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15th May 2007, 06:56
just wanted to see how far everyone commutes! at the moment i fly from MAN for a charter airline but really would like to work for scheduled airline VS or BA but dont want to move down south. I keep putting off applying as i think it would be too expensive to commute down to london (around £300+ per month on internal flights) Does anyone on here commute from up north or scotland? Can anyone tell me their experience of commuting and whether its worth it? And also ive heard of ID90 tickets which you can get after 6 months with VS, could someone please tell me all they know about them! thanks, Any info would be great in helping me decide what to do :confused:

15th May 2007, 09:51
:)Hello! I don't actually commute myself but know of loads of people who do - I work for BA.

I think the majority of them use ID 90's after they get them, which are Industry Discount tickets at 10% of the normal price plus tax. They are in general accepted by a few airlines inlcuding BA and BMI (domesticly) But there are people who can tell you more.

Also though lots of people buy loco airline tickets far enough in advance that they are dirt cheap. (only thing is they aren't open like an ID 90 so not felxible if you're delayed back into base but if they cost £10 it's no big deal).

Only thing I'd say is I know a lot of commuters who were temps at worldwide LHR and found the commuting easy and affordable but now they are flying mixed duties from Gatwick it is a bit more expensive and they do have to put themselves up at the Ibis on blocks of Shorthaul/Standby.

Don't know what it would be like if only shorthaul, but I think there are plenty who do it, at BA you can bid for trips which makes it easier.

People at BA do commute from all over the world though. Part Time Cabin Crew come in from as far away as Perth and Barbados so it must be "doable". Certainly once you have your Staff Travel it becomes cheaper if you are coming from further away though domesticly I'm not sure there is much difference between an ID 90 and a "hotline" ticket which is about 5 - 15% below commercial. Because of the damn tax!

As I say hopefully an actual commuter will come on - If you live in Manchester though I know there are plenty of people who drive down?

15th May 2007, 10:24
thanks for your info matt101

I have considered driving BUT, going wouldnt be a problem, its just driving home after a long flight, i can barely stand driving 45mins from MAN! lol.

The flights/tickets etc i dont think will be a problem unless its an early check in (say 7am for a 9am departure)as the first bmi/ba flights from MAN arrive into lhr for 8am, so i would have to fly down the night before and stay over! i think virgin have a crew share place that costs around £20? thats what ive heard anyway, maybe someone can confirm! ive been looking at b&bs, they are roughly starting at £30-£35 for a single room, which is not too bad either

i am just hoping for some commuters to share all their lovely info! ;)

19th May 2007, 11:26
I commute from Dublin to Heathrow, costs about £220 a month and with up to 23 flights a day its a no brainer!

20th May 2007, 10:33
There are plenty of commuters from MAN for several airlines out of LHR and LGW. You are going to be looking at about £55 return (ish.) with the new taxes, once you get your concessions. It does add a long time to your day though. Checked in a BA crew yesterday for the 0705 and she was operating at 1030.

Good luck with your decision.

21st May 2007, 16:29
thanks so far for your answers!

ive been doing some research today on the net lol, and so i will share it for those of you who may also be in same position as me:)

ive come to a conclusion that if have an early check in for a lgw flight, the night before i could either :

1) drive down, park at lgw. I think a 4 hour drive home after a 10 hr flight is not appealing nor safe!

2) i could get the train, well 3 trains! my journey would be liverpool - london euston - london victoria - gatwick airport, taking around 4 hours. same on way back. This is probably cheapest option

3) drive to MAN, park car and fly down with BA, this being most expensive option at around £75 but the quickest

And for LHR:

1) get train from liverpool to watford junction then heathrow express coach to airport, approx 3-4hrs journey time

2) fly down with BA or BMI again costing £75 approx

Whatever journey i take i would have to stay at Travelodge/Ibis etc, ive heard that if you are BA or virgin staff thye give u a good rate, is this true?

any more commuters comments would be EXTREMELY helpful!!!! :p

22nd May 2007, 03:50
I'd like to add my too pennath worth, I know we are very few between, And that we are slim in the summer months us charter ppl in regards to comuting.

I drove down from the midlands to LGW last week with the intention of commuting(only to see how it worked), I only did a FAO. Anyone thinking of doing it, SH( hell I was dying after a FAO) But I wouldn't do It. And to be honest we finished after what? 7:30 hours later? dont do it, get a cheap B&B or something, maybe Bewbush( 300-370pm) if your LGW based. Alll I can say your health is so much worth more.

My hand goes out to you "Virgins", because I couldn't do it!. Well done for your flawless service after the majority of your commute. It really is a first class service!

Role on winter and I can commute!

12th Jun 2007, 11:17
Hi, all i have recently set up a google groups site especially for commuters MAN-LHR-MAN its mainly for BA staff but commuters from other airlines are welcome....anyway here is the link.

Cheers Lee