View Full Version : Aussie AA Exams Study Material?

8th May 2007, 21:08
Does any one out there have any study material for the Aussie AA Exam or know where I might find the Syllibus and/or exam questions?
I'm a Kiwi LAME wanting to convert my NZ licence via the TTMRA
Cheer Bro!

9th May 2007, 05:48
Not as easy as just sitting AA..You have to either sit all the Australian basics or sit the CTC exam that is one exam covering all basic exams..
Contact Queensland Aerospace College..Google search them will give you a link..

9th May 2007, 10:45
Not as easy as just sitting AA..

Yes it is, little thing called the TTMRA (Trans Tasman Mutual Recognition Agreement).


The general Syllabus is on the CASA site but I couldn't see on for AA.

When I did mine years ago (while the final legislation was going thru for the TTMRA) the company I worked for arranged for our training engineer to run us thru it (like a couple of guys used to do for the written and oral in NZ)

9th May 2007, 14:23
Queensland Aerospace College will point you in the right direction...Cant just btransfer qualifications over unless you already have an Australian licence

10th May 2007, 04:43
Thanks, CASA will issue me with an Aussiel icence with all my ratings converted as well via the TTRMA (works the same converting an Aussie licence to NZ), booked in for a course with a school in Brisbane to do the AA course and then the CASA exam. Thanks for the link!

21st May 2007, 01:58
Your kidding right? The traffic is one way across the tasman:rolleyes: