ATPL(A) theory to ATPL(H) theory requires:

Operational Procedures
Principles of Flight
Composite Paper (100 extra general questions)

I would recommend bristol.gs (http://www.bristol.gs) for this.

CPL(A) to CPL(H):

135hrs Rotary Total Time
50hrs Rotary P1

I don't know of any specific courses running for this - so whichever CPL provider you prefer.

Regarding converting CPL(A)/IR to CPL(H)/IR. You would be much more employable with the IR and it would theoretically be cheaper to convert from IR(A), however I get the impression that most North Sea Companies will pay for you IR if you are the right applicant. Having said that, I know that some people have been employed the same day that they passed their IR(H).


17th Jun 2007, 15:40
hey flyboy

just double check that you do in fact need to do all those subjects. :=

they are required for the atpl(A) which you already have. assuming you hold a frozen jar atpl then all you will possibly need to do is write the principles of flight(h) paper.

i understand that the bridging subjets like ops,pof(a) and perf are for those wishing to covert from atpl h to atpl a. i could be wrong but worth checking out with a ground school.

good luck