View Full Version : Any Part Time Jobs?

Shanwick Shanwick
15th Mar 2001, 11:55
I've given up on leaving the Airline industry completely but would like to get back to the corporate world on a part time basis. I generally get 14+ days off per month (though not in a block) and have about 40 spare flying hours.

I'm willing to operate from any base in the UK though preferably "Up North" and don't require lots of money.

Any ideas?


15th Mar 2001, 19:09
Afternoon Shanny,
So youve given up on leaving the airline world? Why? Has it got so good you cannot leave, whats going on.
I'll ask around to see if anyone I know needs some freelance cover, be in touch.

'Keep the Stress Down'

Shanwick Shanwick
16th Mar 2001, 22:50
Thanks Stress Free,

I was sitting in the cruise the other day (for 11 hours +) and started to think about the good old days. I then remembered how fragile the whole market was and how I was made redundant three times in three years.

Yes, there was money, fun, lifestyle, job satisfaction etc but only whilst employed. Now that I'm not such a whipper snapper security plays a more important role.

But then again........?


17th Mar 2001, 19:38
Hi dude,
Why don't you go try the crew lease companies such as Parc-Aviation, Airline appointment, trade-air, contractair...They might have something for you, at least contact them and send your cv.
Good luck amigo