View Full Version : UAVs

Ringway Flyer
2nd Jun 2007, 19:40
Anyone know about a civilian UAV operating in the Liverpool area? I caught the end of a news item a couple of weeks ago, so missed the gist of it. It may, of course, be something that has yet to happen...

2nd Jun 2007, 19:45

Probably not a risk to manned aircraft as IIRC it's being operated under model aircraft regulations which are fairly detailed about keeping models and full size apart.

2nd Jun 2007, 20:58
I think it's very small and comes under the same category as a model. Therefore, it doesn't exist for ATC purposes.

2nd Jun 2007, 22:05
Google suggests the university has/had a UAV project.

2nd Jun 2007, 22:15
RF, the scouse feds have bought one, to monitor crowds at events such as football if i remember correctly.
personally, i think it is a mighty dangerous thing to offer up, with minimal operational benefits.
certainly some of the areas i have visited, the locals would take great pride in shooting one of these things down and mounting it on the hearth.
and thats without considering the flight safety factors of operating a thing with several props over a congested/residential area.
but i would say that, for i am biased.

Ringway Flyer
4th Jun 2007, 16:46
Just seen an article in an amateur radio mag, which confirms that it is an RC helicopter operated by the Liverpool Police, so not likely to affect GA. Thanks for your comments.

5th Jun 2007, 01:05
Don't worry, we have had a meeting with the operators and they will be using it under very strict guidelines. It WILL NOT affect civil aviation operations and only weighs 7kgs. To be honest, I really can't see it being kept on after the trial period.

7th Jun 2007, 22:54
But great target practice for the Scousers .....