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27th Apr 2007, 12:16
DEFENCE BULLYING REPORT - RAF Worst of the Three Services

A recent report by the Equal Opportunities Audit Team has found that allegations of "a culture of widespread bullying and brutality" within the British Forces are, in the most part, unfounded. The audit team, which travelled to every Defence establishment across the UK and abroad and interviewed staff from all three services, found surprisingly few cases of unfair treatment and bullying within the Army and Navy.

When it came to the Airforce, however, the report told a different story. Complaints to the EOAT came from a total of 13,555 RAF members, compared with three from Navy and just one from Army.

While this statistic is alarming in its own right, it becomes horrific when one considers that each complaint represents a sad story of abuse, mistreatment and neglect. As one senior RAF officer put it, "Each story is, in itself, a sad indictment on the RAF. When taken as a whole, however, they demonstrate a reprehensible lack of regard for personnel on the part of RAF managers at all levels."

One young pilot told of having to spend two nights in tented accommodation, despite the fact that there was an empty five-star hotel just 1km away.

Another said that he had been forced to endure a gruelling fitness test every year since he joined in 1997.

One airwoman alleged that she had been overlooked for promotion on numerous occasions, simply because she was fat, lazy and stupid.

An aircraftman stated he had been refused permission to wear civilian attire to work, despite the fact that his uniform clashed with his eye colour.

Another had been forced to wear uncomfortable safety boots for periods of up to eight hours straight.

A number of personnel complained of having to attend courses that were not relevant to their jobs, such as rigorous ground combat courses and drawn-out lectures on occupational health and safety. To add insult to injury, a young corporal was even ordered to pack up chairs in the classroom after one such course.

The huge backlash against treatment of Air Force personnel should provide senior officers with a vital clue with regard to the massive retention problems experienced by the RAF in recent times. Over the past two years, the Ministry of Defence has spent some £19.8 million looking into the issue.

Not all of the Air Force's hierarchy, however, were upset by the revelations. Said outgoing Chief of the Air Staff, Air Chief Marshal Sir Errol Flynn, KCB CBE DSO ADC BSc(Eng) FRAeS RAF, "I'm delighted with the result. I am very happy that our retention problems are due, in the most part at least, to something as harmless as bullying. I thought everyone was leaving because of me."

27th Apr 2007, 12:35
:} :} :} :} :} :} :} :}

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

And aircrew had to wear Blues on visits and courses. Shocking.

27th Apr 2007, 13:03
Please tell me you are joking!:D :D :D

27th Apr 2007, 13:03
I have always found them to be rubbish at it too!

27th Apr 2007, 13:40
Please tell me you are joking!

It is true. Look it originated from here. Bullying (http://www.rafmovs.com/cpgn/index.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=1050&postdays=0&postorder=asc&&start=0)

27th Apr 2007, 13:52
Oh, how rib-ticklingly funny..........

I'm sure that those who have suffered from genuine bullying will find your puerile post utterly hilarious.

27th Apr 2007, 14:47
I found myself constantly being forced to attend Happy Hours and have a damned good time with some terrific people, when all I wanted to do was quietly read my pilots notes and iron my flying suits. Can I sue?

27th Apr 2007, 14:56
That is what you are going to get with all these soft approach, PC hard-right leaning attitudes!

That is the way todays kids are raised!

But, that was real fun reading! Set me up for the week-end, it did! :E

27th Apr 2007, 17:35
Oh, how rib-ticklingly funny..........

I'm sure that those who have suffered from genuine bullying will find your puerile post utterly hilarious.

The OP is an excellent parody on the sort of whinging, malingering behaviour that the selfish individuals who plague our society try to pass off as real examples of harrassment, bullying, stress, discrimination etc.
It is those individuals that the proper victims of such situations are most likely to find unhumorous.