View Full Version : ScotAirways

12th May 2007, 08:26
Can anyone tell me if Scotairways are a good company to fly for as I have seen there website and it looks great? A friend of mine who use to work for them said they fly a lot of the premiership footballers who only wish to shag the crew?

Any feed back please or any Scotairways WAGS out there!!

Just a wantabe_crew

What type of plane is a Dornier 328 ?

12th May 2007, 09:21
What a coincidence I just logged on to ask where if there was a base at London City and do they take part time cabin staff? I was going to call them to ask but can't find a relevant phone number.I had a friend who used to fly freelance for them but that was in the Suckling Airways days out of Cambridge.
:) A dornier is a smallish turbo prop so probably noisy and probably manned by one flight attendant- is all I know. Somone out there must be in the know-please?

12th May 2007, 12:32
So - your decision about your career path is based upon the possibility of having sex with a football team and the fact that the corporate website looks "great". You know nothing about the aircraft type operated, and are so unbelievably lazy that the thought of searching the web for information that might be relevant to a job application is beyond you - see HERE (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ScotAirways) for what took me 5 seconds to locate.

You want to be crew? Please God you're never on my flights - we'd be working one down before we had even left.