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View Full Version : Liquids in handluggage to India?

17th May 2007, 02:47
A small question.

BE is making a trip to India tomorrow and has not been there for over a year. A friend has asked me to take a couple of bottles of wine with me. Does anyone know what liquids in handluggage rules are being applied to flights into India now?

computer jockey
18th May 2007, 08:02

Depends where you are flying from. If you're departing the UK, then the UK security rules will apply. Other places (Bangkok?) you'll need to check.

If you are wondering if there are any restrictions coming into India, there are none (within reason).

So your couple of bottles of wine should be quite safe.

19th May 2007, 09:04
From 1st June 2007 the same 100ml rules will apply in Thailand both international and domesic flights.

20th May 2007, 06:18

In my experience getting stuff into the country isn't the problem (as long as it doesn't exceed the Duty-Free limit - and even then...), it's getting it on the plane that could be the hassle... As you know, departing from BKK, your handcarry isn't checked till you get pretty close to the gate. If you buy your wine Duty-Free at the airport, shouldn't be an issue. If you bought it elsewhere, I'd just stick it in a Duty-Free Bag. But the earlier post is correct - the Liquids Ban is spreading - total nonsense. Pretty soon the only way to travel by air will be naked, lightly oiled and with no bags.. hmm... now that's a thought...

21st May 2007, 10:51
Thanks for the info on this.

Yrs truly came back last evening, after a flying visit to Mumbai.

The experience on liquids was not quite as expected. The good news is that BE opted to stash the vino in a checked in bag, which arrived in one piece.

On the way out, there was an additional check point before the boarding gate at Suvarnabhumi, where they were searching hand luggage and confiscating the usual suspects. Spiney's advice on disguise of hand carried liquids was being followed by quite a number of SLF, who I saw on board with suspiciously ragged-looking duty free bags.

On the return, on check in at Mumbai, I asked about liquids and was told categorically that the limit was 100ml. Spotting the mountain of luggage accumulating behind the nice lady, BE opted to hand carry and dutifully binned his toothpaste, liquid deodorant, shaving cream etc, leaving only an expensive bottle of cologne. It was only when I reached the plane and was sitting in my seat that I realised that I had gone through the entire process and not one person had bothered to check whether there were actually liquids in the bag at all. :*

22nd May 2007, 03:53
Hmm, lightly oiled naked stewardesses... what a USP for some enterprising airline. Would be pretty safe too as the fundies are not supposed to look at naked infidel women thus they would never be on the planes ;)