View Full Version : Tyrolean

23rd Sep 2003, 01:34
Did somebody had the opportunity to join the Tyrolean Assessment recently ? Any information and insights would be greatly appreciated !

Thanks for your help.

23rd Sep 2003, 16:26
Look at www.pilots.de
They have the subject under the topic school.
Good luck!

Sky Goose
3rd Jun 2004, 20:22

I’ve been lucky enough to be asked to go to the Tyrolean (Austrian Arrow) selection on the, 21st of July.
Just wondering if anyone has any tips or other info about the Tyrolean selection process that would be of assistance to a very anxious wannabe who does no want to F up the first opportunity that has come along in a year !

Any help silly/stupid/amusing comments welcome.


7th Jun 2004, 21:47
Hi everybody,

I've been invited to Tyrolean Airways selections of next July 21. Reading the invitation letter it seems to be a kind of hard selection.

I was wondering if anybody is currently flying for Tyrolean and can give me some advice and/or description of the whole selection process. I am particularly intrested in learning a bit more about the % of german language during interviews, written questions etc. The invitation letter was totally in german and I have no idea if english will be spoken or not...and I doubt that my german could be enough...

Thanks in advance for any advice.


8th Jun 2004, 08:35
C-47, see you there!

been invited for July 21, too... guess, the first test is in english, but you should definitely try to learn german!

8th Jun 2004, 09:04

I went there in 2002. The first test was a psycology test. Questions were all in German. We were with ten people. But none of them made it through :(

The second was an interview with Dr. Morawetz (??) he asked about your motivation to become a pilot and where else did you apply?. Nothing to difficult... but everything was in German..

I have heard that only 10 procent will made it.


8th Jun 2004, 19:28
AUA-Homepage states:
"Deutsch- und ausgezeichnete Englischkenntnisse sind Voraussetzung"

(Translation: "Outstanding knowledge of German and English language is required.")

Sorry, no english-only pilots at Tyrolean...
Greetz, Niki

8th Jun 2004, 22:53
Thanks for all of your answers guys !

Well, german if not my mother tongue...of course...but I can speak it quite well ! I'm not sure if that will be sufficent but I'll give it a try !

Any other advices and specific information about the selection process is warmly appreciated !

Thanks again


16th Jun 2004, 16:50
hey everybody,

i just go invited for the first selection part in hamburg for tyrolean airways.
anybody has got an idea what happens there and how many made it through?

thanks for every answer


17th Jun 2004, 08:57

I´m also invited to nterpersonal on the 24´th.
They have some informations about the test with sample questions on www.interpersonal.de.


See you there!

Sky Goose
17th Jun 2004, 11:36
Also lucky enough to be invited.

I heard some info from someone who did the selection in Innsbruck in Feb this year. Not to say it will be the same but you never know, so hear goes.

They said the theory test was based on the FAA commercial licence ?! (in english)

The sim assesment is in a Elite simulator (Single engine piston Mooney). (practice Graz and Linz)

The Psycometric testing is pretty hectic so do yourselves a favour and get some practise tests etc.
A current pilot at Tyrolean said Testtraining 2000plus by
Juergen Hesse was very usefull, but he took the test 2 years ago.

I must stress this is just info Ive recieved off people that went to previous selections and things might change.

Hope this helps you all, and in a few months were all cruising Europe in Fokkers !

1st Jul 2004, 07:53
Hi everyone!

I've been invited to selection on the 21st as well. Does any of you know further about the tests? Is it FAA or JAR questions? What kind of simulator is to be used?

Any replies welcome

1st Jul 2004, 13:43
Any idea about likely aircraft type for newhires? Someone mentioned Fokkers but they also fly Dash 8 300s and 400s (nice) and the CRJ. Anyone have an idea about how newhires are placed on certain fleets - is it by need at the time?

Cheers - I'd like the Dash 400 bitte

23rd Jul 2004, 09:12

am curious if there are some more guys here that are invited for the Tyrolean selection in september.
I have the first test the 13th .
I am also interested the way you guys are preparing yourself for this "battlefield" :p .
Maybe if there are some more guys from The Netherlands, we could travel together to Innsbruck.
Furthermore, any information about the test would be greatly appreciated!!!


28th Jul 2004, 10:06
Hey everybody,

According a few websites they are expanding very rapidly. Also the fact that they are getting Fokker 100 aircraft is interesting.
Due to the new orders they are looking for new pilots. That is the info that I got........from my sources. I hope it is true. Perhaps someone could add some details about this subject.

I would also like to hear some info from (former)candidates about the selektion proces. Which is I believe very hard!

The first step: wissenstest (ATPL questions in English)
The second step: Psycho-test (not easy from what I've heard)
Than: sim-screening (is it true that they changed to multi-engine sim???)
Lust but not least: a word with members of the board, CFI etc.

Off course after this you have to get an Austrian Licence.

For all the candidates: GOOD LUCK !!! / Viel Erfolg !!!



Sky Goose
28th Jul 2004, 12:45
Hey Street

Just got back from the selection in Innsbruck,

First phase:
English flight theory test. Get FAA CPL study guide and youll be fine, it pretty much based on the FAA CPL, well 90% ish.

Second Phase:
Psycometric testing (2 days, includes group discussion, one to one interview with Psycologist and computer based psycometric test)
The computer based test is pretty harsh, memory test, motor skills, reaction time, multitasking and concentration.
I bought Hesse Schrader, Test Training 2000.
I thought I was pretty well prepared and a good candidate, (Mechanical Engineering Backround), but wasnt called back for next phase....sob sob sob

Third Phase:
Sim check..Linz or Graz, (SID, Star, rad vectors, ILS, single needle approach etc.) Yes I think they use a multi engine sim now, but no engine faliures etc. so same as single

Fourth Phase
Interview with management and chief pilot

Fifth Stage

Apply and be prepared, they are apparently looking for 60 f/o's for the Fokker 100's.

Dont kid yourself, prepare as best you can, on the previous selection out of 100 people they only took 4, holy crap, fussy or what.
If you do f up you can apply again in 6 month.

Good luck


11th Aug 2004, 09:58
I survived Morawetz and got an invitation for the simulatortest. Well, I heard rumours that it is an Seneca V, but if anyone has any information regarding the chk don´t hesitate contacting me..

11th Aug 2004, 18:39
Well porchini, I've tried it 2 years ago. I honestly cannot say if it is still the same simulator, but here's what I had to go through.

You have to do this check completely single pilot, but since the instructor wants to know what you're doing, you have to talk to "yourself".
It's single engine simulator, kind of cheap, based on some kind flight sim program, but doesn't have any nice graphics. The good thing about this single engine is that is goes slower that with a twin of course.
One thing you REALLY have to pay attention to is 'kickin the ball'. Simply because if you don't your climb rate goes negative or your speed goes down 25-30 kts. And believe me, those pedals are more sensitive than you can imagine. I sneezed twice in a row and almost stalled .....:E
The approach I had to do had a base turn in it (which you know you can fly either direction). And since I had a pretty bad approach-angle, I decided to go outbound opposite to the final course and create a shorter final track for comfort sake.........BUT NOOOOOOO, the instructor would have liked me fly the other way and create a long final. And I got busted because I argued with him. :sad:
So whatever you do, DON'T ARGUE WITH HIM. Oh yeah, make friends there, because I heared they rather hire someone with a lot less experience but who has a friend on the inside.

Good luck :ok:

11th Aug 2004, 22:21
I have passed the sim check a week ago, you don't have to worry about keeping the ball centered, its now a multiengine sim. So as long as you keep your power synchronised you won't have any trouble with the ball or climb performance. What they expect you to do is: Normal TO (without SID) , turns to a heading, then you are cleared to the VOR for a full ILS approach. Then Go around , an intercept (can be vor radial or qdm) then to the NDB for a full ndb approach with a landing.
It is a twinengine and the power settings and speeds are on the checklists, but I have remembered some speeds like:

Vr 80 kts
Vclimb 90 kts
Vapp 90 kts
Vle 130 kts
Vfe (flaps 10) 115 kts (not sure about this one)

Power settings:
TO 40" 2500 RPM
Climb 40" 2300
Cruise 30" 2300 RPM

You will be called to the room 15 min. in advance, then they will give you the checklist and the approach plate of the field (usually Graz or Linz). Don't expect to "fly the stars from the sky" (sorry about this Dutchism) because the sim is very unstable in its pitch attitude, but don't worry too much about that, they only want to know, that yóu know what you are doing. And like the other guy mentioned, think aloud, so they know what you are thinking.

Good luck :ok:

11th Aug 2004, 23:49
Now that is excellent.. Thanks a lot to both of you guys . Just out of curiosity: did you make it dogleg? Well, and while going through the powersettings I couldn´t help wondering about the manifoldpressure: does it simulate af groundboosted turbocharge - hence the 40"(?).
And Wonk, I have zero experience and a friend on the inside:ok:


12th Aug 2004, 10:17
Yes I have passed the sim check, so the next stage for me is the end interview. Concerning the man. pressure it most likely is a turbocharged aircraft but you won't have any turbo lag or anything.

13th Aug 2004, 12:56
go for it porchini.

doglegfinal was pretty exact, the power settings and speeds are accurate. did the same expierence as deglegfinal, probably on the same day (i reckon there were some dutch around last week...)

23rd Aug 2004, 16:42
Yep 'battlefield' could be the word as this will be my first selection test... But I think I'm not the only one in that case.
I basically will review all my ATPL-theory with thorough reading, certainly for reglementation, it will be a good refresher as I have to do my IR/ME yearly renewal beforehand so...
As for the psychotechnic test, I'm a bit worried by this but I saw plenty of little tests on the internet with numbers and such, I'll do that to prickle my ingenious mind (yeah, sure.... brrr). Surviving this, there is still an interview certainly with some German, hups...

I already ordered the said 'standby-ticket' from BRU for dep 12sept, I've heard from the lady of the phone-booking in Austria that there were a lot of stby-tickets on flight Vienna - Innsbruck (OS 0911) 15:30 16:40 ; guess I won't be alone there :\

Anyways, good luck to everybody who will be attending over there, nice to see some change in our situations :ok:

25th Aug 2004, 09:02
Congrats on your interviews guys and all the best luck!!
I'm just graduated and applied to Tyrolean on the Austrian Airlines site but didn't get invited. might I ask how and when you guys applied?
(oh and btw where did you find those math and language skill tests on the internet? I might try some 'cos I have my Air Asia interview coming up next week.)

greetz Artishock

25th Aug 2004, 17:03
Yep. There will be alot of SBYs on VIE INN in the morning of the 13th sep. Believe me, better to travel a day in advance. A F70 is just a 80 seater but for the time being, there are more than 20 seats available. :ok:


PS: Let us know about the progress or outcome...

26th Aug 2004, 13:16
Of course I travel a day in advance (i'm a precautionuous guy) - don't know if I'll be able to visit Innsbruck a little the evening on arrival - don't think I'll be "that" relaxed as I am right now hehe...

Artishock, I applied through http://www.tyrolean.at/e_index.htm , they send me papers to fill in (all in German) + motivation letter I sent in English (dont' feel that 'good' in German, so I took the risk) and I got contacted by letter approx. just one year later, after re-updating my files.

26th Aug 2004, 13:57
Good luck to all of you guys and girls,

I just got the news today that I have passed the last interview :ok: :ok: :ok:

7th Sep 2004, 19:10
Way to go dogleg... I passed the sim chk.. So I´m waiting for the final interview.
For you guys attending the 1. Stufe, here is what I wrote to another ppruneguy asking about it:
> Well, the theoretical test was pretty easy - only cpl questions - most of
> them (90 %) american faa questions. Check out a book called kershner.
> The next day they have different computerbased tests. 'ntelligence:
> raventest, numerical reasoning etc; memorycheck: 20 german words and their
> turkish counterparts, words=4 digit numbers, 20 pictures, a roaddescription,
> a story about a german forrestfire, letters combined with different figures
> etc etc.. You have about 1-2 minutes to memorize it before the next task is
> comming, but the difficult part is that you have to memorize it all before
> you can answer. Make yourself some mnemonic tecniques. reaction test: 5
> different colors pop up on the screen and you need to hit the appropiate key
> - here are the keys: blue 1, white 3, green 6, red 8, yellow 0... there are
> also tones: one tone j (or k?), dobbel d.. practise that. the simultanious
> capacitytest consists of 5 different gauges that need to be held in the
> green arc + mathematical questions and a number in the middle that needs to
> be held between a max and a min (the one in the middle is the most
> important). See it as a crosschk test. 139 psyk questions: agree or not
> agree.. a ridiculous rorschachtest... a about a thousand more tests) It
> takes approx 3 hours.. and generally you can choose betw english or german,
> but a few are only in german.. good advise is to bring along food and
> beverages. It is very hard, but keep fighting.. some of it will leave you
> with the feeling that you are an idiot, but i guess thats the purpose.
> Furthermore check out pilots.de if you speak german.
> The second day the psyk interview also takes place: typical questions like
> why becoming a pilot, 3 good sides 3 bad, family, education, why tyrolean,
> what will motivate you as a captain in, say, 10 years etc.
> finally the discussion, where you sit along a couple of german
> pilotwannabees and discuss a subject you pick from a bowl. Subjects like:
> active or passive holidays, mine was: ist das risiko des aktienmarkts
> einschaetzbar (say what?).. and then you discuss it in german.. so you need
> to be fluent..

the beachmaster
10th Sep 2004, 14:34
I'm coming too!!!!!

4th Oct 2004, 18:36
Who else?

5th Oct 2004, 01:13
What are they recruiting for? What are the licencing requirements? Thx.

5th Oct 2004, 02:11
Tyrolean / Austrian Arrows ordered a couple of Fokker 100, so they need staff. No experience required. Frozen ATPL, Right to live in EU, German a must.
Check out their hp for more infos:

austrian homepage (http://www.aua.com) :ok:

5th Oct 2004, 21:11
I am up for the selection at Tyrolean HQ's on 14/15th of October. Anyone else sheduled on these dates ? Feel free to contact me.


25th Oct 2004, 08:25

How did you do? How was it? How many people were there? How many got through?

Thanks for the info.

Regards FB

11th Nov 2004, 13:32
Hey guys,

I made it through the first 2 stages and I will have my final interview within 2 weeks. I was supposed to have had it 2 weeks ago but if you travel with the stand-by tickets they give you, you have the chance that one time your flight is full and if the captain doesn´t want to take you on the jump, you stay home.....:ugh: I bought a ticket for next time :E
If anybody wants some info about the first stages, mail me: [email protected]
On the other hand I would appreciate some usefull info about the final interview, especially from people who just had it.
Good luck for all of you!!!



23rd Jan 2005, 17:08
Hi there,

I recently received a letter in which Tyrolean invites me to their selection program in Innsbruck. I was just wondering if any more student-pilots received the invitation for the dates of March 17th and 18th.

And, if some pilots already did this selection phase (psychmetric and ATPL/JAR/JAA questions) I am very interested in all the information about these tests.

Thank you for your reply,

Maybe we meet in March,

Greetings from Holland, Bas van Veldhuizen

25th Jan 2005, 08:38
hey bas,

i'm waiting to be invited for the selection. may i ask when you returned their bewerbungsbogen. i did it in november last year.

groeten jeroen

Sky Goose
25th Jan 2005, 09:31
Did the selection last July

First phase:
English flight theory test. Get FAA CPL study guide and youll be fine, it pretty much based on the FAA CPL, well 90% ish.

Second Phase:
Psycometric testing (2 days, includes group discussion, one to one interview with Psycologist and computer based psycometric test)
The computer based test is pretty harsh, memory test, motor skills, reaction time, multitasking and concentration.
I bought Hesse Schrader, Test Training 2000.
I thought I was pretty well prepared and a good candidate, (Mechanical Engineering Backround), but wasnt called back for next phase....sob sob sob

Third Phase:
Sim check..Linz or Graz, (SID, Star, rad vectors, ILS, single needle approach etc.) Yes I think they use a multi engine sim now, but no engine faliures etc. so same as single

Fourth Phase
Interview with management and chief pilot

Fifth Stage

Apply and be prepared, they are apparently looking for 60 f/o's for the Fokker 100's.

Dont kid yourself, prepare as best you can, on the previous selection out of 100 people they only took 4, holy crap, fussy or what.
If you do f up you can apply again in 6 month. Like Im doing now


25th Jan 2005, 09:44
Are the tested conducted by Dr. Morawetsz?

Sky Goose
25th Jan 2005, 09:47
Thats the one, hes a pretty laid back guy, so not too intimidating

25th Jan 2005, 09:57
are the interviews conducted in English or German?

Sky Goose
25th Jan 2005, 09:59
English or german, but youll be at a disadvantage in the group discussions if you cant speak german

Lil' Pilot
25th Jan 2005, 15:53
Group discussions are mainly in Deutsch. If you don't how to say something in German, it's no problem if you switch to English for a sec. But you have to try and stick to German. The interview is also in German. So I think they would really like to see that your knowledge of the German language is sufficient. So my advise would be..practise this as much as you can. You can try to read german newspapers, magazines. (for e.g. about recent topics so it's also easier to understand at first). Watch german tv. Just to get used to the language. And of course, if time permits, you can attend a german course. Good way to get your conversation skills at a good level.
Good luck! :ok:

Lil' Pilot
25th Jan 2005, 17:58
Hi Frigorifico, check your pm's.


27th Jan 2005, 12:45

I got a letter today for the selection of April 21st and 22nd....are there any other pprune members who got an invitation for that date?

30th Jan 2005, 14:50
What aircraft are newhires being placed in - Dash 8-400, CRJ or Fokker 70/100? How are the positions allocated (need in each fleet or by experience/hours)? What are the bases for newhires?


3rd Feb 2005, 06:52
Base is VIE for all new hires.

Fleet allocation is done at random. Has nothing to do with your experience. They put you there where they need you.

You might think you will fly Fokker, however...
Presently we receive a lot of F100's. Many Dash8 captains switch to the F100, Dash8 copilots become captain on the Dash so a lot of newcomers become copilot on the Dash8.

CRJ fleet is stable at the moment so newcomers go mainly to Fokker and Dash.

14th Feb 2005, 10:31
Hey people!

I am just wondering where to send my application to Austrian Arrows.
I looked at Austrian homepage without luck.
Please PM me or email me at [email protected].

I heared there is no requirement on speaking German, anyone knows more about this?

Thanks and good luck to you all on the selection!


14th Mar 2005, 18:37
hey tufve,


look down the page you will find email adresses and phone numbers. and it's better you speak german just read all the topics about austrian arrows/tyrolean.

is there anybody who knows if there is a chance to apply at austrian airlines when you are flying with austrian arrows, i read on an old website of austrian airlines (http://www.pilotrecruitment.at/index5.htm)
that you need 500 hours within the austrian group. does anybody know if it happened that a.arrows pilots succesfully applied at a.airlines in the short past?

Alpine Flyer
3rd Apr 2005, 20:29
Presently there is no "flowthrough" agreement from Tyrolean to Austrian, although there are talks to implement such a thing.

Working at Tyrolean doesn't prevent you from applying at Austrian but it won't help either. Austrian will require a separate selection with tougher medical criteria and tougher criteria on maximum age (AFAIK).

You'll lose money paid for your Tyrolean typerating if you leave before Tyrolean has paid the typerating, which usually takes 5 years these days.

7th Aug 2005, 09:46
Hello Ppruners,
Well, 2 days ago, I've received an invitation from the company in question to participate in Kopilotenselektion starting on the 17th of October in Innsbruck. Any of the fellow Ppruners going there as well? Also, I would like to ask anyone that has info on the following questions. The tests on the first day for Regs, Meteo, Perfo and ect.., are they in English or German? And the Psychological tests on the second day, I believe the psychometric tests, are they in English or German? My German is OK, considering that I speak dutch and have learned German to a basic level, it does worry me though to see the questions in German in front of me. Considering the fact that I have learned all the JAA and FAA theoretical knowledge in English, and am comfortable in using English technical terminology, but have never learned any of the aviation terminology in German.
Well, I still have more than 2 months left and intend to polish up on my German by buying some PC German language software.
I've also purchased books like Handling the big Jets, Ace technical pilot interview, and practice psychometric tests.
Any info anyone could provide would be great, to prepare fur das Selektion.
Cheers to you all.
Smooth flight.:ok:

7th Aug 2005, 10:24
All you need to do, in order to get yourself prepared for the 1. Stufe, is to get a book with FAA questions - thats what they use (and they are in english of course). I reckon the level is CPL - not ATPL (chk out the book by Kershner if You dont already have it). No sweat. But when it comes to 2.Stufe. Sweat! There is a german book called "piloten-test" by Hesse Schrader. Its useful. Good luck! P

9th Aug 2005, 15:28
are you flying for a German speaking Airline/operator? Was thinking about Danish outfit Star Air based in Koln - any ideas?

Cap Loko
9th Aug 2005, 19:49
Don't forget to bring your €360,- to pay for the interview.

9th Aug 2005, 19:50
know about it but no but know a guy around there but why do you ask? :hmm:


10th Aug 2005, 14:50
Thanks for the input again.
Well here is another question. The five stufe as it is called in german, the 5 parts of the selestion , in how many days is it organized? I have heared that it takes 3 days.

15th Aug 2005, 19:48
Stufe 1 and 2. takes place on the first two days. If u pass that you´ll be called for to do the sim-chk. Thats another day. 4. and 5. is the same story (pass=go for the next), but all that is mentioned on your invitation. I´m up for the last one - so if anyone of you got some of their question - plz let me know!


16th Aug 2005, 21:22
Hi Smoothflight,

I've done the interview in november last year... I see you're from Belgium, if you got any questions you can always PM so we can discuss it in dutch (if you're from flanders) or in french (not that mine is that good, but I can try) or in german (but if your living in the german speaking part of Belgium, than that's a big advantage for your group interview :-) )

anyway, to get the FAA CPL question book is a big advantage...
the computer part is the hardest, four hours of hard work wich you can't prepare,
the interview is standard, and the group discussion is really hard if you're not native speaking german, definetely not if you're discussing with 7 östereichischen about some famous östereicher, whom i never heard of :-)

14th Oct 2005, 14:20
Has anyone recently been to the final interview in Innsbruck (4. Stufe)?

What kind of questions were asked and what did you answear?

It would obviously be very interesting to hear from someone, that has actually passed it.


14th Oct 2005, 20:22
Be yourself. Know how to answer "cases". (Drunk captain, going below minima, capt not flying according SOP, what do you do?) Don't let them intimidate you, because they do that, as I know.

And be prepared for the normal questions of course. (why you, why us, how and when...)

Second thing is how your other test results are. With excellent results they just want confirmation in the interview. When your results are marginal, you will have to convince them.

Good luck!

17th Oct 2005, 11:20
Hello GoAround-Flap15,

please check PM


17th Oct 2005, 11:42

with no aírline experience I would like to know what the correct thing to do is when:

captain is drunk (dont let him fly and replace him of course would be my answer))
captain goes below minimas
captain does not follow SOP

and answer to that kind of interview questions - people always refer to them but never post the "answer"



19th Oct 2005, 16:53
Does someone knows the chances at the final interview ? How many people do they need ?
Heard that a lot of germans left the company to go to Happag.

9th Nov 2005, 16:23

Does anybody have any info about the Tyrolean Interview in Innsbruck?

Are all the tests in German? What kind of tests can be expected?

Thanks in advance.


9th Nov 2005, 17:20
Have a look at the german forum www.pilots.de and www.cockpitjobs.de

Pilots.de seems not top work at the moment.... tray again later.

The tests are 60% in english.
The group interview is in german

Good luck but do not expect a lot from your selection. Their recruitment is extremelly subjective, and is known to be so.

I got turned down 2 weeks ago at the final interview.... really did not understand why.... particularly after the interview with the psycholog which really went good (at stage 2)

Viele Spaß !

9th Nov 2005, 20:54
Thanks for the info so far, what kind of Questions are asked ??

Anyone know how many they take in for assesments/interviews?

Is it just an easy way for them to make money?? I get the impression they take in alot for the interviews and make them pay 368 Euros (I think it is) for it.

10th Nov 2005, 06:20
ND 88 : Do you have interview, meaniing that you already passed all 3 other stages or are you invited for the first day of selection.
- 1st day : ATPL theory
- 2 nd day : Psychotechnical test + goup and psycholog interview
- 3 rd day : simulator
- 4 day : final interview

Which of these have you done ?!!

11th Nov 2005, 11:58
Hi Herta,

Thanks for your replies.

I've done none of the phases yet, Im trying to work out wheter it would be worth the 368 Euros plus the tickets to get to Innsbruck.

I'm getting the feeling that they invite people all the time for interviews so they can make some money that way.

Think the aviation industry is the only, where you actually have to pay the company for a job interview. It's kind of sad really.


11th Nov 2005, 12:30
- you obtain stanby tikets from Tyrolean but only for Tyrolean flights (OS operated), Thus excludes Austrian and other Alliamce members.

- the interview is only reserved to 10-15% of the applicants. The toughtest part is the 2nd day with the psyochotechnical assessment (so called IQ tests).

have a look at pilots.de make a search (the forum is working again).

14th Nov 2005, 07:11
Yea, right, VO and not OS... sorry about that !

Shock Wave
17th Jan 2007, 10:08
Hi everybody!

I heard tyrolean Airways is looking for Pilot. I would really appreciate any info about the selection process, etc.. as I am hoping to attend an interview soon.

happy landing:ok:

Shock wave

17th Jan 2007, 10:14
A guy that I know went to Austria for an interview almost 1.5 years ago, unfortunatelly, he found out that German language was a must.
Find out all the requirements before going there for your interview... this buddy spent a month studying hard and lost some working days, plus money...

Good Luck if you go there, looks like a nice company and a nice place to fly...


17th Jan 2007, 10:54
just was there and did the selection
German is a must since 1/3 of the tests are in german ....

And just saying hello and good bye doesnt help


San Expiry
17th Jan 2007, 11:06
So, the great European playing field is still tipped favourably downhill giving an easy ride westward to the UK if you speak (and have little option, really) the International Aviation language of English - but tipped firmly uphill and eastward if you don't. Equal opportunities through european harmonisation - larf!!

17th Jan 2007, 12:20
well i would say ..just understandable ...

if u go to an spanish carrier you better speak spanish ..german carrier german ..norwegian or danish same

and then it depends on your qualification,senior TRI will have less problems then guys fresh from the school...

just my opinion

27th Feb 2007, 11:21
Hi all.
I'm invited for the Tyrolean selections the 12th of March.
Does anybody will be there the same days? and more important does anybody have any more info regarding the first day test? subjects? type of exercises?

thanks to everybody would help



27th Feb 2007, 12:16
i must be a nerd...
I cant find a webpage for tyrolean... it takes me to "austrian"....

buena suerte en la prueba!

27th Feb 2007, 12:29
It's new name now is Austrian Arrow and it was tyrolean untill they have been merged with Austrian airlines

20th May 2007, 17:31
Hi guys,

3 days ago I recived a call from CAE. They told me to make english and aviation knowledge exams and also an A320 sim check with.

Then, if I pass those, I have to go to Austria for psichologycal test and interview but this time with Tyrolean team.

If then I pass this second test I'll be proposed for joining Tyrolean after paying myself the Dash 8 or Fokker 100 ratings.

They told me I had to learn German language to an acceptable level during my first year there, but It wasn't a previous requirement.

What's your opinion about?, something I should know?


20th May 2007, 17:37
To be honest i have no idea how u wanna pass without knowing German.
They recruit right now via CAE and Interpersonal also direct tyrolean.

The psycho selection process is in my eyes the most difficult part.
You will be either approved or denied by DOC M .
Insider know him ...and myself i had actually nice conversation but somehow he didnt recommend me ...
Anyways ..i go there again and again ...most likely because the good food in LOWI and the fantastic people .very nice

Its still very strange that on one hand thay need pilots on the other they denie reject Pilots which speak german and in my eyes are teachable and will be fitting good into their Group of Pilots.

Anyways ...i apploed again today ...so we will see
By the way the days in innsbruck ..just enjoy em if u get there .....:}

How much is CAE charging u ??
So long

20th May 2007, 20:27
NotBad, take a look at the last 2 pages of this thread: http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?p=3300210#post3300210

Seems like an all right deal. Paying 35,000 euros up front sounds like a lot of money (and it is) but you do get it back in a period of 5 years with interest. If you can get in, great! Its not a bad first job so I've heard.

Im doing the assessment wednessday in brussels, where are you doing it?

20th May 2007, 23:19
As I said before, If I pass, I have to learn german once I am there. Literally as they send me via mail "Be prepared to learn German language at an acceptable Aviation Working level within 1 year." That's how I wanna pass, but anyway thanks for your answer. Good luck next time.

21st May 2007, 02:04
lalbak thanks a lot for the link

I have done the assessment past friday in Madrid. Now waiting for news.

Good Luck!!

21st May 2007, 07:03
How was it?

21st May 2007, 08:21
2 Hrs English Exam (Listening, Text comprehension, Gramatical...)
1 Hr General Aviation Test
A320 Sim Check (1 Hr as PF and 1 Hr as PNF)

21st May 2007, 08:39
can you be a bit more specific about the general aviation test?

21st May 2007, 09:23
Well, I don't if you have done anyone before but they use to be easy. Performance, Met, ATC, Procedures... Don't worry about as that's the easy one

21st May 2007, 09:25
Still cant see you guys passing a german Psycho test ..to be honest ...
Just my opinion ....

21st May 2007, 09:40
psycho tests are in english. german is not required for the first year. After one year you will need to demonstrate your knowledge of the germany language.

NotBad, thanks. must admit that i am nervous about it though...

21st May 2007, 09:47
we;ll my friend if youu think so...
I can just tell u what i experienced and i guess 12 others of my Buddies...
But ok if you think German is not a main factor ..go ahead

21st May 2007, 14:44
lalbak, don't worry about the tests. If you have never flown a big plane try to enjoy the sim and the rest will become itself. Be relaxed and if no then you don't pass don't worry, there will be more oportunities. That's how I did...

Good Luck!! hope news from you

21st May 2007, 14:59
Cant wait till one of you will write in here ..well INSIDEVIEW was right ...

well till then i will have passed the alps a few times ...

21st May 2007, 16:27
Hi everybody,

I gonna sit for the Tyrolean assessment Wednesday 23 in CAE Brussel.
I think the offer for the SSTR is fair though I' m not very enthusiastic to have to learn German within 1 year...

21st May 2007, 20:12
hey fanfan, i guess I'll be seeing you wednessday then. I'm the 4th guy on the list we just recieved today:)

Insideview: I can only tell you what I've heard from CAE, which is that German is not a requirement. I hope you are wrong, but if you right, shame on CAE.

21st May 2007, 21:09
Just to clarify...from REALl experience in INN HQ:

INSEDEVIEW is right: GERMAN IS a requirement but they allow U 1st yr to settle down and learn it to a decent conversation and reading level, but as per contract U MUST reach THAT level within yr 1 and U will be tested afterward.

Psycos in INN are in German but ATPL stuff and the interview with Dr.M & C in EN. You will be briefed in EN as well but but in one yr (if U make it...) back to square 1...:E

Have fun

PZ :ok:

21st May 2007, 21:17
OK OK ..no Biggie
well tell me how does the CAE scheme look like ..how much they charge you ...

See this is the funny part ....even during the tests there is some german stuff which will then on request explained ..somehow strange
Do they still have the old FAA Questions ....

well anyways ..enjoy at least some traditional Austrian food ..recommend to ask a Taxi driver for a nice restaurant outside

By the way i met a Dutch guy ..hes doing the typerating for the dash right now
but since the rating is also in german i cannot get the point ...
Well just my opinion ...

24th May 2007, 16:49
Does anyone have their results in from yesterday (23 may)? I heard that I passed and was invited to go to austria the 4th and 5th of june:)

24th May 2007, 20:18
Lalback I am still waiting for an answer from CAE since past friday 18th!!

Good Luck

29th May 2007, 15:27

I just heard via someone else that in the Tyrolean deal the type rating money that you spend at CAE (the 23,000) is not included in the money you get back from Tyrolean in the 5 years. Can anyone confirm this? Can't find anything myself in the documents I've recieved from CAE. This could mean a SST on a Dash 8 for 28,000 Euros :eek:

6th Jun 2007, 11:40
Well, Insideview, I'm sorry, but you were wrong. Just got back and I did not need to speak german. All the tests are in english, except for one, where they will orally expain it in english. Talking to D. Morawits I did speak some german (to the best of my abilities) but mainly in english.

still didn't get through though :mad:

6th Jun 2007, 14:51
Did anyone actually pass this time?

6th Jun 2007, 15:53
Well my friend ...guess why!!
I,and i wanna underline the I,think that u are in better company if u speak german...
I fly alot in spain and france and to be honest i think i can forget applying for Air nostrum or any other spanish our french carrier just for the reason im not speaking the language....
Spain and french Air space sucks due to the language reason ...

But back to the topic....

Also sorry to hear u failed ...what was the reason ..which day ??

How about u write here what u experienced...
How long was Morawetzes test?
Cheers buddy and AUF WIEDERSEHEN !!

6th Jun 2007, 18:23
Knowing german very well would of course be beter, however of all the people who passed this round no one was really proficient.

Out of the 25 people who came through CAE 7 went on to the final interview today. I don't know yet how many passed but I heard rumours that the first two didnt make it. There were also 5 other people who applied directly to Tyrolean and only 2 made it through the ATPL test.

I failed on the psycho tests, this was this tuesday. The computer tests took about 5 hours with loads of different things. Similar to the DLR tests. The interview with Dr. Morawetz was a joke. It took about 15 minutes and he only asked questions such as: where were you born, where did you go to school, what do your parents do, and, for some reason, have you ever had a near death experience.

6th Jun 2007, 20:44
just got the final word, 3 people passed the final interview. One person who spoke perfect german did not pass, so much for the language requirement. They are sticking to their pass rate, only 12% this time...

6th Jun 2007, 20:45
What are the backgrounds (age,schools etc) of those 3 ? (if you know it offcourse)

6th Jun 2007, 20:56
All 3 are dutch, somewhere in the age range of 21 to 26 i'd say. Not completely sure about their school background. I know 1 or 2 come from the KLM flight academy. The 3rd person might be from another school. all 3 low timers

6th Jun 2007, 21:34
One of them is french and doesn't speak a very good german but apparently enough to get the job. I think he made the difference (like the 2 other guys) wih the psycotechnics and of course after at the interview

6th Jun 2007, 23:15
If the french guy got through the total will be 4. I heard that he didnt pass and he hadn't gotten his results yet when i saw him on the flight back to vienna

Skipping Classes
7th Jun 2007, 12:49
There was also a DASH-8 Canadian captain with 5000+ hours on DASH-8 who did not pass the computer tests phase as well.. Go figure?


7th Jun 2007, 17:24
Isn't about time that you all stop wondering how/why/when/who/how many TYR is gonna hire? To my knowledge a guy with NO GERMAN AT ALL was hired in ne of the last selections in 2006.No need to say he (she) was a low TT. How did this happened?

Guess what...75% or better ATPL scores on day 1, cool brain with Dr.M. during day 2, average simride (still within limits) and smart answers facing the good & bad cop during the panel interview.

So...stop banging your head in search on a math-solution and back to basics: books, sim, persona presentation. The longer you stick here, the less chances you have to get hired...

PZ :ok:

9th Jun 2007, 19:04
Hey guys. I ve heard about the selection process in Tyrolean and somebody told me it was quite hard. I am supposed to make an interview soon as i have passed the exam in CAE. I have not too much hope in this but have little questions about. Do you know how it works after the selection process? does the company give you a bond or do you have to look out for the money? and in the case you pass the selection do they give some letter or contract before spending all the money (example Vueling with his letter of intentions)?

Thanks a lot and good luck for those who were lucky.;)

1st Aug 2007, 08:49

I sent my CV to VO mid-july and they've just invited me to a sel in Innsbruck, on August 13th and 14th. :ooh: Anyone else attending the sel ?

Any help would be appreciated, especially from people who went there recently (profiles, type of technical questions - are they still working with the FAA book ?, preparation to the pscychotests, interviews, etc.)

David / Vielen Dank

PS : They told me German wasn't a requirement for this sel. :ok:

1st Aug 2007, 10:21
I attended a couple of months back. Passed the exam, which wasnt that bad really, just have a look through your old question papers on Met, Law, Nav and whatever else they said on the invite. 8 out of 20 failed that tho and went home. The rest of us went onto do the Psycho test which was an experience. You get thrown a whole heap of stuff, questions about you, 'what comes next' with shapes, colours and numbers, my favourite was the task of picking out the number 83 and/or 23 or neither from a 6 x 6 double digit grid. 60 of those. Extremely boring which is the point I think, you do tend to miss some eventually. Got to stay an extra night but told in the morning that my results were ' negative'. No explanation as to why. 3 out of the 20 got through to sim, all German too. Innsbruck is a nice place though and if you are into snow sports, its the dogs. Give it your all.

1st Aug 2007, 11:25
Thanks Pieman !

I hope I'm luckier than you at the psychos then :ugh: !

And I also hope you have found a nice position since then...

David / :uhoh:

1st Aug 2007, 12:57
I hope you are luckier, if I knew what they were looking for I could tell you, but I dont..
I'm enjoying doing Instruction for the minute, we will see what happens in the future. Thanks for the thought.

1st Aug 2007, 13:40
Jeez........you guys are going to fly a Dash, not a space shuttle. Sounds as if the psychos run the show. You've got an ATPL and passed the exams - what more do you have to prove?

2nd Aug 2007, 11:11
With the psycho tests, are there also verbal reasoning tests?

2nd Aug 2007, 18:22
No verbal tests (apart from the interview with the doc afterwards). You sit at a desk with a laptop in a room with everyone else. There is a listening test you do and you put some headsets on for that, I think it was determining between a single and a double beat.. i forget now.. pretty entertaining.

3rd Aug 2007, 11:58
ok thx, and what to expect with the doc and the interview with the staff??

3rd Aug 2007, 13:43
Why do you want to be a pilot? Why VO? Why Austria? Have you applied to any other airline? Tell me about your childhood and family. Had a near death experience? (I said no, so you might want to make one up ?!), previous work experience, do you speak German? In a relationship? stuff like that.

8th Aug 2007, 21:28
Hi colt.sivers

I am invited for the innsbruck selection on the 20-21st aug. I can see you are going on the 13-14th...

could you please update me on how it was and the rest..

coz start getting abit nervious from reading everyones comments.. seems HARDDD!!! :\


Good luck man!!!!

16th Aug 2007, 11:24
Hi all,

Here is the story of my sel in Innsbruck on the 13th and 14th of August.

First of all, don't worry if you don't speak German... it's not needed ! However, successful candidates have to learn it and prove their proficiency after one year.

My group counted 10 candidates (Most of them came from Holland). A parallel group counted 10 people, applying through CAE. This group had already passed a sim ride and the theoretical test.

The program for direct applicants was as follows:

1st morning - 8:00: Theoretical ATPL test... 100 questions to deal with in 2h30. The questions were not so tricky though 3 people didn't make it (All of them were already working as pilots and aged between 30 and 40).

1st morning - 12:00: Results of the morning test. All the candidates are given a small folded paper with the results and the invitation for the next step of the sel when positive.

1st afternoon - 14:00: Psychological test. This part is the most selective of the whole sel. It's quite a tough and long afternoon. All the tests are run on computers. They consist of "what's next" exercises, calculations, orientation, reaction, etc. All the test are time limited and you have to be quick and efficient during all the afternoon. Only the explanations of each exercise are not time limited. I used them to relax and I finished the last one of the 7 candidates. During the afternoon, you also have to attend an interview with the famous "doctor Morawetz" (have you ever had any "near death experience", tell me about your parents, etc.). He has a reputation, but don't worry, be yourself... he even wanted me to talk to him in French! I didn't train for any exercises as I didn't know what to expect. It's quite similar to DLR, AF cadets or ENAC tests, though. Some things are a bit surprising, be open minded: some tests appear without any explanation of what you have to do; you have to remember your candidate number during the whole sel and it's asked at each new test;...

2nd morning: The results of the tests are given only to the successful candidates, by phone, between 7:30 and 8:00 am. You have to be dressed and ready for the next stage, which can start at as early as 8h15! Only 2 of the 7 candidates received the call. I was asked to attend the single pilot sim ride at 8:30. The profile was quite easy (no need to reset the radio aids if the sdby frequencies are set properly prior to TO). Weather: 5000 m horizontal visibility, 700 ft OVC, wind calm. Departure clearance: 5000 ft according to a SID (STUTTGART airport, RWY 25). Then NDB DME approach, go around, radar vectoring to an ILS approach and landing. Period. The profile is explained clearly by the instructor before the test and he gives you 10 min to think about the plates. Then he explains how the procedure trainer works and you start whenever you want. The simplified C/L is displayed in front of you. The plane is similar to a PA34 but it works as a SEP as you don't have any failure during the test. The plane is very unstable and you don't get any force feedback so it's very difficult to fly properly (you can't trim the ailerons and I had to keep my control column to the left during the entire flight so as to keep level wings). They focus on the profile you fly so never give up! After the landing the instructor asked me how I found my performance. I thought it was pretty poor but he was quite happy about what I did and told me the assessment was positive.

2nd afternoon: Both the Dutch guy and me passed the sim and reached the final interview. I had hardly prepared the whole selection because of the very late notice (less than 2 weeks prior to the sel date) and thought it would be a nice (and free as they pay for flights and hotel) chance to acquire a new experience... and tackled the selection pretty relaxed. However, reaching the end of the process brought some pressure and I didn't enter the interview room with such a detachment. Soon, I was surprised by the way the interview took. They hardly asked me any question about my motivation to work for them, the fact I didn't speak German, etc. They focused on some "cases»: The first one was "You are flying one of your first flight with us, you have forgotten your licence and no standby pilot is available, what do you do? ». The second case was "You saw your captain at the bar drinking heavily a few hours before the flight. What do you do? ». More about that on the "interview questions from hell" topic.... They pushed me hard and eventually, I left the room pretty confused and thought that was dead... which was confirmed 20 min later by the phone call they asked me to give. I felt a bit disappointed by these pretty virtual and out of human context cases... but they were part of the sel and I failed to convince them. Shame on me!

Good luck to any futur candidates !

David / :oh:

PS : As far as I know, 4 people applying through CAE passed the psychological test, and 2 of them were hired. One of them has alreday started yesterday in Madrid !
PPS : I wish the Dutch guy of my group made it... I would be glad to know !

31st Aug 2007, 21:46

don't be too disappointed, someone will call you, and you will get a better job.

I got a call from tyrolean airways for an interview too.
my questions are:

how much they pay their first officers

I have already a type rating A320(no debt, all paid in advance by myself), and I am not ready to be bonded for 3-5 years for a miserable salary to fly a dash8.

I make already 4000 euro/month with no bonding on light turboprops.

if I accept the job, I can make a cross on the airbus,and I am not very excited to go back in a sim for 5 weeks for a new type rating.

so should I go for a new type rating, or stick on the airbus and see?.What would you do?

and my german is 50%(I can pretty much ask what i want in german but i can barely read german newspapers)

31st Aug 2007, 21:52
I make already 4000 euro/month with no bonding on light turboprops.

Better stick to this and try to get an A320 job in the mean time.

9th Apr 2008, 16:29
Anyone going to the assement in May??

9th Apr 2008, 17:03
Yes i was invitate to the selection during May (26-> 28 I think)

9th Apr 2008, 17:49
I got 13th - 15th of May.
Any advice anyone?

10th Apr 2008, 08:14
Wayupthere, ive got the selections on the same days...May 13th-15th.

10th Apr 2008, 15:57
I've been preselected to go for the assessment on May 26th until May 28Th, I'm Spanish from Madrid I guess I have to go to Innsbruck from Barcelona.

Is there anyone from Spain for those days?


Ignacio Cubedo

10th Apr 2008, 17:40
I've been selected to go for the assessment on May 26th until May 28Th too, but i'm french, so from toulouse or paris for me

10th Apr 2008, 22:05
I got 13-15th may, but i'm going to see if i can't get it on a later date as this one isn't realy convenient.

10th Apr 2008, 22:19
Haha Johnny, tell me you're not serious?

Please, you are going to these people and telling them that you really really REALLY want to work for them, but then you want to postpone the interview because it's "not really convenient".

Ok, if you have a prior engagement, such as you're getting married, or your partner is due to give birth, then you might have a good reason to ask them to postpone. In any other case you'd better MAKE it convenient if you're serious about getting a job with them!

11th Apr 2008, 12:57
i'm going there 14th april, if somebody is going to stay at Kranebitterhof lets have a beer!

11th Apr 2008, 18:41
Does anybody know how many pilots are they going to hire??

It seems that they are calling a lot of pilots for selection. You can visit www.extracrew.com is a spanish forum, there you can find no less than 15 pilots that are going to go next month. This is very unusual for spanish pilots. http://www.pprune.org/forums/images/smilies/eek.gif


11th Apr 2008, 21:47
hmm......good point,

13th Apr 2008, 12:16

do they go to INN for selection or to start as F/O?


15th Apr 2008, 17:26
NOOO, nooo, nooo..... ;-)

They are like us, preselected to go to Innsbruck and demonstrate they are better than us, so they are not on the right seat.

What it sounds estrange to me is the fact that a foreign company, specially one that german is not a must but it is a plus contact with spanish pilots when all other companies around EU don't want to know about Spanish pilots, due to the inefficiency of Spanish Aviation Authorities issuing licenses and type ratings. For example Netjets request that if you are Spanish or Italian you must transfer your license to UK or Portugal. I guess that this stuff is well know for all EU companies.

I hope I have been clear!!! ;-))


PS I have answered the email to Austrian Arrows accepting the invitation but I don't have any reply, Anybody knows how long will this stuff take??

15th Apr 2008, 22:06
Don't worry Cheche!

As soon as you are hired by the company, first thing they will do is to change your Licence into the JAA Austrian one!!!


13th May 2008, 11:07
Have you somebody experience about payment accomodation during selection in Tyrolean.

Thank you.

13th May 2008, 12:05
Anyone who has been on the assessment lately and knows if they're still using FAA CPL questions?

24th May 2008, 14:43

anyone knows what kind of questions they ask regarding the "Austrina/JAA/European regulations" Seems a topic with a wide range of questions.

Many thanks

12th Jun 2008, 04:41
Hi !!!

Anyone going to the assesment in June (23 to 25) ???


15th Jun 2008, 19:17
Just came from INN the 100 quiestion ATPL assesment should not be to hard if you buy a online FAA question bank and does some study.

15th Jun 2008, 19:45
Yes they are yousing the FAA CPL question bank, you can get it online.

16th Jun 2008, 17:07

12th Jul 2008, 15:20
Hi Insideview,

I have just received an invitation from lufthansa to pass their BU late September. Its damn too hard though so I ve already started to look for alternatives. First of all I would like to ask where can I find the tyrolean pilot sponsorship link (information, application etc).

I am also trying to find which other airlines are currently running pilot sponsorships, so that would be great if u could give me any tips


PZL Pilot
14th Jul 2008, 16:54
sx_stavros - see recent adverts in flight international

Has anyone had any recent experience of the Tyrolean interview and selection?

Ie what are useful areas to revise before going to Innsbruck?

Anyone going next week?

Many thanks

D O Guerrero
15th Jul 2008, 08:30
Anyone heard that they have now stopped recruiting as of this week? Just a rumour going round my FTO....

Trivial Pursuit
22nd Aug 2008, 12:57
On page 4 of the Tyrolean application form you are asked to complete a "handwritten CV". Anyone has an opinion to what they are expecting? What you can find in a CV is already written in the application, like certificates, hours, education, languages etc. Or does it mean to write an "application", with my goals, motivations, expectations and so on? Any comment on this is highly appreciated.

PS: I have also heard Tyrolean have stopped hiring, but they are still calling people to assessment tests. You will not get "hired", but put in a holding pool were they can pick and choose if they need someone in the future.

25th Aug 2008, 11:36
Hi Trivial - yeah it does seem a little silly, but they basically want you to reproduce your normal CV in your own handwriting. I originally applied with a typed version via e-mail :=, but was then asked to provide them with the hand-written one as well :hmm:. They have a psychologist on the recruitment team who seems to play quite a prominent part, so maybe they are more interested to see HOW you present it, and not that much in the actual content, which, as you have mentioned, is already written in the application. A bit :ugh:I know, but hey, that's what they want.
Hope it helps, cheers!