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View Full Version : I beg permission

3rd Jun 2007, 20:33
To post in here.

I read all of this stuff, day in, day out whenever I can. I love the military forum, the sense of humour, reminds me so much of my late father , a flt.lt, who lived and breathed the light blue, I still have his commision on my wall at home, EIIR's signature fading with the years.

I missed out, it was something I should have always done, but never will now at 47yrs old. To hear of the service being torn apart saddens me, as I hark back to the time when Varsities, lightning's Phantoms and the like excited me as an ATC cadet, in the 70s.

I am way on a business trip at present, and flew an hour from Dubai to another place, and was heartened to see a few of our remaining airframes, on the tarmac where it was that I landed. My heart goes out to the poor sods, for in a previous life, I have flown, as a civil servant in numerous trips on some of those extremely Northern (UK) based craft. If any of the crew could get here tonight (ok morning) I would be honoured to buy them ALL a drink.

I am humbled to be in the same, hot sandy place as you guys, and I don't mean JUST the aircrew.