View Full Version : Qatar Airways retirement

22nd Apr 2007, 01:39
Since Qr doesn't offer any provident fund, how are you guys preparing your retirement? Any interesting investments ideas?

23rd Apr 2007, 08:17
eaglejet, hi there. Well it all depends on your risk tolerance I'd say. You can invest in real estate, securities etc. You can go for more riskier stuff like derivatives, forex or you can find a sheika and get laid, kidding.:D
Whatever you do make sure you have a direct access to the market or a very good broker.:ok:

Desert Diner
23rd Apr 2007, 09:59
You need to save a good chunk of your wage packet if you work out here.

Many have not done that, left, realised what it truly costs to live back home, and have actually returned.

24th Apr 2007, 05:01
'Find a sheika....!'

Damn fine idea, might run that program, after 10 years in the sandpit, a collapsed liver and a huge photo collection, anything is worth a go!!!


24th Apr 2007, 05:54
What is the retirement age at Qatar?

24th Apr 2007, 05:54
nobody makes it out of here alive . . .


look closely those are oryxes garding the gate.

24th Apr 2007, 15:55
Fox3snapshot, yea man don't take the words too literally though you might end up in the jail for that instead on your own yacht sailing away!!
MBA747, I think QR raised the age limit to 65 but it's some kinda conditional I don't remember exactly. Perhaps someone else can give you more detailed info.
However the retirement age is entirely up to your wallet and marital situation.:ok:

25th Apr 2007, 08:55
Retirement age at Q.A....?...as Soon as you can....:hmm:

25th Apr 2007, 12:12
As I recall. No one retires from Qatar Airways. Only Resigns or terminated :-)

25th Apr 2007, 15:23
Retirement....before even talk about retirement,anybody knowns IF and when they gone pay our DUE overtime for this year......???:\