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View Full Version : CT Scan results - what does this mean?

2nd May 2007, 10:15
Anyone help with this?

"Pneumatisation of the lamella of the middle turbinate on the right is noted. The nasal septum is deviated towards the left with a bony spur which appears to contact the small left middle turbinate. No nasal cavity or post nasal space masses."

Many thanks for plain language breakdown.


2nd May 2007, 13:34
You have a deviated nasal septum. That's a bone/cartilage inside your nose that separates the two air passages, if you stick your right index finger up your right nostril it's the hard thing on your fingertip (and yes, just tried it). Yours isn;t straight, essentiall it's a bit bent. Probably very few people have one that is perfectly straight.


What made you go see your doctor in the first place? What did your doctor say?

30th May 2007, 03:15
The turbinates are bony or mucosal protrusions from the side wall of the nose. You have 3 - superior, middle, and inferior. They help to make the air turbulent as it passes through your nose. They also increase the surface area inside your nose for warming of the air that you breathe in.

As for the results of the CT - basically it's normal

30th May 2007, 11:04
Sorry, I can't help with a medical diagnosis but it does sound like someone twa**ed you with a good left hook at some point in the past.

Given that you seem to have little recollection of said incident I would assume you were malletted at the time and probably trying to get your evil way with his wife / girlfriend / daughter or possibly, if you were that hammered, his mother!

Been to any weddings or similar get-togethers involving copious amounts of falling over juice recently?;)