View Full Version : Transporting Perscription Drugs Into The US

14th May 2007, 01:44
I need to transport some prescription drugs* over to a family member in the US. The medication needs to be kept cool ( it must not freeze).

I am wondering whether just to Fedex it over OR just bring it in my suitcase next time I visit - so I would like to know if the cargo hold of a passenger aircraft has the same conditions ( temp., pressure wise etc) of that of a freight aircraft?

*the drugs in question are 80% cheaper in Europe - just in case anybody

14th May 2007, 23:33
Sorry to rain on your parade but if your name isn't on the prescription, and you can't demonstrate that it is a reasonable amount of the drug for your own medication during your visit, save your money and leave the drugs at home.

Same goes with freight. It's a controlled substance or it wouldn't be perscription. You have to have a license to ship those and the recipient has to have one as well as I understand it.

Either act could land you in jail as like it or not, you are technically smuggling drugs.

US Customs

HM Revenue and Customs

Most if not all countries have such rules. Some with rather drastic penalties.

14th May 2007, 23:42
Same conditions, possibly a little colder on the cargo aircraft (we tend to turn the heating down if perishables on board) ;-)

Did I incriminate me when I picked up prescription medication for my wife a while back when she was too sick to go herself?

15th May 2007, 14:35
If your name is not on the prescription and you get caught, you could find yourself on the wrong end of a federal felony, facing a long time in prison. It's not worth the risk to save a few dollars.

15th May 2007, 14:56
Say they're for your goat.

Well, it worked for the bloke in the film The Terminal... :}