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View Full Version : Best wishes to the Burns Family

4th Jun 2007, 05:32
Regardless of you political bent, it is sad to see the passing of a real Aussie character today - Tom Burns (Qld politician for many years).

I loved the fact that his little fishing boat was named "The Electorate". If anyone rang his electoral office at an inoportune time (that is: a good tide and the fish running) his secretary could confidently say....

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Burns is out in The Electorate"!!!

The link to aviation I hear you ask????

Tom's daughter was an Ansett flight attendant. A a very good one at that. A lovely girl who thought the world of her dad, from what I could see.

Best wishes to Tom's family. I guess he had a good innings. But it is sad none the less.

4th Jun 2007, 06:43
I knew Tom personally and often had a good feed from his fishing efforts. Most down to earth person you could hope to meet - not like a politician at all.
Best wishes to Angela and the rest of the family.

4th Jun 2007, 08:55
Always a great passenger.
Well respected in the bush.
Plenty of experience travelling Qld in GA aircraft.
A Queensland icon.