View Full Version : Otto Vellinga and ASG

16th May 2007, 21:04
Back in July, 2006, several Fragrant Harbour Wannabes posted comments about Otto Vellinga and ASG as being a scam. Peak Tram Driver posted this comment, "The company is run by a dutch crook." Coastrider26 agreed with his comment and made several postings thereafter calling Otto out. Otto tried to disguise himself as BigFatClemenza and other ID's but the group smoked him out right away.

Here's my interest. I am searching for pilots who were scammed and financially damaged by Otto V and ASG and anyone associated with the dutchman and his company. Why you ask? To assist in gaining restitution for damaged pilots and pursuing criminal charges against Otto and company.

Drawing welfare for he and his wife from the Netherlands while he was taking $40,000 a clip from student pilots, seems to be blatant "fraud" to me and easily proved.

I'd be most interested to know if anyone from CP, Dragonair or any HK based airline is willing to go on the record about this unscrupulous individual.

I will be most anxious to hear from anyone having direct and indirect knowledge regarding this matter. After an interview, I will ask the individual to go on the record with a sworn affidavit so I may present my case in this matter.

I look forward to hearing from anyone having responsible comment. Otto's conduct may cross into both criminal and civil violations of law. That's what I intend to find out.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Let me hear from you.

A1E out.

17th May 2007, 03:19
Scam never actually happened to any HK based pilots as far as I am aware so you ain't gonna get much out of this.
Question is though.... Why do yo post this here and what do you want???? Try a cloggy forum, much more luck there garanteed.
Ta ta

EDIT: Just noticed, first post, location US.... ????? What do you want??????

17th May 2007, 07:53
Thanks for the reply Dragon 501.

Can you tell me what's a "cloggy forum." I will definitely pursue that course of action.

Regarding your question, I'm trying to determine if there is sufficient evidence of Otto's wrongdoings, determine if he is continuing his "scam" in a different part of the world, seek restitution for wronged pilots, pursue criminal prosecution, determine validity of alleged welfare fraud and report him to proper authorities for further action.

In order to do these things, I need to talk to pilots or anyone else having direct knowledge of Otto's activities and identify those who lost money to him without getting what he promised them.

Does this answer your question? Can you help? If so, I would appreciate your input.

A1E Out.

17th May 2007, 07:57
Just figured out your reference to "cloggy forums". Early in the morning here and just waking up.

Trouble is, I don't speak the language. Do you know of any of the Netherlands forums that would be promising? I'll get a translator and go that route.

Thanks again.

A1E out.

17th May 2007, 08:56
A1E, May I ask if you are a lawyer ?

17th May 2007, 11:46
Hello Manfred,

No I am not an attorney but I have several throughout the world standing by to act.

17th May 2007, 16:25
I respectfully suggest that you involve any lawyer at an earlier stage. Going off to "investigate" this yourself is unlikely to be successful as, if you are not a lawyer, you will not really know what it is you are looking for.

In any case, do you even know where to find this man ?
Does he actually have any money ?
etc etc

If not, is there any point pursuing him ?

this is not meant to rubbish your idea, just that i have seen people waste time and money on things like this before

18th May 2007, 01:25
Thanks for the comments. If you know of pilots who were hurt by this man, please give them my name and ask them to contact me.

19th May 2007, 06:32
You are full of SH!T.
I have several lawyers standing by.... In the meantime you are looking on a open forum for 'victims'.... HAHAHAHAH Get lost dude.