View Full Version : v-nav

12th Aug 2001, 13:08
Hi there, using a honeywell 1CSP FMS, we set up a TOD point in the normal way. Has anyone actually pressed the v-nav button on the mode selector afterwards? How does your aeroplane behave at high altitude? We usually descend using VS following the proscribed profile, controlling IAS or Mach with power. Then use IAS hold lower down as it becomes more limiting and control ROD with power. Any comments?
I know this could be in tech-log but this is in a bizjet!!Anyway the forum has become a tad dull!! ;)

[ 12 August 2001: Message edited by: activewaypoint ]

12th Aug 2001, 18:42

What kind of aircraft are you flying?

I'm currently flying a GV with the Honeywell SPZ 8500 system, and the V-NAV works pretty well. I do find it a little rough in entry so I usually start with a 1000 fpm descent, with VS, about 5 miles prior to the FMS calulated TOD point, and when I intercept the calulated vertical path, engage V-NAV. If a speed restriction is included with a specified crossing restriction, you will have to descend quicker then profile in order to make the speed/altitude crossing.

I've flown other aircraft with Honeywell FMS's (F900A, B, EX and GIVSP)and they operate in the same manner. ;)