View Full Version : NZ ATPL Instruments and Navigation Aids

Water Wings
4th Jun 2007, 10:34

Currently wanting to study this subject however don't know which books/reference material to use. Does anyone out there have a recommendation on what is good to pass this exam?

Regards WW

4th Jun 2007, 11:21
There is someone is Auckland running/did run a course on this which I think will be your best bet. The only other option is PPSC which unfortunatly are fairly dated notes....... recall reading in them "at the time of writing (1993)". To make life easier I suggets you ignore the first parts of the notes which is to do with magnetism and dont worry too much about compasses. There are only about 3 or 4 questions in the exam but represtent a large part of the notes. Save the effort for the other chapters and dont worry about those few marks (its multi guess anyway!) :ok:

6th Jun 2007, 09:28
gday mate!

Yeah the PPSC notes are fine for this exam, i suspect they may have been updated as they have recently been updating all their other manuals!

I agree with flyby Kiwi, the magnetism chapter is a bit of an arse, just dont worry if you dont understand the P Q and R axis magnetism.....its very confusing! i only got one question in exam and it was a simple dip question.


Water Wings
6th Jun 2007, 11:57
Cool thanks guys. Any idea where I can get my hands on a set of these PPSC notes?


Cyclone Bob
6th Jun 2007, 23:28
I've done all my ATPL's and used PPSC notes for all of them. I found them pretty good. Possibly too comprehensive. Though someone told me last week PPSC has shut up shop. Has anyone else heard this rumor? Shame if they have, there's precious little material available for those who want to self study.:(

Jack Sprat
7th Jun 2007, 01:43
I had a look at ASLs website to see what exam reference material they showed. For ATPL nav, it consists of AIP Vol 1 and the IFG. Eh? Does that mean that the ASL exam writers use only those documents to write the syllabus? BS they do. The reference list disclaimer says that all references shown were available as far as they know. If an aviation operators documentation was that woolly, wouldn't they get a please explain? CAA and ASL, please explain.

7th Jun 2007, 02:36
095366487 is the contact # for PPSC. Their notes got me a good pass in the exam!

23rd Jun 2007, 14:01
hi i did instrument navaids last week and i passed first attempt with 87 percent the question on magnet u might get is basic i used ppsc and thats enough but the notes are more than what u expect in the exam, and ppsc is not shut coz i just bought aerodynamics from them and john nielsen is a nice guy to deal with

good luck