View Full Version : Petition to Downing Street - UK Airside Pass Holders

triple x
9th May 2007, 11:53
Please please sign this downing street petition!!!!


9th May 2007, 18:12
Hello have gone and signed the petition but just making this post so it dont slip down the line on the forum:)

9th May 2007, 20:38
Ditto! Signed it too.

12th May 2007, 16:28
:ugh: Is everyone fed up of going through security and having water, our own food, toiletries etc taken fom us!?! I know its all for safety reasons, but if we really wanted to do anything or were wanna be terrorists, we have got so many other ways of doing it on the plane!!! its ridiculous!
My friend sent me this...... log on and sign the petition to the Prime Minister!
Ive just done it, and think as many people as poss should do it.
I really do empathise with the whole security thing, but it is getting abit silly when the crew have access to the flight deck, liquids, glass champagne bottles, crash axes......

The airlines dont provide us with healthy food hence why we take our own, and for people like my friend who had breast cancer and can only drink soya milk and she is not allowed to take her own... i think is disgraceful!

here is the email my friend sent me... its not just for crew, its for all airside pass holders....

"For those of you who it effect and also for those of you who it might effect in future.

After putting up with the current level of scrutiny air crew, airport staff and all airside pass holders are fed up having to suffer the humiliation, stress, stupidity of having to remove liquids from our crew bags, lunches and person despite being in possession of an "air side pass".
It is creating stress levels that Air Crew are beging to find intollerable. The insanity of removing bottles of water from the very crew who operate and fly the aircraft with such items as axes and ropes on board beggars belief not to mention other loopholes and black spots in security relating to liquidss etc.
Air Crew and all Air Side pass holders should be allowed to go about their duties without the current persecution and often intimidation given to them by security staff.
What could air crew do with a bottle of water that they could not already achieve flying the plane?
Allow air pass holders to continue to take their liquids to work, their, tea, coffee, water, aftershave, toiletries, de-odorants, food etc.
End this madness now!!"

here is the link...