View Full Version : Is there such thing as a freelance instructor?

31st May 2007, 08:55
Is there such a thing? Instead of bringing in your own students only to have a school take a cut, is it possible to keep them and hire a plane and teaching them yourself?

beer bong
31st May 2007, 08:58

Need a AOC

31st May 2007, 13:01
Short answer, not unless it's endorsement training.

Medium answer: http://www.casa.gov.au/aoc/aoc_app/index.htm

Long answer:
CAO 40.1.7 Sect 9.1 (Aeroplanes) and 40.3.7 Sect 11.1 (Helicopters) require flying training to be done under the supervision of a Chief Flying Instructor, except for endorsement training.

Amazingly the legal framework appears consistent on this point and CAR 1988, Reg 206(1)(a)(vi) defines flying training except conversion training (and a couple of other minor exceptions) as aerial work and therefore commercial in nature.

Just as amazingly the Regs are internally consistent on this point and in CAR 1988, PART 1, Sub-part 2 (Interpretation)(7)(d)(vii), "conversion training for the purpose of endorsement of an additional type or category of aircraft in a pilot licence" is defined as a private operation. So, by elimination, all other types of flying training are commercial operations.

That is further supported by the definitions in CAR1988 of "flying school", "flying training", and "flying training aircraft"

The Civil Aviation Act Sect 27 requires an AoC for commercial activities, including this one.

31st May 2007, 20:10
I thought your question was going to expand on the possibillity of registering a company: John Citizen Flight Enterprises, with one employee: yourself, and then renting your instructing services out to needy organizations. That has possibilities if you have the skills required.

1st Jun 2007, 00:02
Freelance instructor.. Hmm.. Maybe thats what we should call ourselves?

Being "Contracted" by a Flying school who pays via Invoice + GST for "Services", which are those hours flown for them..

I know this is common in the G.A Industry, but it pretty much could be considered Freelance, yes..?
Does this mean we should be able to offer our "Services" to all other flying schools on the airport?
Hmm.. I know my bosses would highly dislike this!

..I think this may have been discussed many times already..?

My verdict: It SUCKS!

1st Jun 2007, 02:08
'tis a shame that the US Certified Flight Instructor system wasn't transfered here along with their airspace system. At least something would have been useful and relevent.

Arm out the window
1st Jun 2007, 03:06
Could be wrong, but I thought I read or heard somewhere that the new CASRs (whenever they finally appear) would allow instructors to work without an AOC, which would perhaps allow us to do what complane said.

1st Jun 2007, 03:16
Our system seems to be set up to provide ease of prosecution. That's why there is a requirement to keep records of everything. (to the extreme).
Ease of safe, sensible operation comes a poor second.
A long time ago I did instrument training with a freelance instructor, and the regulator knew all the details. It was ok that week.
Rubbery rules.

1st Jun 2007, 04:26
CASA's the least of the problems. The insurance companies would make the Tower of London torture devices seem like a day at a spa.

1st Jun 2007, 09:26
"tis a shame that the US Certified Flight Instructor system wasn't transfered here along with their airspace system. At least something would have been useful and relevent"

That's where I got the idea from. After working in the US as an instructor years ago and have been out of the game for a while was looking at getting back into it on a casual basis and keeping my full time job and career.

2nd Jun 2007, 00:23
Does that include formation training? ie, can an instructor teach formation without belonging to a school?

If not, can you teach formation to a person who has a formation endorsement?

2nd Jun 2007, 06:53
Are you asking about Oz or USA ?

2nd Jun 2007, 07:10
It is my understanding that the "harmonisation" with the US regulations was supposed to include instructors operating freelance (without an AOC). Hopefully this will go ahead in the future. Maybe more people need to start asking CASA/DOTARS/Minister/lobby groups etc about pushing for this?

I know experienced instructors who only wish to operate occasionally (using their own training aircraft) and would love to do freelance instructing without the incumbrance of setting up their own AOC.