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View Full Version : A little info please

Capt. Biff
13th May 2007, 00:59
Hello everyone. I just joined your group and was very impressed with some of the things you have. I must add it appears a lot better hear than at the flightinfo web site.

Anyway, I have lots of questions about Cathy and would like any help you could offer. My background is probably average or slightly below. I have no college degree. I am currently a CA at shuttle america on the E-170. I have 6500 hrs, of which 4500 hrs is PIC. I am typed on the E-145 as well. Multi-time is around 5400 hrs.

How competitive am I if at all. I understand the interview process is lengthly and challenging, what reading material would you all recommend.

Please in your collective wisdom and experience advise me on the whole process.

PM away


13th May 2007, 02:01
first I would recommend to do a search....


Capt. Biff
13th May 2007, 16:43
Thank you for the tip, I have a lot of reading to do. How is it like working for them. What kind of trips, days on/off, and quality of life do you have. Being a US citizen I guess I would be based in the states, or am I incorrect? Do they pay you while you are in training? Cover hotel expenses?

Thanks for the info.

13th May 2007, 20:46
And again, a little research might help...

14th May 2007, 00:13
...and if you send in a resume, try to send it to "Cathay".:)

14th May 2007, 00:18
Yes you would be based in the US, if you want.
If you want to join as a second officer you have the possibility of being based in hong kong, which is good money wise. 15% tax and a lot of housing allowance.

Working for them is fine, I actually like it quite good. They think they are the best but they arenīt. Just ignore that and you will be fine.